Participating in Zoom beta programs
A new Beta Testing Platform offered by Zoom, called Centercode, provides testers with the ability to create device/testing profiles, thus helping Zoom find candidates who are the right fit for their Beta Programs. Also, by using this product testers inside of these Beta Programs will be able to share and combine feedback, track bug reports, and suggest features all in one place, where they can also submit and combine feedback.
Prerequisites for enrolling and participating in beta programs
Be a Zoom user (Pro version or above) and have a Zoom license
Participate actively in our community by providing feedback and engaging in the discussion
Note: In the case of a free account, you are still able to sign up for a beta account, but you won’t be selected for it if you are on a free account.
How to create a beta profile
It is mandatory that you create a Centercode Beta profile before participating in a beta test. A profile can be created by following the steps below:
The beta page for Zoom can be found by visiting Zoom’s website.
I would like to be added to your list. Please click here to do so.
In order to sign up for Zoom Centercode, click on the Get Started link at the bottom of the Zoom Centercode sign up page.
In the field Email Address, please enter your email address.
You will be prompted to verify your email address once you click this button.
Please click the Verify Your Email Address link once you have received the confirmation email.
Please complete your registration by entering all the information about your profile, including your password, and then click the submit button.
Please click the Submit button.
Click on the Continue button once you’ve read the welcome message.
The next step in the process is to enter information about your Basic Profile.
Note: It is mandatory to complete all sections except the section on Additional Opportunities. It is also possible to change these options after you have completed the initial setup of your account. -
Please read the terms and conditions on the next page before proceeding.
Please enter your email address and password in order to log in.
Then click on the I Agree button.
Continue by clicking the Continue button.
How to log in to Centercode for the first timeĀ
Go to in your browser and then click on the “Zoom” button.
You will be redirected to the Zoom Login page.
To log into Zoom, use the same login credentials and process that you use to log into your account.
Then click the Authorize button.
How to customize your beta profile
Add an avatar
You can go to My Avatar to upload a picture that you would like to set as your profile picture on your account. By doing so you can further customize the experience you have with your account. In order to add an avatar, follow these steps:
Upon logging into your account, you will be prompted to choose a profile picture.
Please click on the Attach File button.
If you wish to upload an image file, you will need to select it from your device.
The crop area of the image can be adjusted once the file has been uploaded.
Save the file by clicking the Save button.
Update account settings
This section of the Personal Account Settings allows the user to add and edit simple user information, such as their login email address and password, as well as update their login details.
Update profile information
The My Profile section of your profile will allow you to edit the information that was set up when your profile was created. In addition to demographics and geography, these items are able to provide Zoom with the information they need to make decisions about what test devices to deliver and more.
How to manage hardware platforms for testing
In the Test Platforms section of the web interface, you have the ability to manage your current hardware platforms as well as add new devices to your platforms. Through the addition of hardware platforms to our Beta Program Management, our Beta Program Managers are able to pick the users who are most suitable for testing the features that are available in Centercode.
Add a platform
There may be required and optional entries shown when adding a platform. I would appreciate it if you could be as detailed as possible, however I understand if you are unable to recall whether or not you have owned the device for a long time or what type of LED panel it has.
Note: There are a multitude of choices that can be selected in this area, and the questions that are being asked about them will also change over time because they are dynamically generated.
For your profile to include a platform, follow the steps below:
Then click on Add a Platform under the Test Platforms section.
If you wish to add hardware of a particular type, please select it from the list.
The device/hardware questionnaire needs to be filled out.
Please click the Submit button.
For adding another hardware profile to the system, you can click Add a Platform (optional).
Manage a platform
As soon as you have added a platform to your account, you will be able to edit the information about the platform or remove it completely.
We recommend that you click Manage Platforms from time to time so that the information on your Platform Profiles is as extensive as possible to improve your chances of being selected for Alpha and beta projects in the future.
Edit a platform
Select the platform you wish to use by clicking on its name.
Change any information for the platform that needs to be changed.
Please click the Submit button.
Remove a platform
Click on the name of the platform by moving your mouse over it.
On the right-hand side of the platform name, you will see an X icon.
Click the Delete this item button when prompted to do so.
How to use beta resources
Users will find Getting Started as well as Community News on the Resources page under the Resources section. Beta Program Managers will populate these areas with bulletins and helpful hints for the Beta Testers as well as bulletins for Beta Program Managers to post. It is important to check these resources before starting out, but also go back over time to see if anything has changed.
How to view the beta programs you’re enrolled in
In addition to receiving a welcome email once you have been selected for a beta, you will also be able to see the betas that you are currently enrolled in in a new section on the homepage titled My Projects once you have been selected.
How to join beta testing
Centercode will notify you by email that you have been added to a beta program once you have been added to the beta program in Centercode. If you would like to register for a beta, please follow these steps:
Check your registered email address to see if you have received an email.
Note: will be the email address used in this email. -
Please click the Login or Create an Account button.
Note: A prompt will appear asking you to create an account if you have not already done so. -
You will be able to access the beta from your homepage once you have created an account or logged in to your account.
Please select the beta that has been assigned to you under My Projects.
It is possible to download the latest versions of the beta from the Overview and Resources sections of the page once you have accessed the beta and you can also check out the known issues in the Resources section if you need them.
How to submit feedback
It is also possible to submit Issues, Ideas, Praise, or Discussions regarding the beta version through the Feedback section. In order to provide feedback regarding a beta version, you can do the following:
You can find your beta under My Projects. Click on the beta that you would like to test.
Please click on Submit to the right of Issues in the Feedback section under the Feedback section.
The issue submission page contains the following information:
Hover over the issue you are logging and look for the button This Matches if it has already been filed.
Next, you can click on the button to go to a thread, where you can read all the comments that other users have made about the issue, as well as add your own comments to the thread. -
The following steps can be taken if there is no match:
Click on the Create New Feedback button at the bottom of the page once you have scrolled down the page.
A questionnaire relating to the issue will be presented to you on the next page after you click on it. -
In order to submit the issue, you need to complete the questionnaire for it and click the Submit button.