Webex App | View upcoming meetings
Detailed information about your upcoming meetings can be found in the meetings list in the Webex App. From the meetings list, you can also join meetings when they begin.
You can see upcoming scheduled meetings, Personal Room meetings, meetings associated with a space, calls scheduled with another person, and other scheduled meetings on your meetings list if your administrator has configured your account with the Hybrid Calendar Service with Office 365 integration.
Unless you have the Hybrid Calendar Service and Office 365 integration, the meeting information and Webex scheduler will show up from Microsoft Outlook (using the Webex Productivity Tools or the Add-on), Google Calendar (using the Add-on), or Webex scheduler if you do not have the Hybrid Calendar Service.
- The meeting can be found in the meetings list by going to Meetings and searching for it. It starts by showing you a list of all your meetings in the Day view, which is a live view of your meetings for a single day in real time.
The List tab will allow you to see a summary of all your upcoming meetings over the course of the next few days.
Please click on Work week to see all of the meetings you have scheduled for the upcoming week.
If you would like to see the meetings you have upcoming for next week, click Week.
From any view, you can select a specific date from the calendar by clicking on the date to the left of Today in the calendar. There is a facility that allows you to view meetings that took place 1 week ago, 2 weeks ago, 3 weeks ago, or 4 weeks ago.
In order to return to today, choose Today from the drop-down menu.
- There are a number of information that you can view for a meeting, such as the date, time, recurrence, location, organizer or host, meeting link, and if there has been an acceptance, decline, or no response to the meeting invitation.
A meeting invitation that you’ve been invited to can be accepted, accepted tentatively, or declined as it shows in the Meeting Details tab if you’re using Hybrid Calendar.
You can join a meeting directly from the Meeting Details page for a meeting that has been created as part of a space. Click Message or the space name (in blue) if you want to add an agenda item to the meeting or if you want to note that you are running late.
You are only likely to see your name on a Webex meeting participant list if you created the meeting yourself or if you were invited by the host to join the meeting, but if you are not the host, the list will also show the host and you.
If the meeting was setup using the Webex site, you will notice that the list of meeting invitees when viewing upcoming meetings from the Webex App will be incomplete. You may be the only person listed, for example, as well as the host.
The meeting and appointment schedule will display for a 24-hour period on the selected day so that you can see what your schedule looks like.
Unless you have established a Hybrid Calendar account with your administrator, you won’t have access to your meetings list.
- You can check your schedule of meetings for a given day by going to Meetings and selecting the day you want to view.
You can return to today’s view by tapping the icon on the far right when you have moved to a different day view.
- If you swipe up, you will be able to see that day’s full meeting schedule.
To join your meeting as soon as it begins, tap Now at the bottom of the screen.
- In the meeting’s details, you will find information like the date, time, recurring nature, location, organizer or host, and a link to the meeting. The meeting invite can also be tracked to find out whether the invite has been accepted or declined, or if no one has responded.
Meetings associated with spaces can be joined directly from the Meeting Details page if you wish to join a meeting directly. It is very easy to tell everyone that you are running late, or that you have an agenda item to add, by simply tapping on Message or on the name of the space (in blue).
You are only likely to see your name on a Webex meeting participant list if you created the meeting yourself or if you were invited by the host to join the meeting, but if you are not the host, the list will also show the host and you.
You can see all the upcoming meetings on your meetings list along with Personal Room meetings, meetings for a specific space, calls that you have scheduled with another person, and other meetings you have scheduled.
In order to view your meetings, you must be using Microsoft Exchange, Microsoft Office 365, or Google Calendar for G Suite in conjunction with Cisco Webex Hybrid Calendar Services.
- The meeting can be found in the Meetings list if you go to Meetings. It displays a list of your upcoming meetings for the next few days, which is a consolidated view of your meetings. An orange highlight indicates today’s date, while a green bar appears next to a meeting when it’s time to attend. The meeting name appears in blue next to the space name if the meeting is associated with one. If you click on the blue name of the space, you will be taken directly to the space.
Select a specific date from the calendar so that the meeting list view starts with that date by clicking the month name at the top left of the meetings list. Meetings can be viewed for any date between one week ago and four weeks away.
Choosing Today will return the list to today’s date.
- Meeting details, such as the date, time, dates, recurrence, location, meeting host, meeting link, and who has accepted, declined, or isn’t responding, can be viewed on the meeting information page.
Meeting details allow you to join meetings associated with spaces directly. Messages are provided as a way to alert others that you are running late or want to add an agenda item to the meeting, simply by clicking on the name of the space or clicking Messages.
You are only likely to see your name on a Webex meeting participant list if you created the meeting yourself or if you were invited by the host to join the meeting, but if you are not the host, the list will also show the host and you.
Frequently Asked Questions
How do I see upcoming meetings in Webex?
In the Meetings section of the menu, you will find the meeting listed under Meetings. In the meetings list, you can see a consolidated list of your upcoming meetings for the next few days, which gives you a good idea how many meetings you will have in the next few days. As you begin to join a meeting, a green bar appears next to the meeting when it’s time to join it and the date for today is highlighted in orange.
What are the different views you can use to view planned meetings in Webex?
Grid view. It is possible to view up to 25 participants at once with the Grid view.
Stack view. On a stack view, you can see who is currently speaking on stage or which content has been shared.
Side by side view. An active speaker’s or a shareable piece of content on the stage can be seen side by side in this side by side view.
View in full screen mode.
Why do some Webex meetings not show up in app?
There will not be a listing for the meeting you are planning to start or join on the public calendar of the Webex site if it is not listed for the meeting you intend to start or join. A meeting that is not listed can be viewed by attendees by opening their email invitation or calendar confirmation which contains details about the meeting. If you would like to join your meeting, please click the link in your email.
What is the difference between Schedule Webex meeting and personal room?
Personal Rooms must be started by the host or an alternate host that has been allocated to the host in order for the room to be created. For example, the host does not need to enter their host PIN if they want to join a Personal Room via dial-in only and have no intention of joining a standard Webex meeting. It won’t be possible for others to join until then.
What is the difference between the Webex web app and the desktop app?
In addition to the Meetings web app, you can also create Webex Events (classic), Webex Webinars, and Webex Training by using the Meetings web app. There is no Webex support available in the web app. It is only the attendees who can use the web app for Events (classic) and Training (new). The desktop application is required for hosts and panelists.
How do I access a Webex meeting on my Iphone?
Open the Meetings app on your phone and tap Join Meeting if you don’t already have a Webex account. The meeting number or URL of the host’s Personal Room should be entered, along with your name and email address, then you should click Join. You can use your iOS search to find your own Personal Rooms or Personal Rooms that you have recently joined. In the search results, tap the meeting name to join it.
How do I use Cisco Webex meeting app on mobile?
You can join a Cisco Webex meeting or a Personal Room meeting quickly from the mobile app whenever it’s time to join a scheduled Cisco Webex meeting or Personal Room meeting. The Webex Meetings app can be opened after you have signed in to it and then swipe left to My Meetings. On the listing for the meeting, tap Start to begin the meeting.
Is there a difference between Webex and Webex Meetings?
Based on the reviewers’ evaluations, Webex Meetings seemed to be a better fit for their business needs than the Webex App. It is evident from the comparison between the quality of the ongoing product support provided by Webex Meetings and Webex App that both provide comparable levels of support. Webex Meetings was rated higher in our reviewers’ opinion when it came to keeping up with feature updates and roadmaps compared to Webex App.
All images and contents credit goes to help.webex.com