Using Jira Server Notifications in zoom app
Your Jira account updates and changes can be notified using Zoom Chat’s integration with Jira Server Notifications.
Prerequisites for Jira Server Notifications
Ownership or administrative privileges for an account
Zoom accounts are available for free as well as for a fee
An admin account for Jira is required
How to install and configure Jira Server Notifications
Install from the Zoom App Marketplace
Your Zoom account should be logged in as an admin for you to be able to make changes.
It is as simple as clicking on the link below to get started with the Zoom App Marketplace.
Note: Installation of chatbots can only be done by an administrator. -
Enter the name Jira Server in the search box located in the top right corner of your screen to find the app on your computer.
The Jira Server Notifications app can be found in the search results, so click on it in your search results.
Note: Ensure that the app has been pre-approved if it has not already been. -
Please click the Add button.
If you agree to the app’s permissions, click Allow when you are finished.
Note: The Jira Server Notifications chatbot will be installed automatically in the Zoom desktop client for you if your admin has already installed the chatbot on the server.
There are a few steps to be completed by an administrator on your Jira Server account before you can proceed.
Configure the integration from Jira Server
Authenticate the Jira Server Notifications app
There will be a redirect to Zoom’s Go to Zoom page after you have installed the app from the Zoom App Marketplace.
You should now see the Jira Server chat application in your Zoom desktop client.
Configure the Jira Server subscription
Note: If you would like to receive notifications from Jira Server in any of the channels that you have selected, you will need to follow these steps for each channel. In addition to this, only Jira admins can configure the webhooks associated with this integration. In order to configure the webhooks for this integration, please contact your Jira admin or someone else with the appropriate permissions.
Take advantage of the Zoom chat feature by logging into your account.
In order to connect to a Jira group chat, simply type the command /jira connect.
There is also an option to type connect in the 1:1 Jira Server app to connect to the server. -
In order to add configuration, click Please click here after the app responds.
The Jira Server configuration page will be displayed to you after you click the button. -
To configure the adapter and obtain the project key, if you are a Jira administrator, you will need to complete Step 1. For more information on how to configure, click How to configure SuperWebhook? To learn more about it, click How to configure SuperWebhook
Note: Unless you are a Jira administrator, don’t bother with the first step if you are not one. Make sure you check the adapter box, select your adapter, then click the Next button. -
The name of the subscription from which the notification is coming should be able to easily distinguish between the different Jira Server subscriptions.
There is an option to add a key for the project you would like to focus on; the default does not filter the projects.
If you are not an administrator of Jira Server, please check the adapter and choose the one you need if you are not an administrator.
In order to configure SuperWebhooks, you need to use the URL of the adapter. -
Make sure you have finished other configurations and that you have selected what notifications you would like to receive.
Click on the Save button.
The configurations that you have made will now be reflected in Zoom chat notifications.
How to interact with the Jira Server Chatbot
When the Jira Server subscription is activated, you will begin receiving chat notifications as soon as it is activated. In this scenario, the selected Zoom channel will be mapped to the subscription’s selected Zoom channel.
There is also an option for you to engage in 1:1 conversations with the chatbot if you prefer. To see a list of all the possible commands that can be sent, simply type and send /help (in the 1:1 channel) or /jiras help (in any chat channel) when you are in a chat room.
How to remove the Jira Server Chatbot
Ensure that you are logged in as the administrator of your Zoom account in the Zoom App Marketplace.
Click on the Manage button at the top of the page, which can be found in the right corner.
Select the Add Apps option from the navigation menu at the top of the page.
When you are in the Jira Server Notifications app, click Remove next to it.
Click on the Remove button after you have confirmed the dialog box.
The Zoom support team is available to provide additional assistance if needed.
Data security
Using this app, you will be able to access the following Zoom information:
The Zoom user’s subscribed channels can be viewed by clicking on them.
A Zoom user’s information can be viewed by clicking on the user’s name.
There are certain pieces of information on Jira that can be accessed by this app:
No access is required – there is no need to register.
Zoom allows the following permissions for this chat app to operate:
You can send a chat message to a channel on an IM service or to a group on Zoom.
This chat app communicates with Jira using an encrypted connection.
Protocol: TLS 1.2 enforced
The following information will be stored in an encrypted database as part of this chat app:
Zoom OAuth credentials (user-level).
Jira Issue Info: The project name, the project key, the status, the issue type, the priority, and the account ID and display name.
When uninstalling the Jira Server Bot from the Marketplace, the following information is deleted:
Jira Issue Info: The project name, the project key, the status, the issue type, the priority, and the account ID and display name.
Zoom authorization information: Access token.
Bot configuration information: This section contains Jira configurations, Project Keys, Priorities, and the URLs for the webhooks.