Webex App | Keyboard navigation and shortcuts
You can make the Webex App more accessible to your specific requirements by making use of the keyboard navigation and shortcuts. This will also save you time and cut down on the amount of mouse clicks required.
These shortcuts are only applicable to the Webex App. The keyboard shortcuts for meetings that are listed below are only applicable to meetings held on our meeting platform that is compatible with Video Mesh. In the event that you participate in Webex Meetings or Webex Events,
Keyboard shortcuts
Keyboard navigation
You can navigate through the Webex App by using the keys on your keyboard.
Certain keyboard shortcuts are only useful in certain situations. When you are composing a message, for instance, the combination of the keys Ctrl and B will toggle bold text.
- To navigate between the many options in the navigation menu, press and hold Ctrl while selecting a number. For instance, pressing Ctrl plus 1 will take you to the first item, and pressing Ctrl plus 2 will take you to the second item.
- You can go around within your app by pressing the Tab key. You can navigate through the objects by using Shift and Tab.
- When navigating forwards and backwards between spaces and tabs, as well as marking spaces as read, use the Alt key in conjunction with the left or right arrow key.
- To select objects, press the Spacebar or Enter on your keyboard.
Action |
Keyboard shortcut |
Search |
Ctrl + F |
Go back in History |
Alt + Left arrow |
Go forward in History |
Alt + Right arrow |
Go to Messaging |
Ctrl + 1 |
Go to Teams |
Ctrl + 2 |
Go to Contacts |
Ctrl + 3 |
Go to Calling |
Ctrl + 4 |
Go to Meetings |
Ctrl + 5 |
Go to Personal Insights |
Ctrl + 6 |
Go to Voicemail |
Ctrl + 7 |
Open Help Center |
F1 |
Open preferences |
Ctrl + , |
Advanced Search |
Shift + Return |
Open diagnostics |
Ctrl + Alt + Shift + D |
Expand/Collapse navigation menu |
Alt + Shift + Q |
Open Keyboard Shortcut Search |
Ctrl + / |
Context menu |
Shift + F10 |
Sign out |
Alt + Q |
Quit application |
Ctrl + Q |
Action |
Keyboard shortcut |
Search in conversation |
Ctrl + Shift + J |
Contact a person |
Ctrl + N |
Create a space |
Ctrl + Shift + N |
Show all spaces |
Alt + Shift + A |
Go to Notifications |
Alt + Shift + N |
Go to Unread |
Alt + Shift + E |
Go to Direct message List |
Ctrl + Shift + T |
Go to Favorites |
Ctrl + Shift + U |
Go to @ Mentions to Me |
Alt + Shift + H |
Go to @ Mentions to All |
Alt + Shift + G |
Go to Flags |
Alt + Shift + F |
Go to Drafts |
Alt + Shift + D |
Leave the Space |
Ctrl + Shift + E |
Add People |
Ctrl + Shift + P |
Add a Bitmoji |
Ctrl + J |
Add a Gif |
Ctrl + G |
Add an Emoji |
Ctrl + Shift + Spacebar |
Attach a File |
Ctrl + O |
Move up the spaces list |
Alt + Up arrow |
Move down the spaces list |
Alt + Down arrow |
New Whiteboard |
Ctrl+ Shift + B |
Show Whiteboard |
Ctrl + Shift + W |
Edit last message |
Shift + Up Arrow |
Scroll to new message |
Ctrl + Alt + M |
Increase font size |
Ctrl + |
Decrease font size |
Ctrl – |
Insert Personal Meeting Room link |
Alt + Shift + P |
Toggle favorite space |
Ctrl + Shift + F |
Call selected person |
Ctrl + Shift + Enter |
Go to team |
Ctrl + Shift + T |
New message |
Alt + Shift + J |
New reply |
Alt + Shift + T |
Copy space information |
Ctrl + Shift + K |
Action |
Keyboard shortcut |
Add New Line in Message |
Shift + Enter |
Add link |
Ctrl + K |
Markdown |
Alt + Shift + M |
Bold |
Ctrl + B |
Italic |
Ctrl + I |
Underline |
Ctrl + U |
Heading Size 1 |
Alt + Shift + 1 |
Heading Size 2 |
Alt + Shift + 2 |
Heading Size 3 |
Alt + Shift + 3 |
Select all |
Ctrl + A |
Redo |
Ctrl + Y |
Undo |
Ctrl + Z |
Paste match style |
Ctrl + Alt + V |
Copy |
Ctrl + C |
Paste |
Ctrl + V |
Cut |
Ctrl + X |
Page Down |
Shift + PgDn |
Page Up |
Shift + PgUp |
Numbered List |
Alt + Shift + O |
Bulleted List |
Alt + Shift + U |
Code Block |
Shift + Alt + O |
Strikethrough |
Alt + K |
Subscript |
Ctrl + = |
Superscript |
Ctrl + Shift + = |
Calling and Meeting
You can control Webex App with these global shortcuts even when you’re working in another application.
