Set optimization settings in meetings and webinars in webex
During Webex Meetings or Webex Webinars, you can update your content sharing settings. Video, animations, dynamic applications, and 3D content can also be optimized for a higher frame rate than text and image by default.
Content Optimization
Adapt your meeting or webinar’s content optimization settings accordingly.
Automatically Optimize—Sharing content is set to this setting by default. Your content type is optimized according to its type.
Optimize for text and images—Documents such as PDFs and Words can be made better by improving their quality.
Optimize for motion and video—Video and motion content should be of high quality. In this regard, participants may hear the audio of the content through computer audio shared with them. Check out Webex Meetings and Webex Webinars, where you can share video and motion content.
Optimize for 3D—Make meetings more engaging by improving 3D content, such as CAD and medical imaging. This service is only available upon request. Meetings with 3D content can be optimized.