Mass deployment with preconfigured settings for Windows in Zoom
Zoom Desktop Client can be configured in three different ways for Windows: via MSI installer for configuration and installation, via Active Directory administrative templates utilizing Group Policy, or via registry keys.
Zoom Rooms for Windows can also be configured with a Group Policy template or registry key using Active Directory administrative templates.
You can deploy Zoom using GPO or SCCM if you use the MSI installer. Install the client by using a startup script if you’re installing via GPO. Install using a logon script if you also want to deploy the Outlook plugin via GPO.
Upon deployment, Zoom administrators can lock specific features and settings by using Active Directory Administrative Templates or registry keys.
Installations of MSI require elevated administrative rights.
This article covers:
- Downloading the MSI installer
- Priority of settings
- Deploying and configuring the Zoom desktop client
- Command-line deployment
- Intune deployment
- Configuration options for the Zoom desktop client
- General settings
- Meeting settings
- Chat settings
- Other parameters
- Uninstall switches
- Configuration options for Zoom Rooms for Windows
- System options
- Configuration options for the Outlook Plugin for Windows
- Active Directory Administrative Template configuration
Learn to install Zoom with preconfigured settings for Mac.
Here are some switches that require the Zoom IT Installer latest version.
Downloading the MSI installer
- Go to the Download Center
- Click on Download for IT Admin or download directly from
Priority of settings
There are multiple places where settings can be configured. Some can only be configured by Zoom admins or IT admins, and some by end users. Zoom will prioritize setting conflicts as follows:
- Deploying settings via MSI/GPO with zConfig
- Web settings locked for the group or account
- Client setting selected by the user
- Setting deployed via MSI/GPO with zRecommend
- Web setting that are not locked
Deploying and configuring the Zoom desktop client
Command-line deployment
msiexec /package ZoomInstallerFull.msi /lex zoommsi.log
Silent install:
msiexec /i ZoomInstallerFull.msi /quiet /qn /norestart /log install.log
Wait until in-progress meeting ends before installing:
msiexec /i ZoomInstallerFull.msi /norestart MSIRESTARTMANAGERCONTROL=”Disable”
Silent auto-start:
Disabled by default, this option makes the desktop client automatically and silently start with Windows. To enable, append zSilentStart=”true” to the end of your install choice.
msiexec /package ZoomInstallerFull.msi /lex zoommsi.log zSilentStart=”true”
No desktop shortcut:
Disabled by default, this option prevents the creation of a desktop shortcut on install or update. To enable, append zNoDesktopShortCut=”true” to the end of your install choice.
msiexec /package ZoomInstallerFull.msi /lex zoommsi.log ZNoDesktopShortCut=”true”
Preconfigure SSO URL:
Disabled by default, this option allows you to preconfigure the SSO URL. To set a URL, append zSSOHost=”vanity_URL” to the end of your install choice. For example, can be set with any of the following formats:
- “hooli”
- “https://hooli”
- “”
msiexec /package ZoomInstallerFull.msi /lex zoommsi.log zSSOHost=”vanity_URL”
The Check for Updates option will be disabled by default, preventing users from checking for and installing Zoom client updates. If auto-update is enabled, users will be able to check for updates in the client without requiring elevated admin rights. Adding ZoomAutoUpdate=”true” to your install choice will enable and allow users to update the Zoom client:
msiexec /package ZoomInstallerFull.
- The auto-update feature is not a true auto-update feature. The desktop client will not automatically stay on the latest client version, but only allow the user to manually check for updates. The auto-update options below include EnableSilentAutoUpdate and AlwaysCheckLatestVersion.
- The auto-update switch will not work in the VDI client.
Advanced Sharing Service:
By default, this option disables this service, which can prevent upgrading prompts that ask for admin credentials. The auto-update experience may be impaired slightly if this option is disabled. Adding DisableAdvancedSharingService=true to your install choice will disable advanced sharing.
msiexec /package ZoomInstallerFull.msi /lex zoommsi.log DisableAdvancedSharingService=true
Firewall port start and end:
Zoom client firewall rules include inbound and outbound traffic. Zoom does not recommend enabling FirewallPortStart without FirewallPortEnd, as they both need to be configured together.
msiexec /package ZoomInstallerFull.msi /lex zoommsi.log FirewallPortStart=”7200″ FirewallPortEnd=”17210″
Additional Configuration Options
You can enable additional options by appending the ZConfig parameter to your install choice. Multiple options should be separated by ‘;’:
msiexec /package ZoomInstaller.msi /norestart /lex msi.log ZConfig=”account=your_account_id;nogoogle=1;nofacebook=1;”
In the following table, you can find additional ZConfig options.
