Preferred Webex site
Who does this apply to?
In order to qualify as a preferred Webex site, your organization must have more than one Webex (meetings) site. There is only one site for most organizations, but this is an example of how you could have multiple sites if you wanted:
Multiple locations in different parts of the world
The first step would be to implement a prototype site and then move on to a more “production” site after that
Acquisitions and mergers of companies
Changing the end user subscription package for Cisco BroadWorks partners using Webex
What is a preferred Webex site?
With a Webex site, you are able to set up an administrative boundary within which you can collect your meetings, personal rooms, hosts, recordings, and other resources. When the Webex address of the meeting in your Personal Room is something like or, then you need to use as your Webex site address.
As you may have different meeting sites that are based in different locations, you may have different email addresses that look like and
There are two types of Webex sites that are preferred by username1. Username1 prefers to username2, while username2 prefers to username3.
The preferred Webex site for each user is stored within their Webex identity system record as the preferredWebExSite attribute.
All Webex sessions are held on the preferred Webex site. A few examples of this can be found below:
If the user has a personal meeting room (also known as PMR), then the domain portion will appear in his or her personal meeting room, e.g. or
With the Hybrid Calendar service, you will be able to schedule meetings using the options that are provided. In the location field on the invitation to a meeting, users can enter the @webex keyword, and Hybrid Calendar will retrieve the details for the user’s personal meeting room for the user and populate the meeting invitation for the user based on the preferred WebExSite.
On a Webex Room device that is in personal mode, when the user presses the Start Meeting button, it will initiate a meeting in the user’s personal room (which uses the user’s preferred WebExSite).
Whenever the meeting sponsor schedules a meeting over Webex, or schedules the meeting using Hybrid Calendar by including @webex:space in the Location field of the meeting invitation, the meeting will be scheduled within a Webex space.
With a Webex Room that is cloud-registered, you can tap Join when you are in a Webex Room and find other users in your organization and join their personal meeting rooms in the cloud. Users are provided with their preferred Webex sites, which can be found in the room addresses.
The Webex App provides you with the option to join the meeting of a user by clicking their personal room icon when viewing their contact card. You can find a link to the preferred Webex site for that user within the address of the meeting that you join.
Why and how should I change the preferred WebExSite?
When you are consolidating Webex sites, it is likely that you will want to update the most popular Webex sites for your users. Suppose, for example, that you are acquiring a company that already has an established Webex Meetings site, which is different from the one you have. If you would like to simplify your user and site management tasks, you might want to put all the personal rooms on one meeting site.
The Webex App settings or preferences can be changed by the user if he or she wants to change their preferred Webex site. Change the default location of your meetings by following these steps.
The following instructions will explain how to use the CSV import process from Control Hub in order to set users’ preferred WebExSites administratively:
- You can download your user details into a CSV file by logging in to, going to Users > Manage Users, and clicking on Export Users.
For a detailed description of how to import / export CSV files, please refer to
- It is possible to change the preferredWebExSite attribute of all or part of the users using a CSV editor.
- The CSV file needs to be imported.