Webex Meetings PSTN audio prompts
Local language audio prompts are available to PSTN audio users. You can learn more about how Webex Meetings audio prompts work when you call in and when you call back.
The localization language on your Webex site does not affect the availability of local language prompts for select countries.
Please contact the CSM or PSM for your account if you have questions about a specific country, or if you wish to change the default language. We have an article that will help you with this question: WBX15 – How Do I Contact My Customer Success Manager (CSM)?
Call-in behavior
Welcome to Webex Prompt
A Webex user is presented with the option of choosing one of three languages to present the prompt menu to the caller when they dial into the Webex audio conference. Based on the dialed number or the DNIS information of a number, a prompt will be played.
As a rule of thumb, the following sequence of menus plays in the order listed below:
Spoken in the default language: In order to continue in default mode, press the 1 key and then press the # key.”
Spoken in 1st alternate choice language: Press the 2 followed by the # key to select the first alternate choice.”
Spoken in 2nd alternate choice language: Press the 3 key followed by the # key if you want the second alternate choice.”
It should be noted that once a user has chosen an option, the rest of the prompt sequence is carried out in the language they have selected. The sequence above will not be played if either the first and/or second alternate options are not configured. In these instances, the main Webex audio prompt will be played directly in the default language if either of these options are not configured.
Customers of Cloud Connected Audio (CCA) are not subject to the call-in behavior described above.
Table 1. Call-in language
Country | Default | First alternate | Second alternate |
AUSTRALIA | UK English | None | None |
AUSTRIA | German | UK English | None |
BELGIUM | Dutch | French | UK English |
BRAZIL | Brazilian Portuguese | Latin America Spanish | US English |
BULGARIA | UK English | None | None |
CANADA | Canadian French | US English | None |
CHINA (OUTSIDE HONG KONG) | Chinese Traditional Mandarin | UK English | None |
CROATIA | UK English | None | None |
CZECH REPUBLIC | Czech | UK English | None |
DENMARK | Danish | UK English | None |
ESTONIA | UK English | None | None |
FINLAND | Finnish | US English | None |
FRANCE | French | UK English | None |
GERMANY | German | UK English | None |
GREECE | UK English | None | None |
HONG KONG | UK English | Traditional Chinese Mandarin | None |
HUNGARY | Hungarian | US English | None |
ICELAND | UK English | None | None |
INDIA | UK English | None | None |
INDONESIA | Indonesian | UK English | None |
IRELAND | UK English | None | None |
ISRAEL | UK English | None | None |
ITALY | Italian | UK English | None |
JAPAN | Japanese | US English | None |
LATVIA | UK English | None | None |
LITHUANIA | UK English | None | None |
LUXEMBOURG | UK English | None | None |
MALAYSIA | UK English | None | None |
MEXICO | Latin America Spanish | US English | None |
NETHERLANDS | Dutch | UK English | None |
NEW ZEALAND | UK English | None | None |
NORWAY | Norwegian | US English | None |
POLAND | Polish | UK English | None |
PORTUGAL | European Portuguese | UK English | None |
ROMANIA | US English | None | None |
RUSSIA | Russian | UK English | None |
SINGAPORE | UK English | Traditional Chinese Mandarin | None |
SLOVAKIA | UK English | None | None |
SOUTH AFRICA | UK English | None | None |
SOUTH KOREA | Korean | UK English | None |
SPAIN | European Spanish | UK English | None |
SWEDEN | Swedish | UK English | None |
SWITZERLAND | UK English | German | French |
TAIWAN | Traditional Chinese Mandarin | UK English | None |
THAILAND | UK English | None | None |
UNITED KINGDOM | UK English | None | None |
USA | US English | None | None |
All other countries * | US or UK English * | None | None |
In the absence of a specific specification:
As a default, UK English will be provided to customers provisioned on EMEA bridges.
As a default, US English will be available to customers provisioning on US and Singapore bridges.
In-meeting prompts
There will be announcements during a meeting at the following intervals:
In the case of a recording, the host says (We are recording this meeting.)
When people enter the meeting or leave it (John has joined the meeting, for example), the host will announce their names.
DNIS determines what prompt will be played based on the dialed number. Table above shows the audio prompt languages according to the Country and Default columns. An announcement in UK English will be heard in Australia, for example.
Call-back behavior
Welcome to Webex Prompt
A call-back Webex audio conference doesn’t have an interactive language menu. Using the country code of the call-back country, the Webex audio prompt is played in the local language, and then another language may be played.
A Webex menu will play with the following message in the callback language depending on the country code of the callback country: “Welcome to Webex,” (if applicable) “press 1 to connect to your meeting…”, etc.
Table 2. Call-back language
County code | Country | Local language | Default language |
61 | AUSTRALIA | UK English | n/a |
43 | AUSTRIA | German | US English |
32 | BELGIUM | Dutch | US English |
55 | BRAZIL | Portuguese | US English |
359 | BULGARIA | UK English | n/a |
86 | CHINA | Chinese | US English |
385 | CROATIA | UK English | n/a |
420 | CZECH REPUBLIC | Czech | n/a |
45 | DENMARK | Danish | US English |
372 | ESTONIA | UK English | n/a |
358 | FINLAND | Finnish | n/a |
33 | FRANCE | French | US English |
49 | GERMANY | German | US English |
30 | GREECE | UK English | n/a |
852 | HONG KONG | UK English | n/a |
36 | HUNGARY | Hungarian | n/a |
354 | ICELAND | UK English | n/a |
91 | INDIA | UK English | n/a |
62 | INDONESIA | Indonsian | UK English |
353 | IRELAND | UK English | n/a |
972 | ISRAEL | UK English | n/a |
39 | ITALY | Italian | US English |
81 | JAPAN | Japanese | US English |
371 | LATVIA | UK English | n/a |
370 | LITHUANIA | UK English | n/a |
352 | LUXEMBOURG | UK English | n/a |
60 | MALAYSIA | UK English | n/a |
52 | MEXICO | Latin America Spanish | US English |
31 | NETHERLANDS | Dutch | US English |
64 | NEW ZEALAND | UK English | n/a |
47 | NORWAY | Norwegian | UK English |
48 | POLAND | Polish | n/a |
351 | PORTUGAL | European Portuguese | US English |
40 | ROMANIA | UK English | n/a |
7 | RUSSIA | Russian | US English |
65 | SINGAPORE | UK English | n/a |
421 | SLOVAKIA | UK English | n/a |
27 | SOUTH AFRICA | UK English | n/a |
82 | SOUTH KOREA | Korean | US English |
34 | SPAIN | Spanish-EU | US English |
46 | SWEDEN | Swedish | n/a |
41 | SWITZERLAND | UK English | n/a |
886 | TAIWAN | Traditional Chinese Mandarin | US English |
66 | THAILAND | UK English | n/a |
90 | TURKEY | Turkish | US English |
44 | UNITED KINGDOM | UK English | n/a |
1 | USA/CANADA | US English | n/a |
All other countries will receive US English call-back prompts.
Call-back behavior
In-meeting prompts
Call-back countries choose the local language for the audio prompt, which then may be repeated in another language.
According to the country code destination of the call-back country, the menu will be played as follows:
In the case of a recording, the host says (We are recording this meeting.)
When people enter the meeting or leave it (John has joined the meeting, for example), the host will announce their names.
For information about the audio prompt languages, see the table above. An announcement in Norwegian will follow an announcement in UK English, for example.
Supported languages for Webex audio prompts
Webex audio prompts are supported in the following languages:
Frequently Asked Questions