Verify User Provisioning with Untrusted Emails – Webex
Within the User Status view, the Partner Hub provides a set of controls that enables Webex for BroadWorks Service Provider administrators to review the user provisioning status and fix provisioning failures that are caused by untrusted emails.
Users are required to self-provision Webex by entering their email address in the User Activation Portal if you are utilizing flow-through provisioning with untrusted emails to set up Webex for BroadWorks users. If the user runs into a problem, they can try again by selecting the option “Try again” that appears in the portal. This will give them a second chance. If the problem occurs again for the user, the administrator can utilize the steps below in Partner Hub to examine the user’s status and make modifications to the configuration, onboard the user, or delete the user as appropriate.
1. First, log in to the Partner Hub, and then select Settings.
2. View Templates can be accessed by selecting BroadWorks Calling after it has been located. Choose the suitable format for the customer template.
3. Check the following settings under User Verification to check that flow-through provisioning with untrusted emails is enabled in the correct manner:
- The option for Untrusted Emails needs to be selected.
- It is necessary to have the Share Link box point to the Activation link. Users can try their hand at self-provisioning through the User Activation Portal if everything has been set up properly.
4. After the user provisioning process has been completed, go to the User Verification area and click the Show User Status button in order to check the provisioning status.
The User Status view presents a list of users along with additional information, such as the BroadWorks ID, the selected package type, and the current Status, which indicates whether or not the user has been provisioned and whether or not there is a pending requirement.
5. Users who have mistakes or who have requirements that have not yet been met should click the three dots on the right and select one of the following administrative options:
- Click the “Retry Activation” option to try again to activate the user’s account. After providing a valid email address in the popup window, select the Onboard button.
- Delete User is a choice that you should consider making if you need to make changes to the setup in order to enable onboarding. After you have deleted the user and made the necessary adjustments, you can allow the user to reattempt the onboarding process.
- Change the Type of the Package – This allows you to change the settings from one package to another:
- Copy Error Text — Select this option to copy the error text onto your clipboard.
Additional Choices for How to View
When viewing the list of users, you get access to the following additional choices in addition to those already present:
- Export—If you would like to save the user list as a CSV file, you will need to click this button.
- To view only users who have pending needs or errors, you must use the “Exclude provisioned users” checkbox.