The iPhone iPad Join Link is Missing from Email Invitations in webex
Only for site administrators
Email invitations do not include a join link for iPhones and iPads.
The email invitation does not include a link for joining a meeting via iPhone.
In my email invitation, I cannot locate the link to join the meeting using an iPhone.
The following reasons may be responsible for this:
There may have been a custom email template on the website.
Site administration does not allow joining via iPhone.
Only for site administrators
Your email templates can be edited by following the steps below:
Site Administration
The Site Administrator is responsible for managing the Webex site.
You can access your Site Administration page by logging in. (Example:
Configuration > Email > Email Templates can be found in the left panel.
Choose Webex Meeting from the drop-down menu for Existing Email Templates.
You can edit a template by clicking its name.
Your email template should include the following variables:
If the variable is %iPhoneJoinMeetingDesc%, make sure to capitalize and include the percent sign (%).
Confirm your changes by clicking the Save button.
You can confirm iPhone support by following the steps below:
Click on Site Administration to access your account. (For example:
Go to Configuration > Common Site Settings > Options in the left panel.
Check the Web access and iOS boxes under the Mobile Support section.
Control Hub
For Webex site managed by Control Hub.
The first thing you need to do is log into your Control Hub account. (
Select Meeting under Services on the left panel.
Choose Configure Site from the sliding pop-up that appears when you click on Site Name.
From the Common Settings menu, select Email Templates.
The Webex meeting template can be chosen from the existing email template drop-down menu.
You can edit a template by clicking its name.
Your email template should include the following variables:
If the variable is %iPhoneJoinMeetingDesc%, make sure to capitalize and include the percent sign (%).
Confirm your changes by clicking the Save button.
Follow the steps below to confirm if iPhone support is enabled:
Go to the Control Hub page and log in. (
Select Meeting from the left-hand panel.
In the Common Settings section, click Site Options.
Ensure the Web access and iOS boxes are ticked in the Mobile Support section after scrolling down to the bottom of the page.