Manage User Accounts in Webex Site Administration
Users can be added, edited, or deactivated by administrators of the site. Administrators can also assign multiple account types and allow site-wide account settings.
User Account Types
There are a few distinct types of user accounts, and each one confers a unique set of capabilities upon its holder:
User Account Type |
Description |
Host |
Users are granted the ability to host Webex sessions. |
Site Administrator |
Users are granted the ability to host sessions and make use of Site Administration. |
Partial Site Admin |
Attendee only |
Users will be able to sign in to your Webex and access the meeting list, as well as manage their personal profiles and attend meetings if they do so. Note: Webex sessions can be attended by attendees even if they do not have attendee accounts, provided that the host does not require attendees to have accounts. |
There is no limit to the number of user accounts that can be created if your Webex contract includes the concurrent license option. The number of people who can simultaneously host or attend sessions is restricted based on the terms of your contract. If you have questions concerning concurrent licensing, contact your Webex account manager.
Users can submit a request for new accounts by filling out an account sign-up form that is located on your Webex service site, provided that your organization has enabled the account sign-up option.
Users on your Webex site will be able to submit requests for account creation if you enable this functionality.
From the Site Administration menu, you can also add user accounts for a single user or several users.
Allow Users to Request Accounts from the Site
Follow the steps in this approach to display a signup form for user accounts on your website so that users can submit requests for participant accounts. You have the option of selecting choices to:
- Require site administrator approval for all account requests (all requests are placed in a queue for you to accept or reject).
- Requests to sign up from particular Internet domains can be set to automatically approve or refuse.
1 After successfully logging in to the Webex Site Administration, navigate to Configuration > Common Site Settings > Options.
2 You’ll want to allow users to request additional services, so scroll down to the Service Request Settings section and make that selection.
3 Select the option to “Automatically approve all host account requests” if you would want for all requests to be automatically granted permission.
4 By selecting the option “Site admin will manually approve host account requests,” you can cause requests to be placed in a queue for approval.
5 Select each sort of information that users are required to provide in order to complete the account signup form under the heading “Require for account signup.”
6 Select Update.
Accept or Reject Account Requests
If the Webex service site for your organization has a feature that allows users to sign up for accounts, you may use this technique to accept or deny account requests.
After a user has submitted a request for a new account, it is possible that it will take up to two days before the person is granted access to your website. If the user requires access immediately after you accept the signup request, modify the user’s account, choose a password for the account, and then offer the password to the new user.
1. Navigate to Site Information after logging in to the Webex Site Administration account.
2 On the Site Information page, pick the link that says “new host account request” or “new participant account request” to create a new account for either the host or the participant.
These links are only displayed on your website if one or more users have submitted a request for an account (either as a host or a participant).
3 To accept one or more signup requests, choose the check box next to each signup request that you want to accept, and then select Accept. This will allow you to accept one or more signup requests.
4 Select the check box next to each registration request that you want to reject, and then select the Reject button, if you want to reject one or more of the requests to join up.
The individual who requested an account receives a notification via email from the Site Administration informing them of the status of their request and whether or not it was granted.
Add a User Account
1 Navigate to the Users > Add User menu in the Webex Site Administration after successfully logging in.
2 On the screen that allows you to add new users, choose the kind of account that you wish to make.
3 In the section labeled “Account Information,” provide the user’s name as well as their email address.
You have the option of entering the user’s preferred name into the Display name section if the name that appears in the company directory does not correspond to the user’s usual one. The Meetings Participants List will reflect the Display name that has been provided. In the event that the Display name field is left blank, the user’s first and last names will be displayed in the list automatically.
If the characters “(” and “)” are present in the Display name field, they will not be displayed as part of the participant’s name even if the field is populated with those characters.
4 Create a password for the site that satisfies any password criterion settings that may be present, and then input that password.
5 Determine the time zone and language that will be used by default for the user.
6 Choose the permissions that you want to grant to the user.
7 In the box labeled “Contact Information,” you should provide your office, cell, and alternate phone numbers, as well as your address information.
- To enable call-back to each phone number, you must first choose the “Call-back” check box.
- To demand call-in authentication from guests, select the appropriate option from the drop-down menu.
8 If you are utilizing a video system, be sure to provide a Video system name as well as a Video address in the area under “Video Systems.”
9 Make sure you click Add.
Edit a Single User Account
Please ensure that you are following each and every instruction that was provided for your implementation.
1 Navigate to the Users > Edit User menu in the Webex Site Administration after you have successfully logged in.
2 Make use of the search functions in order to find the user account.
You also have the option to search for the user by viewing specific sorts of accounts, such as WebACD agent accounts.
3 (Optional) To activate or deactivate a user account, select Active next to the account in question, then click the Submit button when you are finished.
4 Select “Submit” if you want to change the sorts of meetings that a user is able to host. You can do this by checking or unchecking the boxes that are located next to the user’s account in the column labeled “Session Type.”
5 To make changes to the information associated with a user account, choose the account name.
6 Make any necessary changes to the profile information or settings on the Edit User page, and then click the Update button.
Turn on and Turn off User Accounts
You have the ability to deactivate user accounts temporarily, and you are free to switch them back on at any moment. Because their account is disabled, the user is unable to host Webex sessions during this time. In addition, sessions on a host that has been turned off cannot be initiated.
Through the usage of Site Administration, you will not be able to delete a user account from your Webex service site. You are nonetheless able to update the information associated with the account, including the username and password, and provide access to it to a different user.
1 Enter your login information into the Webex Site Administration. navigate to Users > Edit User in the menu.
2 Determine the location of the user account.
3 To activate or deactivate a user account, click the checkbox or uncheckbox next to the account, and then click the Submit button.
4 Select Submit.
Accept or Reject Password Requests
Users who have forgotten their passwords but have the Login Assistance option activated will be able to request new ones from within the login page itself. Make use of this process in order to either grant or deny password requests.
1. Navigate to Site Information after successfully logging in to the Webex Site Administration.
2 On the Site Information page, locate and click the link labeled “New password requests.”
This link is only displayed in the event that one or more users have requested the reset of their passwords.
3 Select either Accept or Reject from the drop-down menu once you have checked the box next to the request.
By selecting the username, you can discover further information about the user who is requesting a password.
In response to each password request, the Site Administration sends an email message to the individual who made the request, informing them of the current status of their password request.