The use of keyboard shortcuts during meetings is restricted to the meetings that take place on our meeting platform that is ready to support Video Mesh.
Action |
Keyboard shortcut |
Global |
End a Call |
Ctrl + L |
Answer a Call |
Ctrl + Shift + C |
ā |
Answer with a Message |
Ctrl + Alt + A |
ā |
Decline a Call |
Ctrl + D |
Transfer a Call |
Alt + T |
Mute or unmute yourself |
Ctrl + M |
Start or stop your video |
Ctrl + Shift + V |
ā |
Switch to smart audio mode |
Ctrl + Shift + M |
Share Content |
Ctrl + Shift + D |
ā |
Show/hide floating window |
Ctrl + Alt + P |
ā |
Share a File or Video |
Ctrl + O |
Share a Web browser |
Ctrl + Alt + N |
Pause/Resume sharing |
Alt + Shift + S |
ā |
Stop sharing |
Ctrl + Shift + Z |
ā |
Clear annotations on whiteboard |
Ctrl + Delete |
Fit shared content to viewer |
Ctrl + 0 |
Rotate page left |
Ctrl + Shift + < |
Rotate page right |
Ctrl + Shift + > |
Show meeting controls |
Ctrl + Shift + Q |
Start annotation |
Alt + Shift + Z |
ā |
Stop annotation |
Alt + Shift + X |
ā |
Add guest |
Ctrl + Alt + G |
Switch to full screen |
Alt + Enter |
Show thumbnail view |
Ctrl + T |
Clear my pointer |
Ctrl + Shift + O |
Raise/Lower hand |
Ctrl + Shift + R |
Switch between Panel/Tab view |
Ctrl + Tab |
Screen reader On/Off |
Ctrl + Alt + S |
Open or close chat panel |
Ctrl + E |
Open or close interpretation dialog |
Alt + Shift + W |
Show or hide menu bar |
Ctrl + Shift + H |
Show or hide participants video |
Ctrl + Shift + Alt + X |
Show or hide participants without videos |
Ctrl + Alt + Q |
Show or hide participant name in videos |
Ctrl + Shift + I |
Lower all participants hands |
Ctrl + Shift + L |
Lock or unlock meeting |
Ctrl + R |
Remove attendee |
Ctrl + Alt + R |
Admit attendee |
Ctrl + Shift + G |
ā |
Assign privileges |
Ctrl + Alt + U |
Start audio call (from search) |
Ctrl + Shift + Return |
Start video call (from search) |
Ctrl + Return |
Stop Remote Control |
Alt + Shift + V |
ā |
Show or hide closed captions |
Ctrl + Shift + A |
Focus on the closed captions menu in a meeting |
Shift + A |
Show or hide multi call window |
Ctrl + Shift + X |
ā |
Previous or next slide when sharing |
PgUp or PgDn |
Print document being shared |
Ctrl + P |
Allow everyone to share |
Ctrl + Shift + S |
Select meeting notification window |
Ctrl + F6 |
ā |
Select call floating window |
Ctrl + Alt + Shift + S |
ā |
Keyboard navigation
You can navigate through the Webex App by using the keys on your keyboard.
