Using Zoom’s Jenkins Chatbot integration
Jenkins is a continuous integration server which can be customized to meet your requirements. It includes over 600 plugins making it possible for you to make it work for you. By integrating Jenkins with Zoom, you have the ability to receive notifications (through Zoom Chat) and messages (from a robot) from a robot regarding build notifications that are being sent into a channel in Zoom.
Prerequisites for Jenkins Chatbot
It is necessary to have an admin account for Jenkins
Preapproval has been granted for Jenkins Chatbot to be included in the Zoom App Marketplace.
Note: Your Zoom administrator will be able to assist you if the app has not been pre-approved.
How to install and configure the Jenkins app
Install from the Zoom App Marketplace
Log in with your Zoom account to access the Zoom App Marketplace.
To find Jenkins, you can enter the name of the app in the search box located at the top right corner of the screen.
The Jenkins app can be found in your search results if you click on it and you will be directed to its page.
Note: It is recommended that you contact your Zoom administrator if the app is not pre-approved on your account in order to have it approved. -
Please click on the Add button.
If you agree to the app’s permissions, click Allow when you are finished.
Note: A Jenkins Chatbot will be automatically installed for you in your Jenkins client if your admin has installed the Jenkins Chatbot.
Configure the Jenkins Chatbot
Note: There are a few steps that will need to be completed by an administrator on your Jenkins account.
If you wish to add Jenkins notifications to one or more chat channels within Zoom, you can do so after installing the Jenkins Chatbot from the Zoom App Marketplace.
Connect to Jenkins by typing /jenkins connect.
As soon as the Jenkins Chatbot receives your message, you will receive a direct message from it. As well as the webhook URL, this message will also contain a token for logging into the webhook. -
For future use, copy the URL and token associated with the webhook for use in the following steps.
You will need to sign into your Jenkins account in order to do this.
The Manage Jenkins button can be found in the left navigation menu of the Jenkins dashboard.
To manage plugins, click the Manage Plugins button.
You can find Zoom by clicking on the Available tab and searching for it there.
Install the plugin by checking the checkbox and clicking the install button.
When you click on the Configure button from the project’s menu, you will be able to configure which projects you wish to receive notifications for.
To make sure that Zoom Build Notifiers are included in this project’s Post-Build Actions, you can add them here.
Assuming that you have received the following values (Steps 2 and 3) from the chatbot earlier, you should add these values to the textbox below:
Webhook URL
Please click the Advanced… button to proceed.
Check the boxes next to the events you wish to receive notifications about and select the check boxes next to them.
To save the changes, click on the Save button.
How to use the Jenkins Chatbot
Listing all commands: You can get help by typing /jenkins help
Connect to a channel: Connect to Jenkins by typing /jenkins connect
Remove the Jenkins integration from a channel: You can disconnect Jenkins by typing /jenkins disconnect
How to remove the Jenkins Chatbot
Log in with your Zoom account to access the Zoom App Marketplace.
Click on the Manage button at the top of the page, which can be found in the right corner.
Select the Added Apps option from the navigation menu at the top of the page.
The Jenkins app can be removed by clicking the Remove button next to it.
Click on the Remove button after you have confirmed the dialog box.
Data security
Using this app, you will be able to access the following Zoom information:
Using the Zoom account, you can view all the groups that a Zoom user has subscribed to.
The Zoom account allows you to view the details of existing meetings for a Zoom user.
Under the Zoom account, you can view information about a Zoom user.
Jenkins provides the following information to this app so that it can access it:
Information about the Jenkins build.
Zoom will only be able to read this information.
Zoom allows the following permissions for this chat app to operate:
A chat message can be sent through this chat app to a Zoom user, or to an IM channel in an IM conversation.
As part of this chat app you can invite any Zoom user under your Zoom account to join a Zoom meeting.
This chat app communicates securely with Zoom/Jenkins through the following channels:
Protocol: TLS 1.2
Cipher suite: ECDHE-ECDSA-AES128-GCM-SHA256
Key length: 128 bits
Perfect Forward secrecy: YES
The following credentials are stored in the local data store of this chat app:
There is an encrypted database in which Jenkins API tokens and Zoom OAuth credentials are stored (both of which are of admin-level only).