The Session Password is not Displayed on the Session Information Page when I Click the Join Link in webex
It does not appear that I have a session password when I click the link to join a session and I go to the Session Information page.
It appears in the password section of the page that contains information about the session that you must obtain your session password from your host.
In the section of the meeting information page that contains password information, there is a message that says, “Please obtain your meeting password from your host”.
In recent Webex Business Suite (WBS) releases, guest invitees who are signed out of a meeting or session are no longer able to access their password for the meeting or session from the public information page related to the meeting. In addition, the ICS file that is publicly available for download from the meeting or session information page does not contain the password as it is also available for download. Instead of contacting the host for the password, they must refer to the invitation email they received from the host.
In the event that an invitee is officially invited to a meeting or session, the password can still be accessed either via the email invitations they receive or by signing in to the site itself.