The use of Zoom QoS DSCP Marking
It is the traffic classification of networking data that would decide on the QoS or Quality of Service DSCP marking. It can also be applied to deciding which network traffic would need high bandwidth on considerable priority with the likelihood to drop packets.
This by default DSCP marking values includes 40 for the video, 56 for audio, and lastly for screen sharing 40. Other than that, for permitting the network administrator to adjust the zoom traffic priority of the network, you can update the video and audio values.
In the case of the organization you are deploying the zoom application via MSI installation, it is the MSI that should have been re-deployed from the DSCP marking configuration. When the DSCP markings get altered, then they would’ve been required to be re-deployed.
Remember that DSCP is eligible for the zoom app meetings or the zoom phone layered Qos application usage.
From this article, learn about the process of enabling the Zoombased DSCP and the way to set the Dscp marketing via group policy.
Preconditions before the usage of QoS DSCP Marketing.
- In the case of zoom desktop client version of macOS or IT admin deployment ( the .pkg extension).
- For the Windows desktop client version, one should have IT admin deployment or the msi.
Remember, that when zoom gets deployed on the .msi installation, then it would require the option called to run as administrator. It is for the effective action of the DSCP Marketing. Other than that, when one is applying the Group policy to coordinate DSCP marketing, the zoom client won’t have to run with admin discretion.
The procedure of enabling the Zoom-based DSCP.
The below steps specifically mentions DSCP marketing enabling all the users of the Zoom account.
Step 1. You have to sign in to the Zoom web portal with the role of admin for enjoying its account editing privileges.
Step 2. Go to the navigation panel > account management > account settings.
Step 3. Tap on the meeting section.
Step 4. Below the meeting advanced you have to cross-check whether DSCP marketing is enabled or not.
Step 5. When the settings are disabled, then you have to tap on the toggle for enabling it. As soon as the verification dialog pop-up, tap on turn on to confirm the alteration.
Step 6. This step is optional. When you wish to make the setting as obliged one for every user of the zoom account, then tap on the lock icon. For confirming the setting tap on the lock.
Step 7. Input as well as update the video and audio values.
Step 8. Tap on save.
Remember, The above-mentioned settings will not work for the windows client pre-installed by using the EXE file. The windows client should have been installed with the use of the MSI file.
Ways to set the DSCP Marking via Group policy.
It is because of the alterations on Microsoft, in the case of the windows clients using the DSCP marking, they should run as administrators. But, the windows client should be traced by Group Policy Qo5 policies as a subsidiary process when the app will not run with admin privileges.
For setting DSCP Marking using Group Policy-
- Oe can either enable the below features to deploy the MSI client with independent data ports.
- Using EnableIndependentDataPort=1 for adding the independent strong installation variable.
- Using ” EnableIndependentDataPort”=dword:00000001 for adding the group policy object variable for the zoom application.
Remember, in case you wish to know more about deploying a zoom client with an enabled variable visit windows mass installation and configuration page.
- Secondly, by opening the group policy management console, you can edit the GPO or Group Policy Object.
- Tap on creating a new policy…
- Mention the policy.
- Make sure that the check box called specify DSCP value is chosen. After that, set the Zoom traffic DSCP value.
- Tap next.
- Below the only applications with this executable name section, you have to set for the executable extension name called Zoom.exe.
- Tap on next.
- Leave as it is the IP address settings. And then tap on next.
- You can set the UDP and TCP protocol.
- Leave as it is the default port settings. And further tap on next.
- You can now deploy to the fresh group policy well as can also reboot the already applied devices.
When the zoom windows client is a part of the meeting, then you can view the marked packets which will be sent to the meeting server from the zoom client.