Transferring data to another user in zoom app
I would like to point out that you can transfer all of a user’s scheduled meetings, webinars, and recordings to another account before you delete the user. The data can only be transferred to one user who has been designated by you to receive it.
Note: Additionally, you can use the Scheduling privilege in order to transfer meetings and webinars to other licensed users on the same account, without having to delete the user first in order to do so. Please contact Support if you need any further assistance in regards to transferring meetings, webinars, or cloud recordings that you have collected.
Prerequisites for transferring meetings, webinars, or cloud recordings
Deleted users will have access to the account owner’s account if they are administrators
If the member being deleted is the owner of the account or has admin access, the account will be deleted
It is the same license type and both users are on the same account
Transfer of cloud recordings is now possible for a new user with a license
A new user with a license who wishes to transfer webinars using the Webinar add-on
How to transfer data to another user
You must change the admin of the account to a member before you can delete the user that you are deleting.
The web portal can be accessed by Zoom admins with user edit rights by signing in as an administrator.
You can access User Management by clicking on the User Management menu item.
The first step to removing data is to locate the user from whom the data needs to be transferred.
In the far right corner, next to the Edit button, there is an ellipsis next to their name.
Then click the Delete button.
If you would like to transfer certain types of data, please select the following options:
All upcoming meetings: A transfer of all scheduled meetings to the user’s PMI will be made, in addition to meetings with the user’s PMI.
All upcoming webinars: The webinar schedule has been transferred to the new server. Prior to being able to view a webinar, the user receiving the webinar needs to have a webinar license associated with their profile.
All cloud recording files: The recordings from the cloud have all been transferred. It is necessary for the user receiving the recordings to be licensed before they are able to view those recordings in the cloud.
All whiteboards: There has been a transfer of all whiteboards. Zoom Whiteboard must be enabled by an administrator on the receiving user’s account before it can be used.
I would like to transfer the selected data to the email address of the user whose email address you have entered here.
When you have completed the transfer, click on the Delete button.