Managing a hub’s content library in zoom
In Zoom Events, as a hub owner or a host, you can upload videos and images from the content library of a hub to share with the hub’s hosts and the hub owner so they can take part in the event. The co-editors of the content library can also access the media inside the content library if they are given access to the content library. Hubs come with a library of shared media in which hosts can quickly access media that has been shared throughout the hub. As well as adding and removing media from their content library, hub owners have the ability to manage their content.
There is a content library as well as a tool for cropping images within the Zoom Events platform, so you will be able to use them whenever you wish to upload media to the platform.
There is an immediate moderation process for media uploaded to the library of content. The moderation process can be divided into three steps: Passing Moderation, Pending Moderation, and Failed Moderation.
There is a limit of 1,024 files that can be uploaded to a hub’s content library at a time.
In spite of the fact that the content library can store images that attendees will see, it is not for attendee-facing material. In the content library, event organizers can share a collection of assets in one hub for them to share within the event.
This article covers:
How to access a hub’s content library
Search the content library
Filter the content library
Sort the content library
Understand the content library
You can access the content library from the Edit section of the flow when you are creating an event
During the event creation process, you will find the content library under the Manage section.
How to add hub branding media to the content library
How to add media to the content library
Add images or videos to the content library
Add Hub Branding media to the content library
Add media during event creation
How to delete media from the content library
Delete from the hub’s Content Library tab
Delete media from the pop-up window
Prerequisites for managing a hub’s content library
Zoom desktop client
Windows: 5.8.6 or higher
macOS: 5.8.6 or higher
Zoom mobile client
iOS: 5.8.6 or higher
Android: 5.8.6 or higher
Pro, Business, Enterprise, or Education account
In order to create paid events, you will need a Stripe or PayPal Business account
Zoom Events license
How to access a hub’s content library
Zoom Events can be accessed by signing in.
The Manage button can be found in the top-right corner of the page.
Select the hub that you would like to manage from the left navigation menu by clicking the hub drop-down menu.
The Content Library can be found under the hub you would like to manage.
In the content library you will be able to see the images and/or videos associated with your hub.
Search the content library
There is a library of content available in the hub.
Enter the name of the image or video in the search box and click on the search button.
Note: This is a fuzzy search too, which means that the search will match a term close but not exactly if it is entered. If you want to search for a particular name, you can enter a partial name to make it easier for you to find it. There is also an option to view all results that include a few letters of the media’s name by entering a few letters of this media’s name.
Filter the content library
There is a library of content available in the hub.
To filter your content, you can click the Sort by dropdown menu to the right of the search box to the left of the search box.
Filtering can be done by adding a recent item, going from A to Z, or going from Z to A.
Once you choose your filter, the list of contents will be filtered accordingly.
Sort the content library
There is a library of content available in the hub.
You can filter the results by date added by clicking on the arrow at the bottom of the screen:
The media will be sorted by clicking the up arrow. The media that has been added most recently will be listed last, and the media that is older will appear first.
In order to sort the media in descending order, click on the down arrow and you will see the most recent additions to the media displayed at the top, followed by the older media displayed at the bottom.
You will be able to filter the list of contents based on which sorting option you choose for your content library.
Understand the content library
Use the content library in the Edit section of the event creation flow
There are several locations in the event creation flow where the content library can be accessed under the Edit section:
Event Profile tab: The main event masthead can be customized using the content library that is included with Event Profile tab.
In-session Branding tab: The virtual background and webinar wallpapers can be used from the content library under the In-session Branding tab. In addition to adding new branding elements to your in-session sessions, you can also add them to the content library.
Sessions tab:
If you would like to add content to the Basic Info tab, you can use the content library as follows:
Session Image
Session Video
The following content is available in the Sessions tab’s In-session Branding tab that you can use:
Webinar Wallpaper
Speakers tab: If you would like to include a photo and the company logo of the speaker, you can use the content library.
Sponsors tab: There is a content library you can use to add the logo for the Sponsor, the images for the Sponsor (all 5 images), as well as any image for the Sponsor Representative.
Expo tab: On the Expo tab, you will find a content library, where you can upload images and logos for your booth, photos of the booth representative, booth resources, as well as booth images (all 5 images).
Note: Sponsors who are uploading content to their booths from the content library will have access to the library.
There are a number of speakers and sponsors whose images and videos need to be checked before they are uploaded. You will need to check if the host invites them to edit their session and speaker/sponsor bio if the host invites them to do so.
We do not support images with more than 5,000 pixels in size.
Use the content library in the Manage section of the event creation flow
A list of the different locations where the content library can be accessed under the Manage section can be found here:
Controls tab: In order to use the Lobby Home Masthead, you can use the following content library:
Custom image or video
Add Image
Add Video
How to add media to the content library
Users can use the image crop tool immediately after uploading a new photo to ensure that the image fits the right size in the content library; the original image will be saved to the content library, but the cropped image will only be saved to the folder where it is being uploaded when the user uploads the new photo. The Zoom Events platform allows hosts to upload images from the content library in different ways, allowing them to use the same image in any of Zoom Events’ upload image options.