Allow users to change settings:
to deploy settings but allow users to change them within the Zoom desktop client, deploy with “ZRecommend” instead of “ZConfig”. For example, msiexec /i ZoomInstallerFull.msi ZRecommend=”AudioAutoAdjust=1″
If you want to force certain settings, but allow users to change other default settings, use both ZConfig and ZRecommend . For example, msiexec /i ZoomInstallerFull.msi ZConfig=”nogoogle=1″ ZRecommend=”AudioAutoAdjust=1″
When a setting is set for both ZConfig and ZRecommend, ZConfig will lock the setting, and it cannot be changed by the user.
Intune deployment
- Sign in to Microsoft Intune.
- Select Client apps.
- Select Apps.
- Click on Add.
- Select Line-of-business app as the App type, then click Select.
- Select the package file for the app.
- Select ZoomInstallFull.msi from the list of files.
- Press OK.
- In the App information tab enter the following:
- Description- Enter the description of the app, i.e Zoom Meeting app.
- Publisher- Choose Zoom Video Communications.
- Select the device to install the app.
- Command-line arguments- Type any MSI installation switches.
- When you want to enable default settings that need to be locked, start each setting switch with ZConfig. Ex. ZConfig=”nogoogle=1”.
- Start each setting switch with ZRecommend to enable default settings that users can change. Ex. ZRecommend=”AudioAutoAdjust=1”.
- Click Next.
- Add any Scope tags you wish.
- Then click Next.
- Specify whether the app is required for specific user groups, all users, or all devices.
- Click Next.
- Review the deployment summary, then click Create.
Configuration options
The following registry entries will be found in the following locations:
General settings
Description | Default state and value | MSI option | Value type |
Remove Google login option | Disabled, 0 | NoGoogle | Boolean |
Remove Facebook login option | Disabled, 0 | NoFacebook | Boolean |
Remove Email login option | Disabled, 0 | DisableLoginWithEmail | Boolean |
Remove SSO login option | Disabled, 0 | NoSSO | Boolean |
Require new SSO login upon client start | Disabled, 0 | DisableKeepSignedInWithSSO | Boolean |
Require new Google login upon client start | Disabled, 0 | DisableKeepSignedInWithGoogle | Boolean |
Require new Facebook login upon client start | Disabled, 0 | DisableKeepSignedInWithFacebook | Boolean |
Set and lock the default SSO URL for a client login For example, would be set as ForceSSOUrl=hooli |
Disabled | ForceSSOUrl=your_company | String |
Prevent Zoom from automatically launching the previously used SSO URL. This is useful for users with multiple accounts, each having their own SSO URL. | Disabled, 0 | DisableAutoLaunchSSO | Boolean |
Defaults login to use SSO | Disabled, 0 | AutoSSOLogin | Boolean |
Block connections to untrusted SSL certificates | Enabled, 1 | BlockUntrustedSSLCert | Boolean |
Embed a specified user agent string for all HTTP requests from Zoom client | Disabled | EmbedUserAgentString | String |
Disable UAC prompt when logging into Zoom | Enabled, 1 | AddFWException | Boolean |
Minimize Zoom to system tray | Enabled, 1 | Min2Tray | Boolean |
Auto-start Zoom when Windows starts | Disabled, 0 | ZoomAutoStart | Boolean |
Auto-start Zoom silently when Windows starts | Disabled, 0 | zSilentStart | Boolean |
Allows the desktop client to silently check for updates and, if user’s version is lower than the stable version set by Zoom, install upon launching the client.
