Proximity Pairing is not Working between Webex Desktop Clients and Room Devices
There is a problem with proximity pairing between Webex desktop clients and devices in the room when using Webex desktop clients.
My Cisco Webex Room Devices are not able to be paired with the device.
Cisco Webex Room Devices are not able to pair with each other via proximity pairing.
It is not possible to pair proximally at all
Using Proximity Pairing with Cisco Webex Room Device, the Cisco Webex desktop client cannot pair with the Cisco Webex Room Device
You need to instruct the user on how to use the ‘Search for Nearby Devices’ (exclusive mode) search if they are not able to pair automatically. There will be times when this is not possible.
The following log statement can be used to identify this issue:
During the exclusive recording mode, there was a failure in recording audio
In this case, the error may be due to the fact that another application may be using Exclusive Mode already, as indicated in ‘AUDCLNT_E_EXCLUSIVE_MODE_NOT_ALLOWED’.
Depending on the situation, you might want to ask your client if they would mind closing other audio recording apps on their laptop before re-testing. It is also important to ensure that the Cisco Webex Enabled Room Device is within range of the user.