Managing Zoom Meeting settings for Salesforce
In this section, you will be able to set organization-wide settings for your account.
How to find Zoom meeting settings
If you are an administrator of Salesforce, log in to the system.
Zoom Meeting Settings can be accessed from the Zoom Config section of the App Launcher.
How to set a default outbound email address
In the Mail Default From Address field, you can select an email address from the drop-down list to be used as the default outbound email address for all the meetings invitation emails you are sending.
The following steps can be taken to add address to the Mail Default From Address picklist:
Click on the Setup button.
Enter the Organization-Wide Addresses in the Quickfind Search field.
Select Organization-Wide Addresses from the drop-down list.
Please click on the Add button.
Please provide a display name as well as the email address you wish to use.
It is recommended that you select Enable this From Address to be used by all profiles.
How to populate meeting details in the event description
In order to automatically populate meeting details into the description field of the event, when the Populate meeting details in event description setting is enabled, the meeting details will be automatically populated.
Note: It is recommended that you enable this setting if you use Salesforce for Outlook.
How to disable invitation emails
Please turn on the option Disable invitation emails if you would like to prevent the invitation email from being sent.
Enable password for non-PMI meetings
You can enable this setting if you would like all users on your account to be required to have passwords for all meetings they attend. In Salesforce, each Zoom meeting that is created will automatically generate a password that is unique to that meeting.