Webex Integration to Microsoft Outlook for Windows Introduction
Utilizing the Cisco Webex Productivity Tools on your personal computer, you may educate yourself on how to set up the Webex interaction with Microsoft Outlook. After you have installed the Webex connection for Outlook, you will have the ability to alter your preferences, participate in and plan meetings, and more.
Webex Integration to Microsoft Outlook for Windows
It’s possible that the administrator of your site set you up with Webex Productivity Tools already. In that case, you can get it by downloading it from your Webex account. Installing and configuring the Webex productivity tools for Windows may be found here.
Invitees to a meeting do not need to utilise Outlook in order to participate in it; all they require is a Webex account, unless the gathering is only open to people who use Webex on your domain.
Webex Integration to Outlook Toolbar Options
Within Microsoft Outlook, the Webex integration adds a button and a drop-down list to the Home tab of the ribbon. There are a couple options under Schedule Meeting > More that you might need a little bit of an explanation for, but the majority of the selections are rather self-explanatory.
Meeting Templates—This feature enables you to view templates that have been saved on your Webex site by either you or the site administrator. The meeting settings are included in the templates. You have the option of selecting the template that best fits your requirements. Only hosts who are authorised by the site administrator to use templates for Outlook will be able to access the meeting template library.
Set Scheduling Permission—This action will open the My Webex > Scheduling Options page on your Webex site. From this page, you may designate a delegate to schedule or edit meetings on your behalf.
Start Personal Conference Meeting—Facilitates the Beginning of a Personal Conference Meeting. In the event that you do not have a Personal Conference number, you will be redirected to the Webex website. There, you will be able to obtain a Personal Conference number by combining the Host access code and the Attendee access code.
Go to Webex Site—You will be taken to the Webex site where you can begin, join, or schedule a meeting, as well as view all of the controls for your Webex site in a centralised location.
Help—This will take you to the documentation for the help centre for Cisco Webex Productivity Tools.
Check for Updates —Checks to see if you have the most recent version of Productivity Tools, and if not, gives you the option to download the newest version if one is available.
Sign Out—Removes you from the Productivity Tools account.
Webex Productivity Tools Panel
Getting your meetings started and under control has never been simpler than using the Productivity Tools panel. The Productivity Tools Panel can be accessed by clicking here. Choose the icon labelled “Productivity Tools” from either the Windows taskbar, the Start menu, or the desktop.
Depending on the settings for your site, the Productivity Tools panel or some of the choices contained inside the Productivity Tools may not be accessible to you.
The following is a list of some of the things that may be done using the Productivity Tools Panel:
- To search for a meeting, select the Search icon to open a search window. In this box, you can enter a name, email address, meeting number, keyword, or meeting title to search for a meeting. Alternatively, you can search using a combination of these search criteria.
- Make arrangements for a meeting: To access the Microsoft Outlook Meeting window and schedule a Webex, Personal Room, or Personal Conference meeting, select the Schedule icon from the Microsoft Outlook toolbar.
- Commence a meeting with: To initiate a meeting immediately, use the Start Meeting option. Instant meetings will always take place in your Personal Room unless you change the setting.
- Check out the list of your My Meetings here: Choose the more option to see all of the upcoming appointments for the day. The following actions are available to you while using the My Meeting list:
The My Meetings list does not include Personal Room meetings or meetings that were created on other Webex sites.