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Keeping up with important channels and hiding those you don’t need for Microsoft Teams is as easy as showing and hiding channels.
Hide or show a channel
- Select More options, and then select Hide from the list of options within the channel.
- When you want to unhide a channel, select hidden channels > Show from the left-hand menu.
Customize channel notifications
- You can choose from a number of options for channel notifications by clicking More options.
- You can choose whether you want to receive notifications about new posts or mentions of channels, depending on what you want.
- Once you have selected Save, click on it.
You are notified according to the settings you have chosen.
Frequently Asked Questions
Can you hide channels in teams?
In the team list, scroll down until you reach the bottom. By selecting the option under the menu to see all teams, you can then select the team under which the channel belongs, and then click on the circle next to the channels you would like to see, and you will be able to see them. In order to remove the circle from the selection, you will have to tap on the circle again.
Does hiding a teams Channel hide it for everyone?
The members of Teams have access to the channels that belong to them, however they cannot see the channels that belong to the owners – Microsoft Community. I would like to thank Jon Muls for his help.
How do you make all channels visible in a team?
Click on “more channels” beneath the list of channels that you favorited in a team to see a list of all the channels that are within that team. Go to Manage Team, then click on the Channels tab, and then click on the Manage team button. Owners of teams can add or remove auto-favorite channels on the Channels tab within a team.
How do I restrict access to team channels?
It is possible to give guest permissions to channels within Teams by setting the following.
- Choose Teams from the drop-down menu. In the app, you will find this option on the left hand side.
- Choose More options from the menu that appears when you click on the team name. Choose ‘Manage teams’ from the menu on the left hand side.
- Go to the Settings section and click on Guest permissions. Make sure that the permissions that you want to be granted are checked or unchecked.
Can you archive a channel in Teams?
In addition to archiving a team, as part of the process of archiving a team, another aspect of the process is the archiving of the team’s private channels as well as links to all the collections of data associated with each of the channels. The great thing about the community is that you can still add or remove team members, modify roles, and access all the activities that are taking place in both the standard channel and the private channel, as well as view all the files, chats, and files for the specific people in the team.