Schedule and join meetings with Webex for Google Workspace
Users are able to schedule Webex meetings and Webex Personal Room meetings straight from Google Calendar or Gmail, regardless of the browser they are using, thanks to the Webex integration for Google Workspace. The invite to your calendar displays the information about the Webex meeting, including a link to join the conference.
This feature is available for Webex Meetings.
If you already have the Webex app loaded on your device, the latest version will be upgraded to you automatically. If IT administrators do not go to the Google Admin portal and give new scopes to provide organization-wide access, users will be prompted to authorize new permissions whenever they attempt to arrange Webex meetings. We recommend that IT administrators follow the instructions above. Sign in to the Google Admin console, navigate to Apps > Marketplace Apps > Settings for Cisco Webex, select Revoke data access, and then click Grant data access to grant new permissions. This will allow you to grant new scopes.
Install the Webex app from Workspace Marketplace.
You can install the Webex app for G Suite users on your own by going to the Google Workspace Marketplace and following the instructions there. This assumes that your administrator has added the app to the list of permitted applications but has not yet installed it for G Suite users.
If limitations are placed on Marketplace applications, your Google administrator can add the Webex app to the list of allowed apps or can select the option to Allow users to install any program from Google Workspace Marketplace under Marketplace settings > Manage Access to apps. Both of these options are available in the event that restrictions are imposed on Marketplace apps.
Through the Google Admin panel, administrators have the ability to install the application for the entirety of the domain. Install Marketplace apps can be found by searching for it on
Go to the Google Workspace app for Webex, and then click the Install button once you’re there.
Users who have an account with Google Workspace are the only ones who are able to visit this page in the Google Workspace Marketplace.
After you have the application installed, proceed to Set Your Webex Site in Google Calendar and follow the instructions there.
Uninstall the Webex app for Google Workspace
You have the option to delete the Webex connection for Google Workspace if you decide that you no longer want to be able to plan Webex meetings and Webex Personal Room meetings straight from Google Calendar or Gmail.
By using the Google Admin console, administrators have the ability to remove the application from the entire domain. You can delete a Marketplace app from your Google Workspace by going to and searching for it.
1 To adjust the settings for Google Calendar, go to the Settings menu and then select Settings.
2 In the Add-ons section, choose Cisco Webex and then select Settings > Remove from the drop-down menu.
Google Calendar
Set your Webex site in Google Calendar
You are need to select the Webex site that will be associated with your account before you are able to arrange a Webex meeting or a Webex Personal Room meeting.
1 Select the “Create event” option within Google Calendar.
2 Select “Add conferencing” under “Event Details,” and then choose either “Webex meeting” or “Webex Personal Room meeting” from the drop-down menus that appear.
If you do not see these options under Add conferencing, it is likely that the Cisco Webex for Google Calendar app has not been installed by your organization’s administrator. It is possible that you will be able to install the program on your own. Add the Cisco Webex app by searching for it in the Google Workspace Marketplace for additional details.
3 You will see either Authorize or Login required when you go to the Add location section:
- When you see the word Authorize, it signifies that in order for the Cisco Webex for Google Calendar app to access your Google account, you will need to give the app permission to do so. Click the Authorize button, then go to Step 4.
- If you see the message “Login required,” it indicates that you use the same email address for your Webex account as you do for your Google Workspace account, and that the administrator of your Cisco Webex for Google Calendar app has already given permission for the app to access your Google account. If you use the same email address for both of these accounts, then you will need to login to both of them. To enter the Webex site that will be used for the meetings, select the Log In button and then go to Step 5.
4 Select the Google Workspace account that you wish to use with Cisco Webex for Google Calendar during the authorization process.
Select Allow.
5 Click the Next button after you have entered the Webex site that you want to use to arrange meetings on.
You will be asked to log in immediately if you have not already done so previously in the session. Click the Log In button.
The meeting will now include the logistics of the conference.
6 If you do not wish to proceed with the scheduling of a meeting, pick the option to Cancel event creation; otherwise, see Schedule a Meeting.
Schedule a meeting in Google Calendar
After you have finished configuring your Webex site, you may use your Google Calendar to book a Webex meeting or a meeting in a Webex Personal Room.
You can adjust meeting settings by going to the Cisco Webex icon in the side panel when you are organizing an event. This allows you to change things like the alternate host or cohost as well as the audio type. You can modify both your Webex site and your meeting template through the Cisco Webex Webex icon that is located in the side panel of Calendar.
1 Select the “Create event” option within Google Calendar.
2 Select “Add conferencing” under “Event Details,” and then choose either “Webex meeting” or “Webex Personal Room meeting” from the drop-down menus that appear.
3 Include the meeting’s title, date, and time in the document.
4 If you want the meeting to occur more than once, select Does not repeat, then specify the number of times you want the meeting to occur, as well as the day and time you want the meeting to stop recurring.
5 Add guests.
6 Select Rooms, and then select the room devices that you want to add to make it simpler for individuals to join a conference from a Cisco Webex room or desk device. This will make it possible for more people to participate in the meeting. You have the option of selecting one of the suggested rooms or doing a search for a new one. A Join button will show on the device before the start of the meeting as a result of this action.
In order for you to schedule room devices using this method, it is necessary for your administrator to first set up your account with the Cisco Webex Hybrid Calendar Service.
7 (Optional) Change the settings for the meeting. Choose the Cisco Webex Webex icon from the side panel, then select the meeting template, update the audio settings, and permit participants to join the meeting before the host. You can even assign an alternate host or cohost.
