Using meeting duration (connected time) in zoom App
If you are participating in a webinar or meeting, you can display a clock that shows the time elapsed since you joined the meeting.
- Install Zoom Desktop Client version 4.0.x or later on a Mac or Windows computer
- Install Zoom Mobile App 4.0.x or later on iOS or Android
Windows | macOS
- You can change your profile settings by clicking your profile picture.
- To display the duration of your meetings, check the box.
The time is displayed in the meeting window each time you start or join a meeting or webinar if this setting is enabled. For each meeting participant, the clock displays a different value depending on when they joined the meeting.
Meeting displays usually have a clock in the upper right corner. You will see the clock below the screen share controls, though, if you are sharing your screen.
- Zoom should be set to Settings.
- Navigate to Meetings.
- Tick the box next to Show My Connected Time.
If you are not sharing the meeting, you will see the time associated with the meeting below the meeting ID.
Zoom’s settings can be accessed from the application.
- Click Meetings.
- Click the Show My Connected Time button to turn it on.
If you do not share the meeting, the connection time will be shown below the meeting ID.