This option requires the AutoUpdate option to be enabled. |
Enabled, 1 | EnableSilentAutoUpdate | Boolean |
Allows the desktop client to check for updates and, if user’s version is lower than the latest version set by Zoom, prompt the user to install the update. This option requires the AutoUpdate option to be enabled. |
Disabled, 0 | AlwaysCheckLatestVersion | Boolean |
Allows the control of the cadence of updates applied to the desktop client.
Slow (0): fewer updates and better stability |
Slow (0) | SetUpdatingChannel | Boolean |
Prevents the desktop client from upgrading to the 64-bit version automatically, if the 32-bit version is installed on a 64-bit system. | Disabled, 0 | DisableUpdateTo64Bit | Boolean |
Do not create a desktop shortcut for Zoom | Disabled, 0 | zNoDesktopShortCut | Boolean |
Set the email address domain that users can login with | Disabled | Login_Domain, domain | String |
Forces users to be signed in before joining a meeting from the app. Users can be signed-in on the web portal when joining through join URL. | Disabled, 0 | EnforceSignInToJoin | Boolean |
Require the client to be logged in to a Zoom account before joining any meeting. | Disabled | EnforceAppSignInToJoin | Boolean |
Set account IDs (A) that the client is restricted to join meetings hosted by specific accounts | Disabled, 0 | Account, your_account_id | String |
Enforce internal meeting authentication (B) | Disabled | SetDevicePolicyToken, device_token | String |
Keep the user signed in to the client when it is restarted (email login only) | Disabled, 0 | KeepSignedIn | Boolean |
Zoom client will automatically open and after system reboot. | Disabled, 0 | AutoStartAfterReboot | Boolean |
Zoom client will start in the system tray after system reboot. | Disabled, 0 | AutoStartInSystemTray | Boolean |
Sets the web domain for logging in or joining a meeting. By default, the value is or | Disabled, empty | SetWebDomain, domain | String |
Default to Portrait Mode upon opening Zoom | Disabled, 0 | DefaultUsePortraitView | Boolean |
Share sound when screen sharing to a Zoom Room | Enabled, 1 | PresentToRoomWithAudio | Boolean |
Displays the Call Room System button on the home screen of the Zoom client | Disabled, 0 | EnableStartMeetingWithRoomSystem | Boolean |
Display the caller name for Room system being invited to Zoom meeting | Disabled, 0 | AppendCallerNameForRoomSystem | Boolean |
Enables HID control of USB devices by the Zoom client | Enabled, 1 | EnableHIDControl | Boolean |
If enabled, the client will use the following ports for media transmission: Audio: 8803 |
Disabled, 0 | EnableIndependentDataPort | Boolean |
Use embed browser in the client for SSO | Disabled, 0 | EnableEmbedBrowserForSSO | Boolean |
Automatically send logs, when there is a critical-failure issue | Disabled, 0 | EnableAutoUploadDumps | Boolean |
Show Zoom contact status in Outlook, and sets Zoom as the default chat, meeting, and phone app in Outlook. | Disabled, 0 | IntegrateZoomWithOutlook | Boolean |
Enable touch up my appearance | Disabled, 0 | EnableFaceBeauty | Boolean |
Remote control all applications | Disabled, 0 | RemoteControlAllApp | Boolean |
Zoom client starts an elevated video process to support advanced DSCP marking | Disabled, 0 | EnableElevateForAdvDSCP | Boolean |
When enabled, screen share traffic is sent over TCP instead of UDP. | Disabled, 0 | ShareSessionDisableUDP | Boolean |
Prevent audio traffic over proxies | Disabled, 0 | DisableAudioOverProxy | Boolean |
Prevent video traffic over proxies | Disabled, 0 | DisableVideoOverProxy | Boolean |
Prevent screen sharing traffic over proxies | Disabled, 0 | DisableSharingOverproxy | Boolean |
Set a proxy server for the client as named proxy. Example: server: port |
Disabled | ProxyServer, proxy_address | String |
Set proxy server to client with PAC URL | Disabled | ProxyPac, your_pac_url | String |
Set proxy bypass rule for the Zoom client | Disabled | ProxyBypass, bypass_rule | String |
Remove noise from video feeds when processing. | Enabled, 1 | EnableTemporalDeNoise | Boolean |
Use hardware acceleration for video processing. | Enabled, 1 | EnableGPUComputeUtilization | Boolean |
Use hardware acceleration for video processing, when sending video. | Enabled, 1 | EnableHardwareAccForVideoSend | Boolean |
Use hardware acceleration for video processing, when receiving video. | Enabled, 1 | EnableHardwareAccForVideoReceive | Boolean |
Ignore bandwidth limited set on web settings. Useful for exceptions. | Disabled, 0 | IgnoreBandwidthLimits | Boolean |
Allow specific URLs to be trusted and bypass the untrusted certificate prompt if the certificate is revoked. Multiple domains should be separated by “;”, for example “;” | Disabled, empty | SetNoRevocationCheckUrls | String |
Hide Zoom Apps quick launch button in the Zoom interface. | Disabled, 0 | DisableZoomApps | Boolean |
- (A) Please contact Support to obtain your account ID.
