My Name Appears Twice in the Participant List in Webex
- My name appears twice in the participant list.
- Video endpoint users are appearing more than once in the list of attendees.
- An attendee’s name is showing up twice in the participant list.
- Users are showing up in the participant list twice
Note: The previous service known as CMR Cloud is now known as the Cisco Webex Video Platform. Although there is a possibility that certain links and text will continue to refer to CMR Cloud, information should still be applicable to the newly renamed service.
When a video endpoint user connects to an audio conference by means of Video Call Back, the occurrence of this problem is expected and expected behavior.
Video Call Back is a brand new function that was introduced with the version 3.0 release of Cisco Webex Video Platform. Within a Webex Meeting, a user can now access the Call My Video System feature.
When a person connects from an endpoint via using callback, they will appear twice in the participant list once they have successfully connected. The first entry will be the user’s login or profile on Webex, and the second entry will be the video system that the user is now using. The Audio System is connected to the Video System in some way. Both of the users who share your information are connected to one other, despite the fact that you appear twice in the participant list. Any modification made to one of the users on the list, such as silencing them or removing them, will have an effect on the solitary user of the video endpoint, who will either have their audio muted or be disconnected from the meeting. Any action done against a single user will have repercussions for the other users on the list.