Webex App | Set up your Personal Room
The Personal Room that Webex users have access to, can be used for meetings if they have a Webex account. It is possible for you to set it up yourself if it has not been set up for you already. Depending on how many Personal Rooms you have, you can select which one you would like to use from the list.
Windows and Mac
In the Webex App, you may already have your Personal Room set up. If there is a link to your personal room at the top of your screen, you can check it by going to Meetings and clicking on it. I am pretty sure if it’s the case, you don’t need to do anything and you’re good to go.
Follow these steps if, instead of the Set Up My Personal Room option, you see Set Up My Personal Room instead.
- Set up your own personal meeting room by going to Meetings and clicking on Set Up My Meeting Room.
- You will then need to enter your host PIN in order to open the Personal Room link. This can be found under the following URLs: https://company.webex.com/meet/username or company.webex.com/meet/username.
The Webex App allows you to choose which Personal Room you would like to associate with your Webex account, even if you belong to multiple Webex sites and, therefore, have multiple Personal Rooms.
The Personal Room link and the host PIN can be found on your Webex site, which you can access if you are unsure of what they are. There is a standard format for the URL of your Webex site, which is company.webex.com. Once you have signed in, you will be able to see them by going to Preferences > My Personal Room. You are not allowed to create a Personal Room on your website if you don’t see a link to it and a PIN to access it. Please contact the site administrator if you have any questions.
- Then click the Save button.
Frequently Asked Questions
How do I set up my personal room in Webex?
Go to the Meetings section and click on the Set Up My Personal Room button. If you would like to connect to a Personal Room, enter the link in the format https://company.com. Please enter your username or company name on the webex.com/meet page. Please enter your username and password as well as your webex.com/meet/ PIN when prompted.
You can choose which of the Personal Rooms you want to use if you have more than one.
Windows and Mac.
How does personal room work in Webex?
Personal Rooms are virtual conference rooms in which you can host your own meetings. It is always available for you and you do not have to make a reservation for it. Through the Personal Room link, your email, or your phone number, attendees are able to easily join you in your Personal Room if they know your Personal Room link. Log into your Webex account and sign in.
What is difference between Webex meeting and personal room?
There must be a host or alternative host who can start a Personal Room on behalf of the host or the host’s delegation. In contrast to standard Webex meetings, if a host wishes to participate in a webex meeting using only their telephone number, they will be required to enter their host PIN in order to access the meeting. It will take until then before others can join us.
How do I share my Webex personal room?
Your Personal Room URL is located on the Home page of your site on your Webex site. You can share your unique room URL through email or instant message by sharing your unique room URL in a message. Click on the Invite and Remind button in the meeting control panel, and then follow the prompts to complete your request.
What is my Webex personal room number?
The Personal Room identifier is used by WebEx by default as the username of the host. It can be seen in the following example: https://sitename.webex.com/meet/username. The Personal Room identifier for a host is prefixed with a “pr” at the beginning, for example, pr123456, if the user name contains only numeric characters, such as 123456.
Can anyone join a Webex personal room?
The Webex Personal Room can be used for meetings if you have a Webex host license.
How do I add my personal Webex room to Outlook?
On the ribbon in Outlook for desktop, in the Cisco Webex group, there is an Add Webex Meeting option that you can select if you are using Outlook for desktop. You can add a Webex meeting from the drop-down list in the Cisco Webex Scheduler using Outlook on the Web if you are using that program.
How do I schedule a Webex meeting in someone else’s personal room?
Access your Webex site by logging in to your account. Click on the Schedule a Meeting button to take you to the page where you can schedule a meeting. You can schedule the meeting for a specific host by selecting his or her name from the Schedule for drop-down list. A meeting can only be scheduled for someone for whom another host has been allowed to take over a meeting on their behalf if that person has allowed this option to be seen by you.
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