Save annotations from Webex Board and Desk Series devices to Cisco Webex App
The Webex Board or Desk Series device automatically saves your annotations as you work on them while you are annotating them. A whiteboard list is cleared at the end of your session when you end your session. In order to make sure your work remains available for you to work on later, you should save your work to a Cisco Webex space.
Whenever you have a Webex Board or Desk device connected to the Google Play Store or Apple App Store, you can open up a Webex space. You will automatically be able to save the annotations you create in that space as soon as you create them. Your current annotated presentation is incorporated into the space by posting and storing a .png file of a snapshot of the current presentation. The annotations can be accessed by everyone in the space so that they can make further changes to them as necessary. Here is a more in-depth explanation of how to open a space on a Cisco Webex board or Desk Pro if you want to know how to do it.
There are DX70 and DX80 devices that are not covered by this article.
There is the option to save your annotations in a Webex space if you are not connected to the Webex app at this time.
- On the device, you can share your laptop screen or the screen of your mobile phone. Here is an article about how it can be done wirelessly, and here is an article about how you can do it with a HDMI cable.
- Once you have finished your annotation, tap the Create a new space button and then start annotating again. You can save your work from the home screen by tapping on the house icon. From there, you can also access the Save Your Work option which appears on the home screen.
- You can add people to the space by selecting the ones you wish to add. As soon as a participant is connected to a Webex Board or Desk device, they are automatically selected as participants. By tapping Add Recipient, you will be able to add others to the list.
- In order to complete the process, you need to tap the check mark.