Certain keyboard shortcuts are only useful in certain situations. When you’re composing a message, for instance, pressing Command and B will activate bold text.
- To move around in your application, use the Tab key. To go back through the items, use the Shift + Tab navigation key combination.
- You can navigate through your app’s messages, spaces, and other menu items by using the arrow keys on your keyboard.
- You can go forward and backward through spaces and tabs, as well as mark spaces as read, by combining the Command key with the left and right arrow keys.
- To select objects, use the space bar or the enter key on your keyboard.
Action |
Keyboard Shortcut |
Search |
Command + F |
Go Back in History |
Command + [ |
Go Forward in History |
Command + ] |
Go to Messaging |
Command + Shift + A |
Go to Teams |
Command + Shift + T |
Go to Contacts |
Command + Shift + G |
Go to Calling |
Command + Shift + C |
Go to Meetings |
Command + Shift + M |
Go to Personal Insights |
Command + Shift + O |
Go to Voicemail |
Command + Shift + V |
Open Preferences |
Command + , |
Advanced search |
Shift + Return |
Open diagnostics |
Control + Option + Shift + D |
Expand/collapse navigation menu |
Command + Option + Q |
Open Keyboard Shortcut Search |
Command + / |
Context menu |
Shift + F10 |
Quit application |
Command + Q |
Minimize |
Command + M |
Maximize |
Command + N |
Close |
Command + W |
Find and replace |
Command + Option + F |
Hide |
Command + H |
Hide other application windows |
Command + Option + H |
Zoom |
Command + Control + – |
Action |
Keyboard Shortcut |
Search in a space |
Command + Shift + F |
Contact a person |
Command + Shift + P |
Go to All (Spaces and Direct) List |
Command + 1 |
Go to Message notifications |
Command + 2 |
Go to the Unread Messages List |
Command + 4 |
Go to the Direct message List |
Command + 5 |
Go to the Favorites List |
Command + 6 |
Go to @ Mentions to Me |
Command + 7 |
Go to @ Mentions to All |
Command + 8 |
Go to Flagged Messages List |
Command + 9 |
Go to Drafts |
Command + 3 |
Create a space |
Command + Shift + N |
Go to space messages tab |
Command + Control + M |
Go to space content tab |
Command + Control + C |
Leave a space |
Command + Option + E |
Add People |
Command + Option + P |
Add a Bitmoji sticker |
Control + J |
Add a Gif |
Control + G |
Add Emoji |
Command + Control + Spacebar |
Attach a File |
Command + Option + A |
Move up the spaces list |
Option + Up Arrow |
Move down the spaces list |
Option + Down Arrow |
New Whiteboard |
Option + Command + Shift + W |
Show Whiteboards |
Command + Shift + W |
Edit last Message |
Shift + Up Arrow |
Increase font size |
Command + |
Decrease font size |
Command – |
Insert Personal Meeting Room link |
Command + Shift + K |
Screen capture |
Command + S |
Screen capture portion of screen with minimized app |
Command + Option + S |
Toggle favorite space |
Command + Option + V |
Search: Call selected person (People only) |
Command + Enter |
Go to team |
Option + Shift + Command + T |
View space settings |
Control + Command + T |
Toggle notify on all messages |
Command + Option + N |
Go to Participants tab |
Option + Shift + Command + P |
Go to Links tab |
Shift + Command + L |
Copy Space Details |
Option + Command + K |
Action |
Keyboard Shortcut |
Add New Line in Message |
Shift + Enter |
Add link |
Command + K |
Markdown |
Command + Option + M |
Bold |
Command + B |
Italic |
Command + I |
Underline |
Command + U |
Heading Size 1 |
Command + Option + 1 |
Heading Size 2 |
Command + Option + 2 |
Heading Size 3 |
Command + Option + 3 |
Select All |
Command + A |
Redo Typing |
Command + Shift + Z |
Undo Typing |
Command + Z |
Show Spelling and Grammar |
Command + : |
Paste and Match Style |
Command + Option + Shift + V |
Copy |
Command + C |
Paste |
Command + V |
Cut |
Command + X |
Page Down |
fn + Down Arrow |
Page Up |
fn + Up Arrow |
Calling and Meeting
Even if you are working in another program at the time, you can still operate Webex App by making use of these global shortcuts.
