View Customer Reports in the Cisco Webex Cloud Connected Audio Portal
You have the ability to generate and analyze statistics that indicate usage metrics for Cisco Webex conference services as well as Webex Cloud Connected Audio (Webex CCA). You can view historical data going back a year, or you can filter the data to show only a certain amount of time, a certain Webex site, or a variety of session kinds. A.CSV file can also be exported of the data that is now being displayed on the screen.
Key Performance Indicators (KPIs)
KPIs, or key performance indicators, are a collection of comparisons based on Webex CCA usage metrics. They are determined by the duration filter according to the time period that you select.
When a KPI shows – This indicates that there is not enough data or that the KPI is not applicable for the filters that have been specified.
- To display the expanded graph in a shadow box on top of the web page, select the icon labeled “Zoom.” By clicking the Export icon, you will be able to export each graph as either a.PNG or.PDF file.
- When you move your mouse over the elements of the graph, the data point values will become visible.
- Simply choose the name of the KPI you wish to examine in graph form. Expand a report panel, such as the one labeled “Total Meetings,” to see a graph group.
- You have the ability to utilize any legend item within each graph as a subfilter by selecting that item.
Charts, and Acronyms
The majority of the charts that are displayed in the reports area are straightforward and simple to comprehend. Nevertheless, certain charts or acronyms are intended for a more specialized audience due to their nature. Make use of this information so that you may better comprehend the facts.
The chart under “Total Audio PSTN Minutes” displays the PSTN minutes that Webex has made available. The information will not be displayed here if you are utilizing your own PSTN service.
The following abbreviations are used throughout the Host Scheduling Method:
PT_OC_CLIENT—Webex Productivity Tools.
Unspecific—Unable to determine the scheduling method.
CLICK_2_CONFERENCE—Webex Connect One Click.
OI—Webex Outlook Integration.
NI—Webex Lotus Notes Integration.
Webex—Webex Meeting Site.
The following terms are utilized in the Active Webex Hosts chart in order to categorize Webex meeting hosts.
Registered Host—The holder of a Webex host account is referred to as a host.
Active Host—A host who has planned at least one Webex meeting per month for their group. It’s important to note that a Registered Host is the same thing as an Active Host.
Power Host— A host who has planned at least three Webex meetings every month for their attendees. It is possible to become a Power Host by first being a Registered Host and then becoming an Active Host.