Webex App Webex Instant Connect
It is now much easier to schedule and participate in Webex Instant Connect meetings right through the Webex App by adding Webex Instant Connect to your spaces. Whenever you begin a meeting through your browser, you will be presented with the consultation lobby. In order to organize your consultations, you do not now need to create a front-end interface on your own.
Cards in Webex App
Webex Instant Connect is a great way to interact with a Webex meeting using commands through cards. If you want to organize and start consultations, you can use drop-down menus, buttons, and text fields – there are many options to choose from.
Your Webex apps can be viewed through buttons and cards.
The Webex Instant Connect support team can help you with any issues you are having: https://help.webex.com/contact
Webex Instant Connect must be activated by an administrator before it can be used in the Webex App. You can find more information about instant.webex.com at www.instant.webex.com.
Add Webex Instant Connect
Before inviting others to Webex Instant Connect, Webex Instant Connect needs to first be added to a new or existing space in the Webex App before users can begin using it. Create a direct space dedicated to Webex Instant Connect or add it to a group space if you have one.
- Go to Messaging and select the group space that you wish to add Webex Instant Connect to. Once you have chosen the space to which you wish to add Webex Instant Connect, click on the Add button.
For creating a direct link to Webex Instant Connect, click on the icon, select Send a direct message from the menu and then enter instant@webex.bot into the dialog box
- Click on People, then add people to the list by entering: instant@webex.bot in the text box.
Invite others to use Webex Instant Connect
Adding Webex Instant Connect to a space is the first step in making it available to others for use as well. You are able to send invitations via Webex Instant Connect to other users in your organization.
Your invitations to other people must contain the same email address that you use for your own invitations.
- Enter the email address of someone whom you want to invite to use Webex Instant Connect as well as send the message to them.
By entering a comma between email addresses, you can invite a number of users in a direct space at the same time. As an example: address1@email.com, address2@email.com, address3@email.com
If you’d like to invite multiple users into the group space, simply enter @instant followed by the e-mail address separated by a comma. As an example: @instant address1@email.com, address2@email.com, address3@email.com
A link to create a virtual meeting will appear in a message sent from Webex Instant Connect in the Webex App.
Create a Webex Instant Connect meeting
Using the Webex Instant Connect feature, you can create a meeting without having to leave the Webex app. The Webex App can also be used to start a meeting from within the application. To access the consultation lobby, visitors simply have to click on the invite link provided in the meeting notification, regardless of whether they have the Webex App installed.
- With Webex Instant Connect, you can create a meeting from either a group space or directly from your desktop:
Whenever you are in a group space, type @Instant hi and you will be able to send a message using Webex Instant Connect.
Please type hi in the Webex Instant Connect space if it is directly adjacent to you.
The Create virtual visit link is sent to the user via an instant message from Webex Instant Connect.
- Click on the drop-down list to the left of Create virtual visit, and then choose the length of time before the link expires.
- Enter the e-mail addresses or phone numbers of the people you would like to invite to the meeting, separated by a comma, and click on the Send Invitation button.
The invitees receive an email or an SMS informing them that they have been invited to the meeting and a link to join the meeting.
- To begin a meeting from the space, click on Start meeting as the host, so that you can start the meeting right away.
In your browser, you will be able to access the consultation lobby.
The host of a meeting is the person who creates the meeting and starts it. It is possible for a consultation to be hosted by more than one person in the Webex App, since everyone is a participant.