Only meetings that are hosted on our meeting platform that is compatible with Video Mesh will have access to the keyboard shortcuts.
Action |
Keyboard Shortcut |
Global |
Start a Call |
Control + Shift + Return |
Start a video call |
Control + Return |
End a Call |
Command + L |
Answer a Call |
Control + Shift + C |
ā |
Decline a Call |
Command + Shift + D |
Transfer a Call |
Command + Option + T |
Mute or unmute yourself |
Command + Shift + M |
ā |
Start or stop your video |
Control + Shift + V |
ā |
Switch to smart audio mode |
Control + Shift + M |
Share content |
Control + Shift + D |
ā |
Show/hide floating window |
Shift + Option + P |
ā |
Share a file or video |
Command + O |
Share Web Browser |
Command + Option + B |
Pause or Resume Sharing |
Control + Shift + S |
ā |
Show meeting control panel during content sharing |
Command + Control + Shift + S |
Stop Sharing |
Control + Shift + Z |
ā |
Enter clean mode during sharing |
Command + Option + Shift + H |
Clear annotations on whiteboard |
Command + Delete |
ā |
Fit shared content to viewer |
Command + 0 |
Fit shared content to width |
Option + Command + 0 |
Rotate page to the left during file sharing |
Option + Shift + Command + L |
Rotate page to the right during file sharing |
Option + Shift + Command + R |
Show meeting controls |
Ctrl + Shift + Q |
Start Annotation |
Command + Option + Z |
ā |
Stop Annotation |
Command + Option + X |
ā |
Switch to full screen |
Control + Shift + F |
Show thumbnail view |
Command + T |
Open Dialpad |
Control + Shift + K |
Clear my pointer |
Command + Option + Delete |
Raise/lower your hand |
Command + Shift + R |
Switch between panel and tab view |
Tab |
Screen reader On/Off |
Control + Shift + K |
Open or close chat panel |
Command + Shift + E |
Open or close interpretation dialog |
Command + Option + W |
Show or hide participants videos |
Command + Shift + X |
Show or hide participants without video |
Command + Shift + H |
Lower all participants’ hands |
Control + Shift + L |
Lock or unlock meeting |
Command + R |
Mute meeting participants |
Command + Shift + U |
Remove attendee |
Command + E |
Admit participants from lobby |
Control + Shift + G |
ā |
Assign privileges to meeting participants |
Control + Shift + P |
Start Remote Desktop Control |
Command + Option + R |
ā |
End Remote Desktop Control |
Command + Option + V |
ā |
Show or hide closed captions |
Control + Shift + A |
Focus on the closed captions menu in a meeting |
Shift + A |
Select meeting notification window |
Command + F6 |
ā |
Select local share control window |
Control + Command + K |
ā |
Select call floating windows |
Command + Option + Shift + S |
ā |
Keyboard shortcuts menu
If you connect an external keyboard to your iPad, you’ll be able to use the shortcuts for the Webex app on that keyboard. Simply keep your finger on the Command button while you’re inside the application, and you’ll be presented with a list of all the accessible shortcuts.
Keyboard navigation
You can navigate through the Webex App by using the keys on your keyboard.
