Turn off mirror view in your self-view video in Webex Meetings
In meetings, the self-view video is displayed in mirror view by default, which makes it easier to see yourself in an honest manner. You may watch your self-view video in mirror view if you would like to see how it would appear to you if you were watching your reflection in a mirror as you watch it. Your image seems to be flipped from left to right, so it appears that it has been reversed on both sides. This can be accomplished by turning off the mirror view of your self-view video in case you do not want it to appear reversed.
You can only use mirror view to view your own video when you are in self-view mode. When you use mirror view, your video will not be broadcast to other attendees in the meeting. While you are in a meeting, if you want to see yourself as you would see yourself to other participants, it is advisable to turn off mirror view.
Before you join a meeting or during a meeting, you can choose whether to show your self-view video in mirror view or not. If you would like to set your preferences on your desktop app, you can also do that in Meetings. All meetings that you join will be affected by the preferences that you set.
Please refer to the section Select video settings for Webex meetings and Webex events (new) for those using 41.10 and later.
See Find your Webex Meetings version number for more information on how to find what version you’re using
- In the preview window, select the option Do not mirror my video before a meeting starts:
As soon as your video is no longer shown in mirror view, you will notice that the icon changes.
- It is necessary to select the Video options menu from your self-view video in order to stop showing the mirror view during a meeting, or select Mirror my video in order to start showing the mirror view.
With the Meetings desktop application, you have the option of setting your preferences for all meetings you attend:
The Meetings app on Windows can be found by choosing the gear icon at the top right of the screen and then choosing Preferences > Meeting join options from the menu. Please check or uncheck the Mirror my video check box, then select Always use the following audio and video settings, and then select Apply.
Go to Preferences > Meeting join options in the Webex Meetings app menu and click on Webex Meetings under the app menu. You can check or uncheck the Mirror my video checkbox if you want to always use the following audio and video settings.
Please see the Select video settings for Webex Meetings and Webex Events (new) section for 41.10 and later.
The steps below are for 41.9 and earlier versions.
Only the self-view video can be viewed in mirror view. In mirror view, your video is not broadcast to all of the participants in the meeting. It is recommended that you turn off the mirror view feature within the 40.10 version of the app if you would like to see yourself as you would like to be seen by others during a meeting.
Prior to joining a meeting or during the meeting, you can choose whether you want to view your self-view video in mirror view or not.
- If you wish not to mirror your video, choose Don’t mirror my video in the preview window before the meeting.
As soon as your video is no longer shown in mirror view, you will notice that the icon changes.
- In order to prevent my video from being mirrored, you will need to tap Video during a meeting.
Tap on Video, and then tap Mirror my video if you wish to turn mirror view back on again.
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