The image crop tool appears when:
The Content Library tab on the hub has been selected in order to upload a new image and the image has been selected for upload.
This is done by selecting the Add to Content Library checkbox next to the upload button next to the image or video that needs to be uploaded in the content library Select Image/Video pop-up window.
It is also possible to crop images that have been previously entered into the content library if the crop tool is selected; this way, users will be able to crop images in the order that they want for each option of images available (which have different sizes).
Add images or videos to the content library
There is a library of content available in the hub.
To add images or videos, click the Add Images or Videos button.
You will find the option to add images or videos in the dropdown menu.
Click on the Open button once you have selected the media you wish to upload.
In your content library, you will be able to see the image or video that you have uploaded.
Add Hub Branding media to the content library
There is an option in the content library which allows you to add newly uploaded media to the hub when you upload and change the media (profile image, logo, masthead, and video) for the hub.
Adding media to your Hub Branding content library is as easy as the following:
Zoom Events can be accessed by signing in.
The Manage button can be found in the top-right corner of the page.
Select the hub that you would like to manage from the left navigation menu by clicking the hub drop-down menu.
Click on Hub Branding under the hub you would like to manage.
You need to change the media that you are using for Hub Branding:
You can change the Hub’s profile image by clicking on the Change button under the image.
Note: The size of the image must not exceed 2 megabytes. -
The hub logo can be changed by hovering your mouse over it and clicking on the Change Image button.
Note: It is recommended that you use an image size of 300×56 pixels. It is only possible to use a JPG or JPEG file that is not greater than 2 MB in size. -
Click on the Change Image button in the hub masthead when your mouse is hovered over it.
Note: It is recommended that the image size be 744 x 484. The only file that can be used is a JPG/JPEG file with a maximum file size of 10 MB. -
The Hub Branding video can be edited by hovering your mouse over it and clicking the edit icon.
Notice: Videos must be a maximum of 60 seconds in length and a maximum of 50 MB in size, and should be MP4 files only.In the Select Image or Select Video pop-up window, you will have the option to select an image or video.
Note: If you have added media to the content library of your hub, you can search, filter, and sort your media library content in this pop-up window after you have added media to it.
Select the check box next to Add to Content Library in the pop-up window that appears.
Notice: After you upload an image or video to the content library, it will automatically be saved to the library after you select this check box. When you upload your image or video, if you do not select this check box, it will not be saved to the content library after it is uploaded. -
You will be able to upload a new image by clicking + Upload a New Image.
Choosing + Upload a New Video will allow you to upload a video if you are uploading one. -
If you want to upload an image or video, select it, then click the Open button.
The hub’s content library will be updated with your image and video when they are uploaded.
Add media during event creation
As a guideline, it is recommended that an event’s cover image should have a size of 744×488 pixels. It is only possible to use JPG/JPEG/PNG files that are not larger than 10 megabytes.
As well as manually resizing each image uploaded, event creators also have the option of searching for an image to upload or resizing the image manually. It is also possible to resize images after they have been uploaded.
A video can only last for 60 seconds and have a maximum file size of 50 MB, MP4 files are the only ones that can be uploaded.
A series event or an event that will take place on a recurring basis can be created.
When creating an event, you will be given the option to add media.
There will be a pop-up window that allows you to select an image or video. -
Select the check box next to Add to Content Library in the pop-up window that appears.
Note: If you select this box, your image or video will automatically be saved to the content library after it has been uploaded to your computer, so that you can review it later. After you upload your image or video to the content library, you will not be able to save the image or video if you do not check this box. -
You will be able to upload a new image by clicking + Upload a New Image.
Choosing + Upload a New Video will allow you to upload a video if you are uploading one. -
If you want to upload an image or video, select it, then click the Open button.
The hub’s content library will be updated with your image and video when they are uploaded.
How to delete media from the content library
Delete from the hub’s Content Library tab
There is a library of content available in the hub.
If you want to remove a piece of media from the content library, you need to first find it in the library.
You can delete the media by clicking the icon to the right of the media.
In the verification dialog box, click the Delete button to confirm that you want to delete the file.
There will be a removal of your media from the content library as soon as possible.
Delete media from the pop-up window
If you click on the Select Image or Select Video pop-up window within the content library, you can also delete any uploaded media from it.
During the creation of the event or the branding of the hub, it is possible to add media.
You can select an image or a video to be deleted from the pop-up window that appears after you click on Select Image or Select Video.
On the right hand side of the media, click the delete icon to delete the media.
To confirm your decision, click the Delete button in the verification dialog box.
In order to remove your media from the content library, please follow the steps below.
All content and images credit goes to