Action |
Keyboard Shortcut |
Insert Personal Meeting Room link |
Control + Shift + P |
Attach a File |
Command + Option + A |
Add a Gif |
Control + G |
Show Favorite |
Control + Shift + V |
Go to Calling |
Command + Shift + C |
Go to Contacts |
Command + Shift + G |
Go to Meetings |
Command + Shift + M |
Go to Messaging |
Command + Shift + A |
Go to Teams |
Command + Shift + T |
Keyboard navigation
You can navigate through the Webex App by using the keys on your keyboard.
- To move around in your application, use the Tab key. To go back through the items, use the Shift + Tab navigation key combination.
- You can navigate through your app’s messages, spaces, and other menu items by using the arrow keys on your keyboard.
- To select objects, use the space bar or the enter key on your keyboard.
Keyboard shortcuts
Action |
Windows Keyboard |
Mac Keyboard |
Create a Space |
Alt + N |
Option + N |
Contact a Person |
Alt + P |
Option + P |
Open Spaces |
Ctrl + Alt + 1 |
Control + Option + 1 |
Open Teams |
Ctrl + Alt + 2 |
Control + Option + 2 |
Open Calls |
Ctrl + Alt + 3 |
Control + Option + 3 |
Open Meetings |
Ctrl + Alt + 4 |
Control + Option + 4 |
Search |
Alt + Shift + F |
Option + F |
Search in Space |
Ctrl + Alt + Shift + F |
Command + Option + F |
Quit Application |
Ctrl + W |
Command + W |
Go to Next Section |
F6 |
Not Available |
Go to Previous Section |
Shift + F6 |
Not Available |
Open Settings/Preferences |
Ctrl + Shift +Ā , |
Shift + Command +Ā , |
Back |
Not Available |
Option + Command + [ |
Forward |
Not Available |
Option + Command + ] |
Show Help |
Ctrl + F1 |
Command + F1 |
Close |
Esc |
Esc |
Action |
Windows Keyboard |
Mac Keyboard |
Favorite |
Ctrl + Shift + F |
Command + Option + V |
Navigate Spacelist |
Up/Down Arrow Key |
Up/Down Arrow Key |
Go to Other Action |
Left/Right Arrow Key |
Left/Right Arrow Key |
Spacelist Panel |
Ctrl + Alt + L |
Control + Shift + L |
Leave Space |
Ctrl + Alt + E |
Command + Option + E |
View Space Settings |
Ctrl + Alt + S |
Command + Option + S |
Go to Team |
Ctrl + Alt + T |
Command + Option + T |
Add People |
Ctrl + Alt + P |
Command + Option + P |
Create Whiteboard |
Ctrl + Alt + W |
Control + Option + W |
Open Whiteboards |
Alt + Shift + W |
Control + Command + W |
Next Space |
Alt + Down arrow |
Option + Down arrow |
Previous Space |
Alt + Up arrow |
Option + Up arrow |
Open Activity Panel |
Ctrl + Shift + Spacebar |
Command + Shift + Spacebar |
Flag Message |
Ctrl + Shift + _ |
Control + Shift + _ |
Add Gif |
Alt + G |
Option + G |
Add Emoji |
Ctrl + Alt + Space |
Option + Control + Spacebar |
Attach File |
Alt + A |
Option + Command + A |
Show People |
Ctrl + Alt + 5 |
Control + Option + 5 |
Show Favorites |
Ctrl + Alt + U |
Control + Option + U |
Show @ Mentions to Me |
Alt + Shift + O |
Control + Option + O |
Show @ Mentions to All |
Alt + Shift + L |
Control + Option + L |
Show Flags |
Ctrl + Alt + F |
Control + Option + F |
Show Notifications |
Ctrl + Alt + N |
Control + Option + N |
Show Unread |
Ctrl + Alt + R |
Control + Option + R |
Show Drafts |
Ctrl + Alt + D |
Control + Option + D |
Action |
Windows Keyboard |
Mac Keyboard |
Add New Line in Message |
Shift + Enter |
Shift + Enter |
Copy |
Ctrl + C |
Command + C |
Bold |
Ctrl + B |
Command + B |
Italic |
Ctrl + I |
Command + I |
Underline |
