Using Exchange 2010 with Zoom Rooms
In Zoom Rooms, a calendar resource can be integrated into the TV display and the controller of the room, which will display information about the meetings that are scheduled for the room. By inviting and scheduling a meeting in a Zoom Room, members of your organization will be able to schedule a meeting in the room. There is a calendar service that allows conference rooms to be assigned as calendar resources as part of a calendaring process. The users of Zoom will be able to start meetings in the room by using a single touch after authorizing Zoom to access their calendar resources.
A Zoom Rooms calendar service can only be added to an Exchange account after the following steps have been completed by the Exchange administrator:
Creating a dedicated user who is capable of managing calendars in Exchange is a great idea
The calendar resource that will be used for each Zoom Room should be created or located
It would be advantageous to allow each calendar resource to be delegated to a dedicated user
Ensure that each calendar resource can be edited by a dedicated user
In order for the Zoom Rooms in your account to be able to make use of the calendar service and its resources such as meetings, you must also use the credentials of the dedicated user to provide authorization for the Zoom Rooms on your account to do so.
Prerequisites for using Exchange 2010 with Zoom Rooms
You will need an Exchange admin account to manage your mailboxes
A calendar can be created for each room and managed by the user
The possibility of creating a new user for Exchange is available
How to create a service account and room email
Creating a Zoom Rooms service account
You will need to launch EMC (Exchange Management Console) to begin the process.
You can find the “Mailbox” option under the “Microsoft Exchange” section > “Microsoft Exchange On-Premises” > “Recipient Configurations”
When you right-click on “Mailbox”, you will get the option to “Create a new mailbox…”.
During the creation of a new mailbox, select “User Mailbox” and then click the “Next” button
Click on the “Add New User” button and then click on “Next”
Add a new email address to the user account, for example,
All Zoom Rooms that you create with this email address will use the same email address
The “User ID (User Principal Name)” and “Password” are the two things you should take note of when logging on
The rest of the steps need to be completed
Creating or obtaining the room and room email
Launch the EMC (Exchange Management Console) by pressing the following button:
Then under Microsoft Exchange, select “Mailbox “ > “Microsoft Exchange On-Premise “(your_server’s_domain)” > “Recipients Configuration” to open the “Mailbox” dialog box.
In the “Room Name” box, make sure the “Primary SMTP Address” is next to it along with the “Room Name”
How to link the service account with room resources
Accessing the service account by a delegation of authority
Open the Exchange Management Console (EMC) by clicking on the button below
The “Mailbox” option is selected under “Microsoft Exchange” > “Microsoft Exchange On-Premises (the domain you chose on the server)” > “Recipients Configuration”.
The first room can be accessed by right-clicking it and choosing “Properties” from the menu
Go to the “Resource Policy” tab and click on it. When you click on “Specify delegates of this mailbox” you will be able to select “Add…”.
Select the dedicated email address from the “Select Recipient” dialog box and click “OK” at the bottom.
Click on the tab labeled “Resource General” to get started.
The Resource Booking Attendant must be enabled by checking the box.
To save the changes, click on the “OK” button at the bottom of the page.
How to enable Basic Authentication or NTLM Authentication
Authentication forms such as Basic, NTLM, and SAML are supported by Zoom Rooms for on-premises solutions such as Exchange server as well. To enable either of these options for your account, you need to choose from the following to choose which one applies to you.
Basic Authentication
Using Windows Server, open the “Server Manager” program.
Click on the “Internet Information Services (IIS) Manager” link under the “Roles” tab.
Under “Sites” go to “Web Server (IIS)” > then click on “EWS”
In the “Default Web Site” section, select “Authentication” under “IIS”; then double click on it.
Right click the “Basic Authentication” link in the “Features View” and click on the “Enable” button.
Enabling NTLM Authentication
Click on the Server Configuration/Client Access link on the left side of the Exchange Management Console.
Whenever you open the Exchange Management Console, you will find an action pane on the right side that allows you to enable Outlook Anywhere.
In the field shown below, you need to enter the name of the external host.
How to configure resource attributes
Retrieving EWS URL
In the lower right-hand area of the screen, press CTRL + Right to highlight the Outlook icon from the notification area
Click on the “Test E-mail Autoconfiguration” button.
The email address you entered as well as the password you chose.
You must check the Use AutoDiscover box (the other boxes can be left unchecked).
Then select the button that says Test.
Ensure that you note the “Availability Service URL” (EWS URL) at the beginning of this process
Disable Removal of Subject from Room Events
The Exchange Management Console (EMC) needs to be launched.
You can find the “Mailbox” option under the “Microsoft Exchange” section > “Microsoft Exchange On-Premises” > “Recipient Configurations”
By right-clicking the first room, you can choose “Properties” from the pop-up menu.
In the “Resource Information” section, make sure the following options are unchecked:
Delete comments
Delete the subject
The subject line of the email should include the name of the organizer
An accepted meeting should not have a private flag displayed
To save the changes, click on the “OK” button at the bottom of the page.
How to add the calendar service to Zoom
The following steps will guide you through adding the Exchange calendar service to Zoom:
Become a Zoom Rooms administrator by logging into the Zoom web portal.
Click the Add Calendar Service button after choosing Calendar Integration.
A dialog box appears allowing you to add a calendar service. -
Please click on the Exchange button.
The details of the exchange should be entered as follows:
Exchange login username or UPN: Please enter the domain/user name in your Active Directory site where you set up your exchange credentials in order to log in. It is possible to enter your email address as mycompany/johnsmith if it is if it is your account email address.
Exchange login password: Please enter the password that you use for Exchange.
Exchange Version: From the drop-down menu, choose the version of Exchange you are using.
EWS URL: If you are using an EWS server, you need to enter its URL. It is important for you to include both the http:// and https:// parts of the URL.
Account Permission Type: If the configuration above has been followed, you will need to choose Full Access Delegate.
Please click the Authorize button.
You will find the added calendar service on the Calendar Integration page.
If you would like to know more about configuring a calendar resource to work with a Zoom Room, please see the article Add a Zoom Room.