- For this feature to be enabled, please have an account owner or admin contact Support. To view and edit Device Policy Management, the owner must also edit a role. Once the role has been edited, the owner can retrieve the corresponding token.
Meeting settings
Description | Default state and value | MSI option | Value type |
Turn off camera when joining a Meeting | Disabled, 0 | DisableVideo | Boolean |
When joining a meeting, the meeting window launches in a fullscreen window by default | Enabled, 1 | AutoFullScreenWhenViewShare | Boolean |
Automatically adjusts screen share content to fit the viewer’s screen | Enabled, 1 | AutoFitWhenViewShare | Boolean |
Use HD video when joining a meeting | Disabled, 0 | Use720pByDefault | Boolean |
Automatically enable dual monitor | Disabled, 0 | UseDualMonitor | Boolean |
Prevent full screen when starting or joining a meeting | Disabled, 0 | FullScreenWhenJoin | Boolean |
Always show meeting controls (Enables Always show meeting controls) | Enabled, 1 | AutoHideToolbar | Boolean |
Hide non-video participants by default | Disabled, 0 | HideNoVideoUsers | Boolean |
Always mute microphone when joining a meeting | Disabled, 0 | MuteVoipWhenJoin | Boolean |
Auto-connect audio with computer audio when joining a meeting | Disabled, 0 | AutoJoinVOIP | Boolean |
Set audio signal processing for Windows audio devices
Auto – 0 |
Auto, 0 | SetAudioSignalProcessType | String |
Set noise suppression level Auto – 0 |
Auto, 0 | SetSuppressBackgroundNoiseLevel | String |
Show the length of time that the user has been in a meeting | Disabled, 0 | ShowConnectedTime | Boolean |
Confirm before leaving a meeting | Enabled, 1 | ConfirmWhenLeave | Boolean |
Disable Screen Share when starting or joining a meeting | Disabled, 0 | DisableScreenShare | Boolean |
Disable Window’s Aero Mode on Windows 7 | Disabled, 0 | NoAeroOnWin7 | Boolean |
Set the default recording location for local recordings | Documents folder | RecordPath, C:/your_recording_path | String |
Automatically adjust microphone settings | Enabled, 1 | AudioAutoAdjust | Boolean |
Controls the Original Audio setting for the microphone | Disabled, 0 | EnableOriginalSound | Boolean |
Always use PMI for instant meetings | Disabled, 0 | UsePMI | Boolean |
Disable in-meeting chat | Disabled, 0 | zDisableChat | Boolean |
Disable in-meeting file transfer (sending or receiving files) | Disabled, 0 | zDisableFT | Boolean |
Disable in-meeting 3rd party file transfer | Disabled, 0 | DisableMeeting3rdPartyFileStorage | Boolean |
Disable local recording | Disabled, 0 | zDisableLocalRecord | Boolean |
Disable cloud recording | Disabled, 0 | zDisableCMR | Boolean |
Disable sending video | Disabled, 0 | zDisableSendVideo | Boolean |
Disable receiving video | Disabled, 0 | zDisableRecvVideo | Boolean |
Disables send and receiving of video | Disabled, 0 | zDisableVideo | Boolean |
Enable mirroring of your video | Enabled, 1 | EnableMirrorEffect | Boolean |
Displays the Call Room System button on the home screen of the Zoom client | Disabled, 0 | EnableStartMeetingWithRoomSystem | Boolean |
Client will optimize screen sharing for video clip when sharing directly to a Zoom Room. | Enabled, 1 | PresentToRoomOptimizeVideo | Boolean |
Set sharing option when sharing directly to a Zoom Room.
