Using and customizing DTMF codes in zoom App
If you are using Zoom Phone, you can dial DTMF codes to easily check your voicemail or hide your caller ID. Additionally, you can customize some codes if you are an administrator.
This article covers:
- How to use default DTMF codes
- How to customize DTMF tones (admins)
Prerequisites for using and customizing DTMF codes
- License for Zoom Phone
- Features involving DTMF codes must be enabled by your administrator
- Account owners and administrators can customize DTMF codes
How to use default DTMF codes
Zoom Phone’s default DTMF codes are listed in the following table. View more information and prerequisites for each feature by clicking the embedded links in the Feature column.
Feature | Keycode | Customizable | Details |
Check voicemail or record voicemail greeting | *86 | No | Select one of your direct numbers as the caller ID, then call *86 and enter your voicemail PIN Code to listen to voicemail messages or record a voicemail greeting. This DTMF code also works for shared line groups by selecting the group’s direct number before calling *86. |
Park a call | *5 | Yes | Dial *5 during an active call to park it. To retrieve parked call, press * followed by the retrieval code; for example, *811. |
Test audio connectivity | *8378 (*TEST) |
No | Call *8378 to test audio connectivity. |
Hide caller ID | *67 | No | Dial *67 before the phone number to hide Caller ID. This may not work in certain countries or regions. |
Activating a device | *90 | No | Call *90 to assign a device to yourself. |
Sign in to hot desking session | *91 | No | Call *91 and follow the audio prompts. |
Sign out of hot desking session | *92 | No | Call *92 and follow the audio prompts. |
Group call pickup | *98+[group extension number] | No | Call *98 followed the extension number of the call pickup group. |
Monitor call (listen, whisper, barge, take over) | Listen: *336 Whisper: *339 Barge: *332 Take over: *338 |
No | Call the keycode followed by the extension number of the phone user you can monitor.
For example, if you can monitor extension 118, calling *338118 while the phone user is on a call will take over their call. |
Switching call monitoring feature while monitoring a call | Listen: *6 Whisper: *9 Barge:*2 Takeover: *8 |
No | While in monitoring a phone user, use these keycodes to switch between listen, whisper, barge, and take over.
You can’t use these codes when you takeover a call. |
Barge into a call (internal safety response team) | 3 or *2 | No | While monitoring an emergency call, members of an internal safety response team can press 3 or *2 to barge into the call. |
Transfer to other extension’s voicemail | **(extension) | No | Press the soft key to transfer to voicemail, press **(extension), then press Transfer. The Zoom desktop client / mobile app, Yealink phones, and Poly phones have menu options for this, so there’s no need to use the DTMF code. |
Start or stop ad hoc call recording Stop automatic recording |
*7 | Yes | Dial *7 during an active call to start or stop an ad hoc call recording, or stop an automatic recording. Your admin can control your access to record calls. Contact your admin if this code doesn’t work for you. |
How to customize DTMF codes (admins)
- Access the Zoom web portal by logging in.
- Go to Company Info in the Phone System Management navigation menu.
- On the Account Settings page, click.
- On the Desk Phones page, click.
- Select the code you want to customize from Customize * and # Codes and click Edit.
- Followed by a digit, enter a *, **, or #.
Note: - If a code conflicts with one already in existence, it won’t be available.
- Save it.