Upload files before a webinar in webex
You have the ability as the host or co-host of a Webex Webinar to upload files so that attendees will be able to access them before the webinar. On the webinar information page, attendees will be able to download the files listed below in order to prepare for the webinar or prepare in advance for it.
There is a limit of 20 files that you can upload. You must upload files that are smaller than 20MB, and the filename must not contain any special characters (“, \, /, :, ; *, ?, <, >, |, #).
Microsoft Excel, Word, and PowerPoint file types are supported as well as .pdf, .csv, .txt, .jpg, .png, .gif, .svg, .mp4, and .mov files.
- Then select Calendar from the drop-down menu, and select the webinar from the list of upcoming webinars that you have scheduled.
- You can locate this section by selecting Webinar materials then dragging your files into the window or by selecting Choose file to browse for the files in the Webinar materials section.
- Please click on the OK button.