Webex App | Set a voicemail PIN (Unified CM)
You have the ability to create a new voicemail PIN, which will allow you to check your voicemail messages and access additional voicemail services, such as personalized greetings, when you call your voicemail.
1 Your profile picture may be accessed by clicking on it, then selecting options > Calling, scrolling down to Additional call options, and finally clicking on Advanced call settings.
2 After selecting Voicemail from the drop-down menu, click the Launch Voicemail Inbox button.
It is possible that you will be required to sign in once more due to the configuration of your company.
What to do next
If you navigate to the Voicemail section of the Webex App and then select the Call Voicemail button, you will be able to enter the new PIN to access your voicemail and change the settings.
1 Your profile picture may be accessed by clicking on it, followed by Preferences > Calling, scrolling down until you reach Additional call options, and finally clicking on Advanced call settings.
2 Select Voicemail from the menu, then click the Launch Voicemail Inbox button. After that, follow the on-screen instructions to update your PIN password.
It is possible that you will be required to sign in once more due to the configuration of your company. Get in touch with your system administrator if you don’t have any voicemail settings.
What to do next
If you navigate to the Voicemail section of the Webex App and then select the Call Voicemail button, you will be able to use the new PIN to access your voicemail and customize its settings.