Use @mentions to get someone’s attention in Microsoft Teams
When you are talking in a channel or in a chat you are able to get someone’s attention by @mentioning them. The easiest way to select someone from a menu that appears when you type @ before their name is to type @ before their name.
An @mention recipient receives a notification when they have been mentioned in a conversation, and clicking it triggers a link that takes them directly to where they were mentioned in the conversation.
One of the best ways to grab the attention of an entire group is to do one of the following things:
- In the Team’s general channel, please post something that you would like to share. Each member of the team has their channel name displayed in bold font.
- Type:
- The general channel can be accessed by using the @general command
- To notify everyone in a certain team, use the @team command
- In order to send a message to all the members of a particular group, use the @channel command
Important: In order for these features to be activated, the team owner has to turn on these features.
When you are talking in a channel or in a chat you are able to get someone’s attention by @mentioning them. The easiest way to select someone from a menu that appears when you type @ before their name is to type @ before their name.
An @mention recipient receives a notification when they have been mentioned in a conversation, and clicking it triggers a link that takes them directly to where they were mentioned in the conversation.
The following are some tips that can help you get the attention of a large group:
- Wouldn’t it be great if you could be a part of the Team’s general channel so that we could hear what you have to say. For every team member, the name of the channel appears boldly.
- Type:
- The general channel can be accessed by sending an @general message to everyone in that channel
- To notify everyone on a particular team, use the @team command
- The @channel command will let you know who has favorited the channel and you will be able to message them
Frequently Asked Questions
What does @mention do in Teams?
Where can we can find the @mentions and unread message notifications in Teams?
- Type /unread in the channel’s command line to see what notifications you have yet to read.
- You can view all your @mentions by typing /mentions in the command line.
What does it mean to ping someone on Teams?
How do you mention someone in a team without username?
As soon as the @-sign is typed, a list will appear with all the members of that particular team. If you have chosen a person, after you have selected them, you will be able to delete their last name by pressing the backspace key, and you will only be able to mention their first name.