8 First choose to save, and then choose to send.
The information on the Webex meeting, in addition to a link to attend the conference, is displayed in the invite that is added to your calendar. You are allowed to copy this link and share it with other people in any way you see fit.
If your meeting is scheduled to take place on a recurrent basis and you need to make changes to the date or time of one of the meetings, locate and select the particular instance of the meeting for which you need to make changes, and then click the Edit event button. After you have finished making the required adjustments, go to File > Save > This event, and then click OK.
Start or join a meeting in Google Calendar
It is easy to begin a meeting that has been scheduled using Google Calendar, and it is also simple to join an existing meeting.
Take action in one of the following ways:
- Choose to open the event by clicking on the URL provided in the calendar invite in Google Calendar.
- Join the event using a video platform or application by dialing the video address provided in the calendar invite.
- Join the event by dialing the number provided in the calendar invite if you want to participate via phone.
You can find the link to the worldwide call-in number in the instructions for joining the meeting.
Choose the Join option from your video device if you have access to a Cisco Webex Hybrid Calendar Service. The Join button will become available five minutes before the start of the meeting.
Choose the Join option from the Webex app. If you are utilizing Cisco Webex Hybrid Calendar Service, the Join button will become available to you five minutes before the start of the meeting.
Allow someone else to schedule meetings on your behalf
You can give someone else the responsibility of scheduling meetings in your Google Calendar on your behalf. It is helpful to have a delegate in place if you find yourself in a position in which you are unable to access a computer or if you have someone else manage your calendar.
In order to participate in Webex Meetings, the delegate has to have a host account.
1 Sign in to your Webex account, select the Classic View menu option, and then choose the My Webex option.
2 Navigate to the Preferences menu and select Scheduling Options.
3 In the box labeled “Scheduling permission,” enter the email address of one or more hosts whose meetings you want to be scheduled on your behalf. You can provide this permission to as many hosts as you like.
4 At the very bottom of the Preferences window, select the Save button.
5 You may create a delegate for a calendar in Google Calendar by going to the My calendars section, selecting the calendar for which you want to establish a delegate, and then selecting Options for the calendar’s name > Settings and sharing.
6 Click the Add individuals button located in the section labeled Share with specific individuals.
7 Enter the email address of one or more hosts whose calendar responsibilities you would like to assign.
8 Check the Permissions box, choose the appropriate degree of privilege, and then click the Send button.
Change the Webex site you use in Google Calendar
When you plan meetings using Google Calendar, you have the option of specifying which Webex site you would prefer to use. This is useful if you utilize more than one Webex site for your meetings.
1 In Google Calendar, navigate to the side panel and pick the Cisco Webex Webex symbol.
2 Select the option to Change the Webex Site.
3 Select the Next button after you have entered the Webex site that you want to use to book meetings on.
4 Put an end to this browser session.
What to do next
After you have created an event and added conferencing, the following time you create an event, you will be required to check in to the Webex site that you have designated to be used.
Schedule a meeting in Gmail
When you’ve finished configuring your Webex site, you can use Gmail to book a Webex meeting directly from within an email. In order to talk about the information contained in an email, you can set up a meeting with the people who received the email.
1. While using Gmail, choose an email, then click the Cisco Webex Webex symbol located in the side panel.
2 Select the Meeting Scheduling option.
3 Change the topic of the meeting and choose the time zone, date, and time of the meeting.
4 Invite participants. The email addresses that are listed in the “To” and “From” fields of the invitation are automatically included in the guest list for the meeting. To invite additional participants, choose the Invite more particpants option and input their email addresses in the corresponding fields.
5 Select the option to Create a Meeting.
The specifics of the meeting are displayed. Choose the Start Meeting option if you are ready to get the gathering underway at this very moment.
Start an instant meeting in Gmail
When you’ve finished configuring your Webex site, you can use Gmail to book a Webex meeting directly from within an email. When discussing the contents of an email with its receivers, you can hold an instant meeting with everyone involved.
1. While using Gmail, choose an email, then click the Cisco Webex Webex symbol located in the side panel.
2 Select the option to begin an instant meeting.
3 To alter the topic of the meeting, select it from the menu.
4 Invite participants. The email addresses that are listed in the “To” and “From” fields of the invitation are automatically included in the guest list for the meeting. To invite additional participants, choose the Invite more particpants option and input their email addresses in the corresponding fields.
5 Select the option to begin the meeting.
Start or join a meeting in Gmail
It is easy to initiate a meeting that has been scheduled using Gmail, as well as to join an existing one.
To begin a meeting, do one of the following, or to join an existing one:
- To access Cisco Webex, click the icon located in the side panel. Choose either Start or Join next to the meeting that you want to attend under the heading Upcoming Meetings.
- To accept the invitation, click the link provided in the email sent to you by Gmail.
- Join the meeting via a video platform or application by dialing the video address that is provided in the email invitation.
- To participate over the phone, dial the number provided in the invitation email.
Choose the Join option from your video device if you have access to a Cisco Webex Hybrid Calendar Service. The Join button will become available five minutes before the start of the meeting.
Choose the Join option from the Webex App. If you are utilizing Cisco Webex Hybrid Calendar Service, the Join button will become available to you five minutes before the start of the meeting.
Change the Webex site you use in Gmail
When you plan meetings in Gmail, you have the option of specifying which Webex site you would prefer to use. This is useful if you use more than one Webex site for your meetings.
1 In Gmail, navigate to the side panel and click on the Cisco Webex Webex symbol.
2 Choose Change Webex Site from the list of other actions.
3 Select the Next button after you have entered the Webex site that you want to use to book meetings on.
4 Put an end to this browser session.