Password Management in Control Hub in webex
There are a number of default password settings that you can change in these settings so that you can create a custom password policy for each user in your organization. When a custom password policy is in place, it applies to the following situations:
In the case of a new user, the first thing they do is set a password for themselves.
Users are required to reset their passwords or their passwords expire after a certain period of time.
It is important to note that when you choose this option, it will only apply to your organization if the Identity Provider you choose is Webex. Please see for more information on synchronizing the users from Active Directory, and for information on configuring SSO with a third party identity provider.
As explained in the next section, if you wish to manage passwords for your organization, you can take advantage of the Smart Lockout and Password Policy options.
Password Management Options
Smart Lockout
When a user enters a password incorrectly on several consecutive occasions, this option gradually increases the time that he or she has to retry the password. Rather than contacting the administrator to ‘unlock’ their account, the users can access their accounts independently. By default, Smart Lockout is on and automatically starts working after five unsuccessful attempts to authenticate fail.
Password Policy
In this way, you have the option to make sure that all passwords that are created or changed for your users meet the password criteria you specify, if you wish.
The following options can be used to set the requirements for the project:
The minimum character length for a user’s password should be 8-256 characters. The user’s password will only be valid if it has the minimum required number of characters that you specify. As a default, the value is set to ‘8’.
There must be at least one lowercase letter in the user’s input: Click on the checkbox to make sure that the user inserts at least one lowercase letter in the input.
The user must include at least one uppercase letter in the input: Tap the checkbox if you would like to guarantee that at least one uppercase letter will be included.
A number must be included: The checkbox must be selected to ensure that at least one number is included in the user’s entry.
The user must include at least one special character as part of the message. If the check box is selected, the user will be encouraged to include at least one special character.
It is recommended that the users change their passwords after 90 days (90-1825) in order to ensure that the users change their passwords after that period of time. It is set by default to 1825 days, which is the default value.
If you want to ensure that you don’t reuse the same password until the specified number of unique passwords is exceeded, choose an option from the drop-down list so that users will not reuse the same password. As a default, the option is set to ‘3 passwords’.
There is a list of words that cannot appear in a password of a user: Type the words into the box above to prevent user passwords from containing any of the words included in the list. Adding or removing words from the list can be done by editing the list. A maximum of 25 words can be included in your message.
The password policy requirements will be saved as soon as you click on Save.