Merging or Switching between a Meeting and Call in Zoom
When you are busy at a zoom meeting and a zoom phone call at the same time you can follow the below things:
- Begin a Zoom meeting when in a zoom phone call and again get back to the phone call.
- You can merge both zoom phone calls with the zoom meeting.
- When in a zoom meeting you can begin a zoom phone call and again get back to the meeting.
Remember, If you wish then elevate a Zoom phone call to a zoom meeting.
From this article, you can know the process of initiating a zoom phone call while in a meeting, you can switch the audio of the zoom phone call to the meeting, and more.
- You should have the zoom phone license.
- The features will support the zoom desktop client for Linux, Mac OS, and Windows version 5.2.1 or above.
- For Zoom Android or iOS mobile apps, it should have a 5.2.1 version or above.
The procedure of starting a Zoom Phone Call during a Zoom meeting.
Remember, For receiving the call notifications during a meeting ensure that you disable hiding incoming calls while in a Zoom meeting option from the desktop client settings.
- When in your zoom meeting just drive into the home screen of the zoom app or client.
- Mobile application (android): click on the back button which is there at the bottom left corner of the screen.
- Mobile app (iOS): click on more followed by minimizing meetings.
- Desktop client: Access the main zoom window.
- Make or receive a Zoom Phone call. When receiving the zoom phone call then select hold meeting audio and accept the call notification. When you haven’t joined zoom meeting audio then tap on accept.
For confirming the switch, zoom will display a message.
- Select the continue button.
It helps you in switching audio from the meeting to the phone call. Then you can disconnect from the meeting audio.
Remember, However, zoom continues showing the meeting video to other participants.
- View for the next section when you wish to switch back to the meeting.
Way of switching the audio back to meeting from a zoom phone call.
- When you are in zoom phone calls, drive into the in-meeting controls.
- Mobile app. You have to choose the in meeting floating notification icon.
- Desktop client. Tap on the home section and then select back to meet.
- Select the join/audio from the meeting controls tab.
The zoom phone call has to be placed on hold.
Procedure to begin a zoom meeting when in the phone call (zoom).
- When in your zoom meeting just drive into the home screen of the zoom app or client.
- Mobile app (android). You have to determine the back button available at the bottom left corner of the screen.
- Mobile app (iOS). Select more from minimizing meeting.
- Desktop client. Tap on the home tab.
- Join or start a zoom meeting.
Zoom will show you a message confirming the switch.
- Select on continue.
It will switch over the phone call audio to the meeting. Zoon will make the phone call on hold.
- Look for the next section when you wish to switch back to the zoom meeting.
How to switch audio back to a phone call from a zoom meeting?
- When you are in zoom meetings just drive into the incall controls.
- Mobile. Choose the icon called on hold floating notification.
- Desktop. Access to the zoom main window and then choose the phone tab.
- Select uphold for using it to in-call controls.
From the meeting, you can switch to the zoom phone call. You will be able to disconnect from the meeting audio.
Remember, the zoom will proceed in displaying your video to the in-meeting zoom participants.
Way of merging the zoom phone call to a meeting.
- Just go through the sections from above to begin the zoom meeting or zoom phone call.
- Ensure that the zoom phone audio is active. When the audio is inactive try to switch audio from the meeting to zoom phone.
- Select meet for using the in-call controls.
- Select the merge options.
Zoom has to add the call participants to the meeting. When you are in a waiting room, try to enable the meeting of the participants by adding to the waiting room for you to admit.
Remember, for selecting new, zoom has to expand phone call to zoom meeting and notify you to end the present meeting.
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