Updating your credit card in zoom App
In addition to Visa, Mastercard, Discover, and JCB, Zoom also accepts American Express. At any time, you can update the information pertaining to your credit card on the Zoom web portal.
Instructions for updating your credit card
- Zoom’s web portal can be accessed by signing in.
- Choose Account Management and then Billing from the navigation menu.
- Select Billing Info from the drop-down menu.
- Click Edit in the Payment Methods section.
Note: In the event that you would like to update any part of your payment card information, you will have to re-enter it all. In addition to the expiration date, all other information will also have to be entered again if there is an update to the expiration date.
- Provide your credit card information.
Note: You must uncheck the Same as Bill To Contact checkbox below your credit card information if the billing address for your credit card does not match the address for the contact you entered in the Billing Contact section. Change the card’s address to match the one associated with the credit card.
- After that, click Save Changes.
Note: To learn more about common billing errors, visit our website.