Using the Personal Note for your chat profile in zoom app
In your chat profile, you have an option for adding a personalized message that appears at the top of your profile for everyone to see, as well as for anyone who composes a message for you who can see your profile. If you would like, you can edit this text at any time, as well as choose how long it should be displayed, and you can include any additional information you feel is necessary, such as time zone or location information, or any other information that you think is necessary.
You can sync your personal notes across all of your apps and clients that you are signed into.It should be noted that if you update your personal note on the desktop client, it will also be updated on the mobile app.
Prerequisites for setting a Personal Note
I would like to make a few simple notes about myself:
There is a global minimum version for Zoom desktop clients for Windows, macOS, and Linux: Version 1.7 (or newer)
You must have the global minimum version of Zoom for Android or iOS or it will not work
Notes for Advanced Individuals:
Client for Zoom on the desktop
The following versions of Windows are required: 5.8.0 and higher
The following MacOS version is required: 5.8.0 or higher
The following versions of Linux are supported: 5.8.0 and above
App Zoom for mobile devices
The Android version must be at least 5.8.0.
The iOS version must be at least 5.8.0.
How to set a Personal Note
Windows | macOS | Linux
Basic Personal Note
Adding a personal note to your chat profile will give you the opportunity to stand out from the crowd:
Launch Zoom’s desktop client by logging in to your account.
Then click Add a Personal Note from the top-right corner of your profile picture, which will take you to your profile.
If you want your profile to feature certain text at the top, you must type it in the field provided.
Whenever you type something into the chat box, it is instantly displayed on the profile of any chat user who is able to see it. As many times as you like, you can change the text in this area.
Advanced Personal Note
In order to add a personal message to your message or to allow those composing a message to you to see the message when it is displayed:
Launch Zoom’s desktop client by logging in to your account.
Using the top-right corner of your profile picture, click the Set a Personal Note link under your profile picture. You will be prompted to open a new window.
If you want to add a personal note, you can do so under Personal Notes.
The option to display a personal note above the compose message box of a person who sends you a message or tags you can be enabled by clicking the check box next to Display personal note above the compose message box of that person.
The Display Time will allow you to choose the length of time this personal note should be displayed for you, by selecting the dropdown menu under Display Time. You can choose between one hour and 24 hours, and there is also an option to set a custom date/time range that will allow you to select the exact date/time range you desire.
Please click on the Save button to save the changes.
Android | iOS
Basic Personal Note
Open Zoom’s mobile app on your mobile device and sign in.
Then tap on Settings.
In the top right corner of the screen, tap on the profile details to access them.
On the Personal Notes screen, tap the pencil icon.
Make a note about yourself in the space provided
Save the file by tapping the Save button.
Advanced Personal Note
In order to add a personal message to your message or to allow those composing a message to you to see the message when it is displayed:
Open Zoom’s mobile app on your mobile device and sign in.
Then tap on Settings.
In the top right corner of the screen, tap on the profile details to access them.
On the Personal Notes screen, tap the pencil icon.
Your note can be entered in the blank section at the top of the list at the bottom of the screen.
In order to enable the Display when someone messages or tags you option for your personal notes, just tap the toggle next to Display when someone messages or tags you.
The Display Time option allows you to select the length of time that this personal note should remain displayed for you. Depending on your needs, there are several options such as 1 hour to 24 hours, Always, and Custom, which allows you to choose the exact time range for a specific date/time. When you have chosen a time range, tap Confirm to confirm your selection.
Save the file by tapping the Save button.