Viewing and identifying call logs in zoom App
Using the Logs page (also known as the Call Logs page) you can view a record of all the inbound or outbound calls that have taken place between users registered at the account. Data can be filtered based on the date, the direction (inbound or outbound), the site, or by the type of call. Notifications of call log updates can also be subscribed to by email.
Note: In addition to SMS logs, call recordings can also be viewed.
- Accounts for Business, Education, or Pro
- Account owners or administrators
- Have Zoom Phone licenses
How to view and export logs
Your account allows you to view the logs of all your phone users.
- Access the Zoom web portal by logging in.
- Once you are logged in, click Phone System Management and then Logs at the top of the page.
- It is possible to filter and search for calls in the call log using the following controls:
- It is possible to filter the data you see by date, direction (incoming or outgoing calls), call path, and site (if you have more than one site).
- By using the search bar, you will be able to filter data by a specific phone number, extension, or phone user.
- Sort the table entries by clicking the column headings.
- If you only want to see entries for charged calls, check the Show charged call logs only check box.
Note: - Verify your bill charges by viewing Zoom Phone usage reports.
- You can save a CSV file containing the current call log entries you have filtered using the options in the previous step by clicking Export at the top-right area.
How to identify log entries
To help you identify log entries, here is an explanation of columns in the log table:
From and To columns
- Identifies the originating (From) and target (To) callers from the Caller ID name and number displayed on the call screen. If the party does not have a caller ID name, only the caller ID number will display.
- Zoom Phone displays the internal display name for an internal extension rather than its caller ID name if an internal extension is involved in the call. Rather than displaying the caller ID name, it displays the profile name of the user. In addition to the direct number, Zoom Phone also displays an internal extension number.
- For calls with a caller ID but no name (the caller hid their number and name), Anonymous will be displayed.
- In the case where Zoom Phone was able to detect a location but the external party did not have a caller ID name, the location will appear below the caller ID number.
- Caller verification is also displayed in certain situations.
Device column
It is used to identify the desk phone model or the Zoom client or application platform of the phone user.
Result column
The method of handling the call. This label will be used:
- Auto Recorded:
- An automatic recording was made during the call.
- Busy:
- Devices with a DND (do not disturb) status appear in the Device column.
- To see call queue members that the call queue attempted to contact, click Details in the last column if the Path column is labeled as Call Queue. A member marked Busy doesn’t have the current call distribution because they skipped the call notification.
- Call Cancelled:
- During ringing, the originating caller hung up.
- Call Connected:
- An answer was received from the recipient listed in the To column.
- No Answer (only applies to inbound calls):
- Neither the extension nor the number was available to answer the call. It also applies to extensions that declined the call notification and to those whose calls were routed to voicemail.
- Park:
- Someone parked this call.
- Recorded:
- A phone user recorded the call by using the in-call controls.
Path column
Identifies the route taken by calls. The label will be:
- Auto Receptionist (only applies to inbound calls):
- An auto receptionist answered the call. Find out where the call was routed by clicking the Details link in the last column.
- Call Queue (only applies to inbound calls):
- Upon receiving the call, it was routed to a call queue. To see all the call queue members that were trying to be reached by the call queue, select Details in the last column. There will be a Call Connected entry in the Result column if a member of the call answered the call.
- Common Area Phone:
- During the call, a common area phone was used to make the call or receive the call.
- Extension:
- When a caller dialed an inbound number, the call was routed through an automatic receptionist that contacted the phone user’s extension number. Internal calls making up the whole organization under this label may also be labeled. For a detailed view of the client, apps, or devices under this label, click the Details link in the last column.
- Outbound calls:
- During the call, PSTN (public switched telephone network) was used to connect to the external phone number.
- Inbound calls:
- Using the public switched telephone network (PSTN) (public switched telephone network), the call originated from an external phone number.
- Shared Lines:
- Calls made or received on shared lines belonging to call delegation setups or shared line groups were made or received. You will see Extension instead of a call from an internal contact. You can view details by clicking on the last column.
- Park Pickup:
- The call was answered by a phone user. In the To column, the retrieval code appears.
- Monitor:
- In the From column, the phone user (From column) used one of the call monitoring features available on this site to monitor the call of another user (To column): Listen, Whisper, or Barge.
- Takeover:
- A user of a phone (From column) has taken over a conversation from another user (To column). This is shown in the Forward to column, which displays the other phone number involved in the conversation.
Site column
When multiple sites are enabled, this will be visible. Indicates where the call originated or was received.
How to identify log entries for transferred calls
The following call log entries will appear if a user makes or receives a call and transfers it:
Warm transfer
- This entry indicates the outbound caller’s new number.
- The original two parties on the call before the transfer are listed in the call log entry for inbound or outbound calls.
Blind transfer
- Originally, there were two parties on the call before it was transferred. For the phone number to which the other party was transferred, click Details in the last column. In the Path column, you will see the label Transfer.
How to view call history for a specific user
You can display a specific user’s call history or only view missed calls by following these steps.
Calls routed through auto receptionists or call queues are not recorded in user call histories, and the account-wide log provides more detail. Users can also view their own call histories.
- Log in to the Zoom website.
- You will find Phone System Management under Users & Rooms, under the navigation menu.
- To view a user’s call history, click on their name.
- Then click History.
- Filter call history by date or contact using the search options at the top. The columns at the top allow you to sort by heading.
- Here are some suggestions for identifying calls:
- A display name or account number will appear above the number if the caller has one.
- Incoming calls display the following icon:
- You can determine if the status of the call is connected, canceled, no answer, or recorded by looking at the Results column.
How to use the log to view bill charges
Verifying bill charges with the Zoom Phone usage reports is recommended. For those interested in viewing charges for a period longer than one month, the steps below provide a solution.
You can view bill charges using the CSV export of the call log by following these steps.
- Log in to Zoom.
- Choose Phone System Management from the navigation menu. Select Logs from the drop-down menu.
- Enter the date range of the bill using the To and From fields.
- Only entries for charged calls will be displayed if the Show charged call logs only check box is selected.
- You will need spreadsheet software like Microsoft Excel to open the CSV file.
Note: - You will need Microsoft Excel 2007 or later to follow the instructions.
- Highlight the headers by clicking on the first row (1).
- Click the Filter button under the Data tab.
- Then, click OK after unchecking (Blanks) in the first column (NO).
This will hide the duplicate charges in the call log. - If you click on the last column (L), the charges will be highlighted.
- If you look at the bottom-right corner of Excel, you will see a number called Sum. This is what you should see when you look at your Zoom Phone usage charges.