0 – Show all sharing options 1 – Automatically share desktop |
1 | PresentToRoomOption | Boolean |
Set sharing option when sharing directly to a Zoom Room within a meeting.
0 – Show all sharing options 1 – Automatically share desktop |
0 | PresentInMeetingOption | Boolean |
Set maximum sending bandwidth
Note: If bandwidth is restricted through web settings, the web restrictions override restrictions set in the client. |
Disabled | BandwidthLimitUp, amount (all values in Kbps) |
String |
Set maximum receiving bandwidth Note: If bandwidth is restricted through web settings, the web restrictions override restrictions set in the client. |
Disabled | BandwidthLimitDown, amount (all values in Kbps) |
String |
Split traffic across different ports for easier identification Video share: 8801 Screensharing: 8802 Audio: 8803 |
Disabled, 0 | EnableIndependentDataPort | Boolean |
Always show the video preview when joining a meeting | Enabled, 1 | AlwaysShowVideoPreviewDialog | Boolean |
Remove Computer Audio from the Audio Options | Disabled, 0 | DisableComputerAudio | Boolean |
Automatically mute the microphone, when the screen is locked during meeting | Enabled, 1 | MuteWhenLockScreen | Boolean |
Use default system speakers in Windows | Disabled, 0 | SetUseSystemDefaultSpeakerForVoip | Boolean |
Use default system microphone in Windows | Disabled, 0 | SetUseSystemDefaultMicForVoip | Boolean |
Use Side-by-Side Mode for viewing a shared screen | Disabled, 0 | EnableSplitScreen | Boolean |
Disable Remote Control | Disabled, 0 | DisableRemoteControl | Boolean |
Disable Remote Support | Enabled, 1 | DisableRemoteSupport | Boolean |
Disable the use of closed captioning | Disabled, 0 | DisableClosedCaptioning | Boolean |
Disable the use of manual, user-entered captioning | Disabled, 0 | DisableManualClosedCaptioning | Boolean |
Disable the use of Q&A in webinars | Disabled, 0 | DisableQnA | Boolean |
Disable the use of slide control | Disabled, 0 | DisableSlideControl | Boolean |
Prevent incoming call notifications while in a meeting | Disabled, 0 | HidePhoneInComingCallWhileInMeeting | Boolean |
Allow clipboard access during remote control sessions | Disabled, 0 | EnableShareClipboardWhenRemoteControl | Boolean |
Disable Virtual Background | Disabled, 0 | DisableVirtualBkgnd | Boolean |
Disable video filters | Disabled, 0 | DisableVideoFilters | Boolean |
Set the specified screen capture mode: 0 – Auto |
Auto, 0 | SetScreenCaptureMode | String |
Disable GPU Acceleration | Disabled, 0 | LegacyCaptureMode | Boolean |
Disable whiteboard feature | Disabled, 0 | DisableWhiteBoard | Boolean |
Disables the option to share Desktop when screen sharing | Disabled, 0 | DisableDesktopShare | Boolean |
Disables direct share with Zoom Rooms option | Disabled, 0 | DisableDirectShare | Boolean |
Provide Optimize for video clip option when sharing | Enabled, 1 | EnableShareVideo | Boolean |
Share computer audio feature | Disabled, 0 | EnableShareAudio | Boolean |
Silence system notifications when sharing desktop | Enabled, 1 | EnableDoNotDisturbInSharing | Boolean |
Show Zoom windows when screen sharing | Disabled, 0 | ShowZoomWinWhenSharing | Boolean |
Show self as the active speaker when speaking | Disabled, 0 | EnableSpotlightSelf | Boolean |
Set max number of participants displayed in Gallery View to 49 participants per screen | Disabled, 0 | Enable49video | Boolean |
Display reminders for upcoming meetings | Disabled, 0 | EnableRemindMeetingTime | Boolean |
Sets the specified video rendering method using the following string variables: 0 – Auto |
Auto, 0 | VideoRenderMethod, 0 | String |
Chat settings
Description | Default state and value | MSI option | Value type |
Disable Link Preview | Enabled, 1 | zDisableIMLinkPreview | Boolean |
Move messages with new replies to the bottom of the chat/channel | Disabled, 0 | SetMessengerDoNotDropThread | Boolean |
Send voice message option | Enabled, 1 | ShowVoiceMessageButton | Boolean |
Show notification banner on screen until dismissed | Disabled, 0 | AlwaysShowIMNotificationBanner | Boolean |
Control the audio notifications when an IM message is received | Enabled, 1 | PlaySoundForIMMessage | Boolean |
Control if the message previews in system notifications when an IM message is received | Enabled, 1 | ShowIMMessagePreview | Boolean |
Control if IM message system notifications are muted when in a meeting | Enabled, 1 | MuteIMNotificationWhenInMeeting | Boolean |
Other parameters
Meeting Options: Disabled by default. To require these settings, append ZConfig=”kCmdParam_InstallOption=X”. X represents a numeric value.