Ctrl + U |
Command + U |
Markdown |
Alt + Shift + M |
Command + Control + M |
Paste |
Ctrl + V |
Command + V |
Cut |
Ctrl + X |
Command + X |
Undo |
Ctrl + Z |
Command + Z |
Redo |
Ctrl + Y |
Command + Shift + Z |
Find Next |
Not Available |
Option + Command + G |
Use Selection For Find |
Not Available |
Command + E |
Check Document Now |
Not Available |
Command +Ā ; |
Start Dictation |
Not Available |
fn fn |
Show Spelling and Grammar |
Not Available |
Command +Ā : |
Select Block of Text |
Ctrl + Shift + Up arrow key |
Not Available |
Paste text as Code Snippet |
Ctrl + Shift + V |
Not Available |
Remove Formatting |
Alt + Shift + C |
Not Available |
Next Paragraph |
Ctrl + Down arrow key |
Not Available |
Previous Paragraph |
Ctrl + Up arrow key |
Not Available |
Reply |
Alt + R |
Option + R |
Page Down |
PgDn |
fn + PgDn |
Page Up |
PgUp |
fn + PgUp |
Calling and Meeting
Even while you are working in another program, you can control Webex by using the shortcuts that are global to the program.
Action |
Windows Keyboard |
Mac Keyboard |
Answer a Call |
Ctrl + Shift + L |
Command +Shift + L |
Start a Call |
Alt + C |
Option + C |
End a Call |
Alt + Shift + K |
Command + Shift + K |
Decline a Call |
Ctrl + Shift + X |
Command + Shift + X |
Open Dialpad |
Ctrl + Alt + K |
Control + Option + K |
Audio Mute |
Ctrl + Alt + M |
Control + Option + M |
Video On/Off |
Ctrl + Alt + V |
Control + Option + V |
Add guest |
Ctrl + Alt + G |
Control + Option + G |
Share Screen |
Alt + Shift + D |
Control + Shift + D |
Show Meeting Controls |
Ctrl + Alt + Q |
Control + Option + Q |
End Remote Desktop Control |
Shift + Alt +V |
Command + Option + V |
Customize keyboard shortcuts
Only meetings that are hosted on our meeting platform that is compatible with Video Mesh will have access to the keyboard shortcuts.
1 After selecting your profile photo, navigate to Settings > Keyboard Shortcuts using the arrow keys.
2 Look for a keyboard shortcut, or scroll through the list of keyboard shortcuts.
3 Select the shortcut keyboard combination, then enter a new keyboard combination after clicking the shortcut combination.
4 Select the Global checkbox to make the keyboard shortcut a global shortcut.
There are several shortcuts that are automatically global. You are able to make these changes. There are some shortcuts that cannot be made into global shortcuts.
5 Select one of the following from the list that appears after clicking More options:
- Edit
- Remove
- Reset to default
Only meetings that are hosted on our meeting platform that is compatible with Video Mesh will have access to the keyboard shortcuts.
1 After clicking the picture of your profile, navigate to the Settings menu and select Keyboard Shortcuts.
2 Look for a keyboard shortcut, or scroll through the list of keyboard shortcuts.
3 Select the shortcut keyboard combination, then enter a new keyboard combination after clicking the shortcut combination.
4 Select the Global checkbox to make the keyboard shortcut a global shortcut.
You have the ability to change the default behavior of certain shortcuts, including those that are global. There are some shortcuts that cannot be made into global shortcuts.
5 Select one of the following from the list that appears after clicking More options:
- Edit
- Remove
- Reset to default