Managing the My Events page in zoom
In the My Events page, Zoom Events hosts will be able to access and manage all the events they have drafted, have upcoming, and have aired in the past. The My Events page also provides hosts with the option to create new events from there. In this page, you will find all of the events the host has created, as well as an efficient way for the host to track all of their events across the Zoom Events platform in one place.
This article covers:
How to access My Events
View upcoming events
View drafts
View past events
How to manage upcoming events
How to manage drafts
How to manage past events
How to create an event from My Events
Prerequisites for managing your host events
Zoom desktop client
Windows: 5.8.6 or higher
macOS: 5.8.6 or higher
Zoom mobile client
iOS: 5.8.6 or higher
Android: 5.8.6 or higher
Pro, Business, Enterprise, or Education account
Stripe or PayPal Business account is required to create paid events
Zoom Events license
How to access My Events
You will need to sign in to Zoom Events in order to participate.
Click on the Manage button in the top-right corner of the screen.
On the left-hand side of the screen, click My Events in the navigation menu.
It will display all your upcoming events, those you have drafted, and those from the past.
View upcoming events
My Events can be accessed by clicking here.
Please click the Upcoming tab on the left side of the screen.
You will be able to see all events that are coming up in your calendar.
View drafts
My Events can be accessed by clicking here.
Select the Drafts tab on the left hand side of the screen.
You will see a list of all the events you have drafted.
View past events
My Events can be accessed by clicking here.
The Past tab can be found by clicking the Past button.
Your past events will be displayed in a chronological order.
How to manage upcoming events
View Upcoming tab information
On the Upcoming tab, you can find the following information regarding upcoming events:
Event Info: This section displays the name of the event, the date/time of the event, and the timezone of the event.
Tickets Sold: This widget displays the number of tickets that have been sold out of all of the tickets that have been sold out for the event.
Gross Sales: This is the number of tickets that have been sold.
Status: The status of the sale for the event is displayed here.
Manage upcoming events
There are a number of actions that you can take in the Upcoming tab for each of the upcoming events in your calendar:
If you want to manage an event that is upcoming, you should find one first.
In the event field, click the ellipses next to the event.
If you would like to perform the following action, click on it:
Join Lobby
Start: By clicking the Start button in the Zoom desktop client, your event will begin to run.
When you click on the pencil icon, you will be directed to the event creation flow, where you will be able to edit the event.
Send Message to Registrants
How to manage drafts
View Drafts tab information
This event information can be found in the Drafts tab, where it is displayed as follows:
Event Info: This field displays the event name, the event date/time, and the time zone of the event.
Tickets: The number of tickets for the event is displayed in this section.
Manage drafted events
You can perform the following actions on each drafted event that you have created under the Drafts tab:
Preview drafted event
It is possible to preview an event that has been drafted but has not been published.
Click on the Preview Event button.
In addition to viewing a preview of the event details page from the perspective of an attendee, you will also be able to enter Attendee Mode.
Edit drafted event
In order to manage an event, you will need to find one that has been drafted.
It is possible to edit an event by clicking on the pencil icon.
Additional drafted event actions
The first thing you need to do is find a drafted event that you want to manage.
You can do this by clicking the ellipsis to the right of the event.
If you would like to perform the following action, click on it:
Delete Event
Note: It is not possible to undo the deletion of an event once it has been done, so you will not be able to retrieve the details of the event.
How to manage past events
View Past tab information
The following information is displayed in the Past tab in relation to the event:
Event Info: This field displays the event name, the event date/time, and the time zone of the event.
Tickets Sold: The number of tickets that have been sold out of the total number of tickets for the event is shown in this field.
Gross Sales: This is the number of tickets that have been sold.
Manage past events
You can perform the following actions on each event that happened in the past by selecting the Past tab:
If you want to manage a past event that has already taken place, find it in the past.
Click the ellipses to the right of the event that you wish to edit.
You can choose the action that you want to take by clicking the button:
Manage Registration
Send Post-Event Message to Registrants
Edit past events
The first thing you need to do is to find an event that you want to manage from the past.
You can edit the event by clicking the pencil icon located to the right of the event’s name.
View past event analytics
The first thing you need to do is to find an event that you want to manage from the past.
In the right hand column, click Analytics to view the event’s analytics to the right of the event name.
Upon clicking on the Analytics Overview tab, you will be taken to a detailed view of your analytics.
How to create an event from My Events
You can access My Events by clicking here.
Click on the Create Event button located at the top right corner of the screen.
There are different types of events you can create, including recurring series, multiple sessions, and single sessions.
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