Obtaining VDI plugin information using WMI in Zoom
In order to manage data and operations in a computer system, Windows Management Instrumentation (WMI) is used. With the help of WMI, organizations are able to gather information about the VDI plugins being run by their users in order to perform VDI plug-in audits.
This article covers:
- How to enable WMI for VDI
- How to gather data with WMI
- How to install/uninstall WMI App-V
Prerequisites for obtaining VDI plugin information using WMI
Management Instrumentation for Windows can be accessed through the Windows Management Console
The organization has implemented a virtual desktop infrastructure to support its users
Version 5.5.6 or higher of the VDI client and plugin
How to enable WMI for VDI
In the VDI registry settings for the client, you can enable WMI by making the following changes to the value description.
Key: SOFTWARE\Policies\Zoom\Zoom Meetings\VDI
Value: EnableWMIProvider
Value Type: DWORD
Value Description: Specify a value of one (1) to enable the in-process WMI provider for the VDI client. Specify a value of zero (0) or not available to disable the provider.
How to gather data with WMI
The following data can be retrieved and collected using PowerShell WMI using the following command.
Example query:
Get-WMIObject -N "root/zoom/vdi" -class PluginInfo
- Plugin Information (PluginInfo)
- InstalledVersion – A thin client connected to the Internet is shown here.
- IsConnectionOptimized – The value of 1 or 0 will depend on whether the connection to the VDI client is currently optimized (offloading). A value of 1 indicates yes, a value of 0 indicates no.
- IsPluginDetected – Indicated by whether or not the plugin has been detected on the user’s device, the value will be either 1 or 0. There is a difference between a value of 1 and a value of 0.
- PlatformType – Windows, MacOS, or Linux
- SessionId – An administrator can associate a logon user name with this Windows logon session ID, so that the user name can be linked to the logon session ID.
- VdiClientVersion – In this case, we are looking at Zoom VDI Client version which is running inside of the VDI machine.
Note: Version 5.11.0 or higher is required for this to work. - PluginOsVersion – There is a thin client version of the OS running on this machine.
Note: A version of 5.11.0 or higher is required to run this program.
- IsUserInMeeting – A user’s device will either display 1 when a meeting is currently taking place on it or 0 when no meeting is taking place. There is a difference between a value of 1 and a value of 0.
- IsUserLoggedIn – If a user is currently logged in to an account through zoom on a device, a value of 1 or 0 indicates whether that user is logged in to the account. It is important to note that a value of 1 means yes, and a value of 0 means no.
How to install/uninstall WMI App-V
Every time a new VDI client deployment release is released, the MOF file compiler (mofcomp.exe) command needs to be run on the virtual machine hosting the VDI client. It is only necessary to do this once for each new version of the software.
As an administrator, you will need to run the following command in order to install:
mofcomp.exe ZoomVDIProviderInstall.mof
To uninstall, use the Uninstall file:
mofcomp.exe ZoomVDIProviderUninstall.mof
Both ZoomVDIProviderUninstall.mof and ZoomVDIProviderInstall.mof files are in the ZoomVDI/bin install folder.
Mofcomp command reference:
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