Using Zoom’s GitHub Enterprise chatbot integration
Zoom has integrated its Zoom chat into GitHub Enterprise, allowing you to receive chat notifications from Zoom chat about changes to your GitHub Enterprise repository, as well as messages from a chatbot related to those changes. GitHub Enterprise private servers are intended to be integrated with this integration.
Prerequisites for GitHub Enterprise
An account on GitHub Enterprise is required
GitHub Enterprise chatbot has been pre-approved for inclusion in Zoom App Marketplace
Note: You will need to contact your Zoom admin if the app has not been pre-approved.
How to install and configure GitHub Enterprise
Install from the Zoom App Marketplace
As the administrator of the account, sign into Zoom App Marketplace.
GitHub Enterprise can be found by entering the keyword GitHub Enterprise into the search box at the top right corner of your screen.
Choose the GitHub Enterprise app from the search results, and then click on it to open it.
Note: You will need to contact your Zoom admin if the app is not pre-approved for your account. Please let them know you would like this app approved.
Please click on the Add button.
If you accept the app’s permissions, click Allow when you are done.
Note: You will automatically be able to use the GitHub Enterprise chatbot within the Zoom client if your admin has installed it for you.
Configure the GitHub Enterprise subscription
The GitHub Enterprise Add Subscription page will appear after the app has been installed from the Marketplace. Please proceed to the page after the installation.
Your GitHub Enterprise account will need to be authenticated.
As part of the authorization process, you will be asked to provide a Client ID and Client Secret from your account in order to connect to your private server. -
If you have an Enterprise account on GitHub, you can access it here.
You can access Developer Settings – OAuth Apps by clicking Settings and then clicking Developer Settings.
To allow Zoom to access your reports, you have to add an OAuth App to your account. -
The application name should be Zoom, and the following should be used for the application description:
Homepage URL:
Redirect URI:
The Client ID as well as the Client Secret should be copied.
Zoom will take you back to the page where you can configure GitHub Enterprise for your organization.
Then enter the domain of your server, the client ID, and the client secret that you want to use.
Save the configuration by clicking the Save button.
The page will redirect you to the GitHub Enterprise account on your private server. -
Select Authorize from the drop-down menu.
You will now be able to access Zoom through your GitHub Enterprise account.
How to use the GitHub Enterprise Chatbot
Add a subscription
Note: In order to add a subscription to a GitHub Enterprise repository, you need to be an admin of that repository.
GitHub Enterprise accounts must be configured before they can be subscribed to. To do this, follow the steps below:
Once you’ve accessed the Zoom Chat channel of your choice, you can enter the command /githube connect.
Your GitHub Enterprise chatbot will send you a direct message informing you that your message has been sent. If you need to authenticate your account, click on the link provided. -
One of the following commands can be used to configure your repositories:
connect <owner>: The owner needs to connect all the repositories that belong to him.
connect <owner or repository>: It is possible to connect one repository to another.
connect <owner/repositroy_1,owner/repository_2>: Multiple repositories can be connected together.
connect <owner/repository:master>: There is a branch that needs to be connected.
To complete the configuration process, click on the provided link and fill out the form:
Name: Configuration name is the name of the configuration.
Channel: You can choose which channel you want to receive notifications from in the settings.
Projects: There are a number of projects that you might be interested in receiving notifications about.
Events: Commits, Issues, and Pull Requests are the events to choose from. The following are currently supported by the system:
Pushes a commit to the repository and commits it
A new comment has been added to the commit
Opened/closed a pull request
I have opened/closed the issue
A new/edited/deleted comment has been added to the issue
Click on the Save Configuration button.
The notifications will now be sent to you in accordance with your configuration.
Interact with the GitHub Enterprise Chatbot
You will begin to receive chat notifications once you have added a subscription and your Zoom chat channel has been configured to receive chat notifications.
Available commands
Help command
You can find a list of all the available commands by typing help.
Connect command
Click on the connect button to connect your GitHub Enterprise repository or branch to the server.
As a result of entering this command, you will be able to subscribe to the channel where you entered the command. Your GitHub Enterprise account must first be connected in order for you to connect your repositories.
In order to correct the syntax that is used, you will see a message once you have connected.
If you connect both a repository and a branch under it, you will be able to access just the repository, leaving the branches out of the connection. It will not be possible for you to connect the branches of this repository within the same channel if you have already connected the branches of one repository with the channel.
Comment command
Adding a comment to an issue is as simple as typing it. There is a syntax for commenting that you will need to follow: <repository> <issue_id> [Shift+Enter] <comment>
You will need to:
There should be a full repository name as well as an issue ID specified.
To start a new line, press Shift + Enter on your keyboard.
Feel free to leave a comment below.
Disconnect command
Type disconnect into the GitHub Enterprise account’s menu to disconnect your account.
Disconnecting the connection of an owner from a channel will only result in the disconnecting of connections of that owner. The name of the repository or branch must be exactly the same as the name you want to disconnect in order to do so, for example, you cannot use disconnect owner/repository to disconnect owner/repository:branch.
How to remove the GitHub Enterprise Chatbot
You will need to sign in with your Zoom account in order to access Zoom App Marketplace.
Click on the Manage button at the top of the page, which can be found in the right corner.
Select the Added Apps option from the navigation menu at the top of the page.
GitHub Enterprise can be removed by clicking the Remove button next to it.
Click on the Remove button after you have confirmed the dialog box.
Data security
There are several types of information that this app can access from Zoom:
The Zoom account allows users to view all the groups they have subscribed to under their Zoom accounts.
The Zoom account allows you to view the details of existing meetings for a Zoom user.
A Zoom user’s information can be viewed under the Zoom account if they have access to it.
There is information on Github that can be accessed by this app, including the following:
The tickets you sell, the agents you work with, and the customers you serve.
We have read-only access to the accounts of our agents and customers.
It is only for closing tickets that we use the write permission.
Zoom allows the following permissions for this chat app to operate:
A chat message can be sent through this chat app to a Zoom user, or to an IM channel in an IM conversation.
There is an option to set up a Zoom meeting using this chat app that can be used by any Zoom user under a Zoom account.
This chat app communicates with Zoom/Github via a secure encryption protocol:
Protocol: TLS 1.2
Cipher suite: ECDHE-ECDSA-AES128-GCM-SHA256
Key length: 128 bits
Perfect Forward secrecy: YES
There are a number of credentials that are stored in this chat app’s local data store:
We maintain an encrypted database where both the Github API tokens as well as the Zoom OAuth credentials (both at the admin level only).
Zoom Support can provide you with additional assistance if you need it.