Using the Librato Notifications app in zoom app
With Librato Notifications chat app, you can easily monitor the status of your services through notifications from Zoom chat. Configure this chat app so that it sends notifications relevant to your monitoring configurations to the Zoom Chat channels that you wish to receive them. The easiest way to get Librato connected with Zoom Chat is to use the Zoom Chat slash commands.
Prerequisite for using the Librato Notifications chat app
An account with Librato is required
In the Zoom Marketplace, Librato has been approved for pre-approval as a chatbot
Note: You will need to contact your Zoom admin if the app has not been pre-approved.
How to install and configure the chat app
Add the chat app from the Zoom Marketplace
The Zoom Marketplace can be accessed by logging into your Zoom account and selecting the Marketplace tab.
You can find Librato by searching for the app and clicking on it.
It is recommended that you contact your Zoom administrator if the app is not pre-approved on your account in order to have it approved.
Click on the Add button.
Note: You will be automatically prompted to install the Librato chat app within the client if your admin has already installed the Librato chat app.
Configuring the Librato chat app
Open the Zoom client on your computer and log in.
Send a message to Librato by finding the Librato chat app, typing connect (or /librato connect if you are in a specific chat channel), and typing connect.
You can copy the URL sent to you by the chat application and save it for use at a later time as part of another process.
If you are logged into your Librato account, go to Settings > Notification Services and click on the Notification Services tab.
Select the Webhook service from the list of services.
Enter Zoom Librato Notifications as the name of the service
In the URL field, enter the URL that you found in step 3 above.
Save the file by clicking the Save button.
On the left hand side of the page, click Alerts.
If an alert already exists, you can edit it or create a new one.
On the bottom of the screen, you will see a Notification Services tab. Select Zoom Librato Chat from the list.
Once you have configured the service to your liking, click Create once you are finished.
There should now be a notification option set up in your Zoom Chat account so that you can receive notifications.
Using the Librato chat app
Available commands
List the available commands: It is possible to get a list of the commands that are available in any chat channel by typing help or /librato help.
Connect your Librato account to Zoom: The only way to receive a configuration URL for notifications for this chat channel is to type connect or /librato connect in your desired chat channel. In the Configuring the Librato chat app section above, you will find steps 4-13 to be followed once the app has been received.
List configurations: You can view the configurations for your account on any chat channel by typing configur or /librato configuration in the chat window.
Disconnect your Librato account from Zoom: In order to disconnect the Zoom connection from your chat channel, simply type disconnect or /librato disconnect in whatever chat channel you prefer.
Uninstalling the Librato chat app
Go to the Zoom App Marketplace by logging into your Zoom Account and navigating there.
You can search for the Librato app by searching for it in the App Store, then click Manage, then click Added Apps.
To start using Librato, click here.
Please click on the Remove button.
Data security
Using this app, you will be able to access the following Zoom information:
Under the Zoom account, you can view the channels that a Zoom user has subscribed to.
The Zoom account provides access to all the information regarding a Zoom user
There are a few permissions that this chat app has on Zoom:
You can use this app to send a chat message to a Zoom user under your Zoom account or to an IM channel under your Zoom account.
It is recommended that you use this chat app in conjunction with Zoom/Librato to maintain an encrypted connection:
Protocol: TLS 1.2
Cipher suite: ECDHE-ECDSA-AES128-GCM-SHA256
Key length: 128 bits
Perfect Forward secrecy: YES
The Zoom support team is available to provide additional assistance if needed.