Managing dispositions in zoom app
Agent dispositions can be created and edited by administrators. As a result of dispositions, agents can assign outcomes or topics to engagements based on their preferences. When dispositions are created, they can be added to queues as soon as they are created.
When creating a disposition, you can include a note that explains the reason the disposition was selected, or you can feature it as an option that agents can pick through the wrap-up process, allowing them to add any additional explanations when they are finished with their phone call.
Note: There is no need for agents to set a disposition for completing engagements if you don’t add any dispositions for that queue.
Prerequisites for managing dispositions
You will need Zoom desktop client 5.9.3 or higher if you are using Windows or macOS
Whether you are a Business, Education, or Pro account holder
License for Zoom Contact Center can be purchased here
Note: In addition to voice, video, chat, and SMS transmission, dispositions are supported on all channels.
How to create a disposition
Zoom’s web portal can be accessed by logging in.
Click Contact Center Management from the navigation menu, and then click Dispositions from the dropdown menu.
Please click the Add button.
Here are the details you need to include:
Active Status: The disposition can be enabled or disabled for use by agents. Disabled dispositions appear in the Zoom web portal, but agents are not able to access the disposition because it is disabled.
Name: Enter a display name for the disposition so that it can be identified more easily.
Note: The name of the disposition is visible to agents, but the description is not visible to them. -
Description: A description of the disposition should be entered here.
Please click the Save button to save the changes.
How to edit a disposition
Zoom’s web portal can be accessed by logging in.
Click Contact Center Management from the navigation menu, and then click Dispositions from the dropdown menu.
If you would like to edit a disposition, you will need to click on its display name.
The following settings need to be changed:
Display name: If you wish to rename the disposition in order to make it easier to identify, click on Rename.
Active Status: The disposition can be enabled or disabled for use by agents. If the disposition is disabled, this means that it appears in Zoom’s web portal, but agents do not have access to it.
Name: In order to make it easier to identify a disposition, enter a display name.
Note: The name of the disposition is visible to agents, but the description is not visible to them. -
Description: If you are entering a disposition, please enter a description of it.
How to create a disposition set
In order to organize dispositions for agents, you will be able to create disposition sets.
Zoom’s web portal can be accessed by logging in.
Click Contact Center Management from the navigation menu, and then click Dispositions from the dropdown menu.
On the tab Sets, click the Edit button.
Please click the Add button.
Please provide the following information in the form below:
Active Status: The disposition set can be enabled or disabled for use by agents. A disposition set that is disabled is displayed in the Zoom web portal, but agents are not able to use it through the portal.
Note: Disposition sets can be enabled or disabled without affecting the dispositions that are associated with them. -
Name: In order to make it easier to identify a disposition set, enter a display.
Note: The name of the disposition is visible to agents, but the description is not visible to them. -
Description: Describe the disposition set by entering a description in the text box below.
Dispositions: Choose the dispositions that you would like to add to the set by clicking the drop-down menu.
Please click the Add button.
How to add a disposition to a queue
Zoom’s web portal can be accessed by logging in.
Click Contact Center Management in the navigation bar and then click Queues in the submenu.
Select the queue that you would like to edit by clicking on its display name.
Click on Add or Manage under the Dispositions section of the page.
Please click the Add button.
There are two tabs on this page: Dispositions for adding dispositions individually, and Sets for adding all the dispositions in a set at once.
Click on the Add button after you have selected the dispositions or sets that you would like to add.
How to edit or delete a disposition set
Zoom’s web portal can be accessed by logging in.
Click on the Contact Center Management button in the navigation menu, then on the Dispositions button.
If you wish to edit a disposition set, you must click on its display name in the list box.
The following settings need to be changed:
Display name: If you wish to change the display name of the disposition set, click on Rename to enter a new name
Note: A disposition set’s name can be seen by agents, but its description cannot be seen by them. -
Active Status: For agents to be able to use a disposition set, you can enable or disable it. An agent cannot access a disposition set if it is disabled. Disabled disposition sets appear in the Zoom web portal but are not available for use by agents.
Description: Describe the disposition set by entering a description in the text box below.
Disposition: Choose the dispositions that you would like to add to the set by clicking the drop-down menu.
How to delete a disposition
Log in to Zoom’s web portal by clicking on the sign in button.
Click on the Contact Center Management button in the navigation menu, then on the Dispositions button.
If you want to delete a disposition or set, you can locate it in the Dispositions or Sets tab.
It is possible to delete a Disposition or Set by clicking the ellipse icon in the last column.
You can select multiple dispositions or sets at one time, and then click the Delete Selected button at the top of the table to delete them all at once.
If a disposition set is deleted, the dispositions associated with it will not be deleted as well.