Using Group HD video in zoom app
Note: We are working hard to quickly scale our bandwidth during this unprecedented demand for bandwidth as our world begins to come together to slow the spread of COVID-19 as well as stay connected through Zoom globally.
Currently, when 3 or more people join a group meeting, only standard video, not HD video, will be activated, which means that standard video, not HD video, will be connected. If there are more than two participants in the meeting or if a Zoom Room or Conference Room Connector is joining the meeting, HD video (720p) will be activated. Only select use cases will be able to take advantage of HD video (1080p), such as large format broadcast events that require HD video.
If the active speaker’s video layout is set up as 720p in the group meeting, then the HD video for the group HD video layout will automatically activate.
Business and Enterprise plans are the only ones that offer full 1080p high-definition video.
There is also the option of requesting 720p or 1080p feeds for attendees of webinars if the account meets all of the other prerequisites for Group HD video. Currently, Zoom Support will need to enable this feature for selected use cases, such as large-format broadcast events, but it is expected to be activated for a very limited number of cases. In case you contact support and need the feature to be enabled, please allow up to 3 business days after you contact them. Get in touch with Zoom Support by learning how to do so.
There is no restriction on the amount of video that can be sent or received by H.323/SIP devices. As far as 1080p or higher is concerned, Zoom Support must enable it, as well as the provisioned device, in order for it to work. One other option would be to have the provisioned device join using a specific dial-in string.
As well, Group HD video 720p must also be approved by Zoom Support in order to be enabled for the Pro account.
There are no effects on the screen sharing abilities of Group HD. As long as content shared from the desktop, application, or part of the screen is displayed at its native resolution, Group HD will not affect it.
For some low-end Windows computers, the virtual background feature will not be available when you do not have a green screen so the video will be capped at 720p, possibly 360p for some low-end Windows computers. The only macOS devices that can send outgoing videos in 1080p at the present time are those with specific hardware.
Prerequisites for Group HD video
Standard HD (720p)
Account types include Pro, Business, Education, and Enterprise
For the Pro account, Zoom Support must enable the 720p setting to work
Zoom desktop client allows you to have full-screen meetings
App Zoom for mobile devices
A version of 5.8.6 or higher is required
A version of 5.8.6 or higher is required
Full HD (1080p)
Account types include: Business, Education, and Enterprise
The Zoom Support team must enable this setting in order for it to work
CPU with quad core (physical cores) or higher, such as the i7 quad core
A desktop client for Zoom is available for download
Windows: It is recommended to use version 4.3.46185.0120 or higher
macOS: It is recommended that you use version 4.3.53325.0120 or higher
How to enable or disable Group HD video
Note: There will be a higher CPU requirement and increased bandwidth use when you choose the Group HD video option (up/down speeds of 2Mbps). You may want to disable Group HD video if you are experiencing performance issues with your network or CPU.
For all users in the account to have access to Group HD video, the following steps must be taken:
You need to sign into the Zoom web portal as a Zoom administrator who has the ability to edit account settings.
Select Account Management then Account Settings from the navigation menu at the top of the page.
Go to the tab labeled Meeting and click on it.
In the In Meeting (Advanced) section, you will find the option to turn on or off Group HD video.
It is recommended that you click the Enable or Disable button if a verification dialog appears in order to confirm the change.
Please note that you can make this setting mandatory for all users in your account by clicking the lock icon. To make this setting mandatory, you must confirm your settings by clicking Lock to make this setting mandatory.
In the case where your account is compatible with HD (720p or 1080p), please select the appropriate option.
Then click the Save button.
Group HD video can be enabled or disabled for a particular group of users by following the steps below:
As an admin, you have the privilege of editing groups on the Zoom web portal if you log in.
To access the User Management section, click the User Management link then select the Groups tab.
In the list of groups, click on the name of the group that applies to you.
Go to the tab labeled Meeting and click on it.
In the In Meeting (Advanced) section, you will find the option to turn on or off Group HD video.
The change will be verified by clicking Enable or Disable, depending on whether a verification dialog appears.
Note: A grayed out option indicates that it has been locked at the account level, and it will need to be changed there in order to work. -
Click the lock icon, and then click Lock to confirm the setting if you would like it to be mandatory for all users in the group.
In case your account supports Full HD (1080p) or Standard HD (720p), select those options.
Save the file.
Group HD video can be enabled or disabled for your own use by following these steps:
Log in to the Zoom website.
Click Settings from the navigation panel.
Go to the Meeting tab.
To enable or disable Group HD video, click the toggle under In Meeting (Advanced).
The change can be verified by clicking Enable or Disable if a verification dialog displays.
Note: It is locked either at the group or account level if the option is grayed out. The Zoom administrator needs to be contacted. -
In case your account supports Full HD (1080p) or Standard HD (720p), select those options.
Save the file.
Bandwidth requirements for Group HD video
Standard HD (720p)
1-on-1 video calls: (Up/Down) 1.2Mbps
Group video calls: (Up/Down) 2.6Mbps / 1.8Mbps
Full HD (1080p)
1:1 video calls:
A minimum of 3.0Mbps is required to receive HD video in 1080p.
A minimum of 3.8Mbps is required to send 1080p video.
Group video calls:
The minimum bandwidth required to receive 1080p HD video is 3.0Mbps.
There is a minimum bandwidth requirement of 3.8Mbps for sending 1080p video.
How to send and receive Group HD with the Zoom client
Here are some guidelines for achieving HD in meetings and webinars. Additional limitations, such as those related to hardware, may not be included on this list.
Send HD
In order to make the meeting window full-screen, click the Full Screen button.
The active speaker mode should be used.
Zoom desktop client or mobile app can be configured to enable HD in its Settings menu.
We need your bandwidth to meet our requirements.
Full screen mode must be enabled for at least one of the attendees.
Receive HD
Full-screen mode should be selected for the meeting window.
If you are using active speaker mode, you should do so.
We need your bandwidth to meet our requirements.
According to our requirements, at least one of the attendees must be able to send HD, as explained above.