Restrict in-meeting features for users joining meetings in zoom app
When joining or hosting an internal meeting or webinar, the admin has the ability to restrict which features are available to participants while they are in the meeting/webinar. In addition, administrators are able to enable policies for specific in-meeting features that will be restricted no matter what external meetings and webinars they are joining if they have the follow user in-meeting policy set up. Among these restrictions are restrictions on the ability for users who are logged in to transfer files, share their screen, use/view in-meeting chat, add annotations during a screen share, share a whiteboard, record a meeting, and view/type closed captions on video. If the policy is enabled, it will follow the user no matter which device he or she is using to join or host a meeting, no matter which device he or she logs into Zoom with.
Prerequisites for restricting in-meeting features when joining meetings
A Pro account, a Business account, an Educational account, or an Enterprise account
Ownership or admin privileges of an account
This feature requires Zoom to be enabled on your computer
Client for Zoom on the desktop
You will need a version of Windows that is higher than 5.8.3
You will need macOS 5.8.3 or higher to run this software
You will need Linux version 5.8.3 or higher for this.
Using Zoom on your mobile device
The Android version must be higher than 5.8.3
The iOS version must be 5.8.3 or higher
The VDI Client must be version 5.8.3 or higher in order to run
Web client for Zoom
Please contact Zoom Support if you would like to have this feature enabled.
Restricting external in-meeting features at the Account level
You will be able to sign in to your Zoom account once you have logged in.
You can access account settings by clicking on the Account Management option in the navigation menu.
Select the Meeting tab from the menu.
Navigate to the section named In Meeting (Advanced), where you will find the option which restricts users in joining the meeting from using selected features.
To restrict a feature, click on Select Features to Restrict.
The feature you wish to restrict can be selected by clicking the checkbox next to it:
Computer audio – There is a restriction on the user’s ability to join meetings or webinars if they are using computer audio.
Chat – The user will not be able to use the in-meeting chat feature.
Send and receive direct messages – During meetings and webinars, the ability to participate in private chats is restricted.
Meeting polls – Polling during meetings is restricted to those who are present during the meeting.
Webinar polls – This restricts the participation of webinar participants in the polls.
Webinar survey – Allows only participants who have attended a webinar to take part in the survey at the end of the event.
File transfer – During a meeting, you are not allowed to transfer files between computers.
Screen sharing – During the meeting, the user will not be able to share their screen.
Annotation – Annotations cannot be added to a screen share during which the user is unable to annotate.
Whiteboard (Classic) – During a meeting, the user will be unable to share a classic whiteboard with others.
Whiteboard (New) – A Zoom Whiteboard cannot be accessed or edited by a user who receives this restriction.
Nonverbal feedback – It should be restricted that nonverbal feedback is given during the meeting.
Meeting reactions – It is recommended that meeting reactions should not be used during meetings.
Webinar reactions – During a webinar, it is no longer possible to use webinar reactions.
Remote control – When joining a meeting, the remote control feature is restricted from being used when using the feature.
Show profile picture – This setting prevents the display of the profile picture.
Q&A in webinar – Limits the number of people who can participate in Q&A during webinars.
Remote support – During a meeting, it is not possible to use remote support sessions.
Automated captions – Ensures that automated captions are not used.
Local recording – In-meeting recording sessions are not allowed to be started by the user while he or she is doing a meeting.
Closed captioning – When a closed captioning session is underway, it is disabled so that you are unable to start it.
Join end-to-end encrypted meetings – Allows users to join meetings with E2EE but restricts them from joining them.
Select when this feature restriction should be applied under the Feature Restrictions tab: Select when to restrict the use of this feature:
All Meetings – In case a user joins a meeting either internally or externally, the feature is disabled.
External Meetings only – This feature is disabled when an external meeting is joined by a user.
Note: Joining internal meetings will still apply the meeting settings that you have set for internal meetings.
The feature restriction can be locked by clicking the , under Locked.
Note: This will prevail over any in-meeting settings you have set at the user, group, or account level if the restriction is set to All Meetings, and the restriction is locked. -
Then click the Save button.
Restricting external in-meeting features at the Group level
If you have the privilege to edit groups on the Zoom web portal, you must log in as an administrator.
Click on the User Management tab and then click on the Groups tab in the navigation menu.
From the list of groups, select the name of the group that applies to you.
Click on the Meeting tab on the left side of the screen.
Navigate to the section named In Meeting (Advanced), where you will find the option which restricts users in joining the meeting from using selected features.
Select the features to be restricted from the drop-down menu.
The feature you wish to restrict can be selected by clicking the checkbox next to it:
Computer audio – There is a restriction on the user’s ability to join meetings or webinars if they are using computer audio.
Chat – The user is restricted from using the chat feature in the meeting.
Send and receive direct messages – During meeting and webinars, participants are restricted from participating in private chats.
Meeting polls – Polling during meetings is restricted to those who are present during the meeting.
Webinar polls – This restricts the participation of webinar participants in the polls.
Webinar survey – Allows only participants who have attended a webinar to take part in the survey at the end of the event.
File transfer – During a meeting, you are not allowed to transfer files between computers.
Screen sharing – During the meeting, the user will not be able to share their screen.
Annotation – In the course of screen sharing, the user is not allowed to make annotations.
Whiteboard (Classic) – In order to prevent a classic whiteboard from being shared during a meeting, this setting must be enabled.
Whiteboard (New) – A Zoom Whiteboard cannot be accessed or edited by a user who receives this restriction.
Nonverbal feedback – In the meeting, nonverbal feedback is restricted to be used only during the discussion.
Meeting reactions – It is recommended that meeting reactions should not be used during meetings.
Webinar reactions – During a webinar, it is no longer possible to use webinar reactions.
Remote control – When joining a meeting, the remote control feature is restricted from being used when using the feature.
Show profile picture – This setting prevents the display of the profile picture.
Q&A in webinar – In webinars, participants are restricted from participating in the Q&A session.
Remote support – During the course of a meeting, Remote support sessions are not allowed to be used.
Automated captions – Ensures that automated captions are not used.
Local recording – As a result, users will not be able to start local recording sessions when they are in the middle of a meeting.
Closed captioning – When a closed captioning session is underway, it is disabled so that you are unable to start it.
Join end-to-end encrypted meetings – The user is not allowed to participate in meetings with E2EE if this setting is applied.
Select when this feature restriction should be applied under the Feature Restrictions tab: Select when to restrict the use of this feature:
All Meetings– In case a user joins a meeting either internally or externally, the feature is disabled.
External Meetings only– This feature is disabled when an external meeting is joined by a user.
Note: There will still be internal meeting settings applied when you join an internal meeting.
The feature restriction can be locked by clicking the , under Locked.
Note: There are chances that an in-meeting setting that you have set at the User level may be overridden by a restriction set to All Meetings, if the restriction is locked. -
Once the file has been saved, click on it.