Video: Manage meetings in Microsoft Teams
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Stay organized with Microsoft Teams by viewing, scheduling, and managing appointments and meetings.
View meetings
- View your workweek or day’s appointments and meetings by selecting Calendar.Your Outlook calendar is synchronized with these appointments.
- To learn what the meeting is about, who will attend, and how to respond, select a meeting invitation.
Schedule a meeting
- Click on New meeting.
- Enter the title and location of the meeting.The default setting is to create an online meeting.
- Add details if needed, and select the start and end times.
- In the Invite people box, enter the names of the people you would like to attend the meeting.
- Using the Attendees list, you can see the availability of all attendees, and if necessary, you can suggest a time that works for everyone or you can select Scheduling Assistant to see all the available times in a calendar view.
- You can manage the privacy settings for your meeting by selecting the drop-down arrow under the Select a channel to meet in section:
- For a private meeting, you should select None from the drop-down menu.
- The meeting can be opened to team members by selecting a channel.Posts will appear under the Posts tab when your meeting is posted in a channel. Members of the team can share files, set agendas, and comment on documents.
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Frequently Asked Questions
How do I manage a team meeting in Outlook?
- You can open Outlook by tapping the calendar icon at the bottom of the app, then tapping .
- Toggle on Teams Meeting by scrolling down.
- It is also possible to invite entire contact groups (previously known as distribution lists) by adding their email addresses to the Required or Optional field(s).