Webex Meetings integration with Slack
You can start and join Webex Meetings from your Slack app directly from the Webex Meetings integration. In a channel, you can easily share a link to a personal room or a scheduled meeting. A call can also be started with the call button and a link to your Personal Room can be shared.
What’s new
What’s new in Webex Meetings for Slack for each new release, which updates each month, is where you’ll find feature announcements for Webex Meetings for Slack. Be sure to subscribe so that you can stay in the loop.
You can view the archive (41.5 and older) here.
Install and setup
Users of Slack must have the integration enabled by Webex before they can install Meetings. Moreover, users must possess a valid Webex host account. You can set up meetings in Slack, workspaces, and Webex sites by following these steps.
Create a Webex Meeting for Slack and install it
The Meetings server site and meetings.webex.com sites don’t support Meetings accounts.
Known issues
Webex Meetings for Slack currently has the following known issues. Updates will be posted occasionally.
The integration of Webex Meetings with Slack is known to have some issues
Meetings integration
Once you’ve set up everything, familiarize yourself with Slack’s Meetings application and its commands. Easily join meetings when you’re ready by viewing a list of upcoming ones. The ability to schedule and cancel meetings is also available.
Webex meetings can be scheduled, started, and joined
Meetings integrate with your Slack preferences based on timezone and language.
Submit feedback
Email slack-webex-app-feedback@cisco.com or send a /webexhelp feedback message in a channel or direct message.
Contact support
Your Webex site and provider may have different ways of contacting support. The support desk of your reseller or partner can assist you if you purchased Meetings from them. Get in touch with support by following these steps.
Frequently Asked Questions