Take meeting notes in Microsoft Teams
Before, during, and after a Team meeting, meeting notes can be used as a place for capturing and sharing notes.
It is important to keep the following things in mind:
- Meeting notes can only be started or accessed by the members of the organization that the meeting organizer belongs to.
- When there are more than 100 people attending a meeting, meeting notes are available as well.
- The notes that are prepared before a meeting will be available to only those who are invited to the meeting before they are prepared. A person with access to the notes and an email address can inform the owner of the notes that a request for access has been made by someone else by emailing them about it.
Before the meeting
If you wish to take meeting notes before the meeting, you can do so by going to the Calendar and selecting the meeting you want to take notes on, then selecting Chat with participants. In order to begin taking notes during a meeting, you will need to select the Meeting Notes tab.
The agenda or any other important points that need to be discussed should be added. It is a good idea to @mention people so that they will pay attention to you or you can assign actions to them.
Note: Pre-meeting notes are currently only available in one form, and as far as I know, these notes are intended for meetings that do not take place within a channel. In the event that the meeting takes place in a separate channel, the moment you click the Chat with participants button in the meeting, you will automatically be taken to the channel where that meeting is taking place, if one exists.
During the meeting
When you enter a meeting, you will see in your meeting controls, the option to view More actions, under which you will see a section called Meeting notes.
It is recommended that you take notes if you have not done so already. Alternatively, you can type your notes as soon as you are done. There are several controls that you can use if you want to format the text as you wish. The controls can be found at the top of the panel. If you would like to add a new note, please select Add a new section here. @mentions are useful for pointing out a specific note to a colleague or assigning an action item to someone else.
Notes are retained from one meeting to the next in a recurring meeting. I have divided the notes into sections based on each meeting that I attended.
After the meeting
The minutes of the meeting can be accessed by going to the channel where the meeting took place, looking up the meeting that took place, and clicking on the meeting that took place in order to access the minutes. In the fullscreen mode, you will have the option of showing notes below it.
When you open an event on your calendar, you will be able to select the minutes from the private meeting you attended.
Tip: If you click the Details tab at the top of the page, you will be able to find any other documents related to the meeting event (attached documents, transcripts and recordings) as soon as you open it.
You can be able to read or add to these notes as they appear in a Wiki tab. In the same way you would edit or format any other tab on a Wiki, you could edit and format the tab as well.
Frequently Asked Questions
How do you take notes in Microsoft Teams meeting?
Can you take notes and attendance while in a meeting in Microsoft Teams?
Can others see meeting notes in Teams?
How do you record meeting notes?
- There will be a meeting at a specific time and date.
- There may also be names of those who were unable to attend the meeting (for example, “regrets”), as well as the names of those who participated in the meeting
- The minutes of previous meetings are accepted or corrected/amended if corrections or amendments need to be made.
- During each agenda item, decisions will be made that are relevant to that item, for example: Actions that will be taken or agreed to take. Here are the next steps that need to be taken.