Webex App | Share Your Meeting Recordings
You may access the recordings of your meetings by clicking the Recordings button in your calendar. Additionally, you can share your recordings with other people or locations inside your business. After that, anyone who has access to the recording will have the option to share it, and there will be no need for any passwords.
1. To view a list of all recordings that are currently accessible, navigate to Meetings and then pick Recordings from the menu that appears.
2. Click the Share recording button after selecting a recording to share.
3. Simply type the name of the location or person into the pop-up window, and then choose them from the list that appears. Then, select the Share option.
It is only possible to share recordings with other spaces that are controlled by the same organization, and each recording can only be shared with a certain place once. In addition, only the individual who originally shared the recording has the ability to erase it.
1. To get a list of all of the recordings that are currently available, navigate to Meetings and then press the Recordings tab.
2. To share a recording, first make a recording, then tap the Share recording button.
3. Enter the name of the location or person into the search window, or choose them from the list that appears. Then, make a tap.
It is only possible to share recordings with other spaces that are controlled by the same organization, and each recording can only be shared with a certain place once. In addition, only the individual who originally shared the recording has the ability to erase it.