Viewing voicemails for a call routing extension in zoom App
Call queues, automatic receptionists, and shared lines all have dedicated voicemail boxes. By changing an extension’s routing options, you can allow callers to leave voicemails.
The information in this article will show you how to access the voicemail inbox of your auto receptionist, call queue, and shared line groups. The messages can be viewed, played, and deleted.
Other users can also view your voicemail inbox if you share it.
Prerequisites for viewing voicemails for a call routing extension
- There are three types of accounts: Pro, Business, and Education
- Each account has a different set of permissions:
- The license for the Zoom Phone service
Change the routing options for the extension to route to the extension’s voicemail if callers wish to leave messages there.
- Auto receptionists: To route a call to the current extension’s voicemail, edit the Business Hours or Closed Hours settings.
- Call queues or Shared line groups: Overflow messages should be routed to the voicemail inbox of the current extension.
How to access the voicemail inbox for an auto receptionist, call queue, or shared line group
- Access the Zoom web portal by logging in.
- Choose one of the following options by clicking Phone System Management in the navigation menu:
- Automatic Receptionist
- Message Queuing System
- Can be found by going to TAB Shared Lines > Shared Line Groups
- And clicking on the extension name.
- Select Voicemail from the menu.
- You can identify voicemail messages using the following:
- You’ll see a name above the number if the caller ID has a name or if the number belongs to your organization.
- Blue dots indicate unplayed voicemail entries.
- Click on the drop-down menu at the top to filter by read or unread messages or use the search options at the top to find a specific contact or phone number
How to play, download, or delete voicemails
- Inboxes for auto receptionists, call queues, or shared lines are accessible.
- Click the following options to view and manage voicemails:
- Play icon:
- When Zoom Phone is able to transcribing the voicemail message, it will play the message and display a transcript.
Note: - The message will appear as played for all other phone users with access or admins when a phone with access or admin plays an unplayed voicemail message.
- Download:
- Obtain the MP3 file of the voicemail message.
- Delete:
- Delete the message you selected. Select several entries and click Delete at the top of the table to delete them all at once.
Note: - If a phone user with access or admin deletes a voicemail message, the message will be deleted for all other phone users with access or admins.