The values and options enabled are as follows:
Value | Option |
1 | Turn Off Camera when Joining a Meeting |
2 | Automatically Join VoIP |
4 | Automatically enable dual monitor |
8 | Default to login with SSO |
16 | Automatically enter full screen when viewing shared content |
32 | Automatically fit to window when viewing shared content |
64 | Enable 720p by default |
128 | Remote control all applications |
To enable multiple settings, add the values. For example, to enable Automatically Join VoIP (2) AND 720p by default (64), set the ZoomInstall option to 66:
msiexec /package ZoomInstallerFull.msi /lex zoommsi.log ZConfig=”kCmdParam_InstallOption=66″
You can also configure Microsoft command line options.
Uninstall switches
If you would like to uninstall Zoom completely, please use the Clean Zoom uninstaller. In most cases, using the clean uninstaller is not necessary when updating Zoom, because deploying the new version will replace the old one.
The following switches are available when running the installer:
Command | Function |
/silent | Removes Zoom silently |
/keep_outlook_plugin | Removes Zoom, but leaves the Outlook Plugin installed |
/keep_lync_plugin | Removes Zoom, but leaves the Lync/Skype for Business Plugin installed |
/keep_notes_plugin | Removes Zoom, but leaves the Notes Plugin installed |
/vdi_clean | Removes the vdi package |
With the clean uninstaller, Zoom’s client and Outlook plugin will be completely removed. The Outlook add-in, Chrome/Firefox extensions, and G Suite add-on are unaffected.
Configuration options for Zoom Rooms for Windows
Description | Default state and value | MSI option | Value type |
Verify SSL certificate | Disabled, 0 | EnableSSLVerification | Boolean |
Automatically accept the GDPR license | Disabled, 0 | AcceptGDPR | Boolean |
Install updates silently without displaying progress bar | Disabled, 0 | Silent | Boolean |
Automatically login with username and password | Enabled, 1 | SystemAutoLogin | Boolean |
Silent Install with Auto login and Silent Updates: msiexec /i ZoomRoomsInstaller.msi /quiet ACCEPTGDPR=true SILENT=true SYSTEMAUTOLOGIN=true SYSTEMUSERNAME=”windows user name” SYSTEMPASSWORD=”windows password”
System Options
By default, these options are disabled. Enable by appending SYSTEMOPTION=X (X represents a numeric value. Here are the values and options):
Value | Option |
1 | Automatically lock the screen |
2 | Disable password upon wakeup |
4 | Disable Cortana |
8 | Disable notifications |
16 | Disable Windows updates |
32 | Enable High Performance Power |
64 | Disable Hibernation |
128 | Never Sleep |
256 | Never Turn Off Display |
Outlook Plugin for Windows configuration options
Description | Default state and value | MSI option | Value type |
Always use PMI by default | Disabled, 0 | UsePMI | Boolean |
Allow the user to check for updates for the Outlook plugin | Enabled, 1 | AutoUpdate | Boolean |
Allow standard user updating. Ignored if AutoUpdate is disabled. | Disabled, 0 | StandardUserUpdate | Boolean |
Configuration of Active Directory Administrative Templates
Please consult our list of available Group Policies and templates to see a breakdown of the policies and options available for configuring.